Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


The Region of the Jahok 319 assuring her that her children would turn out well, and holding out to her the hope that she should one day join the women under Martha's supervision and work for the benefit of the inns. I saw the disciples after the entertainment giving abundantly of what was left to the poor. Jesus then went down to the west side of the hill of Ennon where the camp of the heathens lay at some distance. There was also, I think, a tent inn on this side. There Jesus instructed the heathens. Ennon was in the dominion of Herod,. but it belonged, like a property across the boundary, to the Tetrarch Philip. Many soldiers of Herod were again there trying to find out news for their master. 15. JESUS IN RAMOTH-GALAAD From Ennon Jesus went with twelve disciples to the Jabok and the neighboring places. Andrew, James, John, and some other disciples remained at Ennon, in order to baptize at the pool of Baptism east of the hill. The water ran from the hill into the baptismal basin, formed a little lake behind it, watered some meadows as a little brook, and then fell into a reservoir on the north of Ennon from \vhich it could be turned at pleasure into the Jordan. I saw Jesus with the disciples teaching in a city about one hour east of Socoth and on the south side of the Jabok. Among the numerous sick that He healed was a Inan who since his birth had one eye closed. Jesus nl0istened it with His saliva. The eye opened, and the nlan enjoyed perfect sight. Jesus crossed the Jabok, \vhich flows through a valley, and turned to the east untiI He came into the vicinity of Mahanaim, a nice, clean city in two sections. He sat down by th.e well outside, and soon out came the Elders of the synagogues and the chief rnen of the city with goblets, food, and drink. They bade Jesus welcome, washed His and the disciples' feet, poured ointment on Jesus' head,

320 Life of Jesus Christ gave Him and the disciples a little luncheon, and conducted Him with great love and simplicity into the city. Jesus delivered a short discourse upon the Patriarch Jacob and of all that had happened to him in those parts. Most of these people had been baptized by John. A patriarchal simplicity reigned in all the cities around this region, and many of the ancient customs were still observed. Jesus did not tarry long here, only time enough to receive the honors paid Him on His route. From Mahanaim He went along the northern bank of the Jabok for about an hour eastward to the place where Jacob and Esau met. The valley here sinks deep. During the whole way Jesus taught His disciples. After some time they recrossed to the southern bank not far from where two little streams united to form the Jabok. Then they continued their journey for about a mile to the east with the desert of Ephraim on their right. After traversing the valley they found, upon a mountainridge to the east of the forest of Ephraim, Ramoth­ Galaad, a beautiful city, clean and regularly built. In it the heathens had their own quarter and temple. The sacred services were celebrated by Levites. One of the disciples went on ahead to announce Jesus' approach. The Levites and others of distinction were already awaiting Him in a tent near the well outside the city. They washed the newcomers' feet, gave them the usual refreshments as a pledge of hospitality, and conducted them into the city. There they found a crowd of poor sick gathered on an open square to implore Jesus' help. He cured many of them. That evening He taught in the synagogue, for it was the beginning of the Sabbath that commemorated the sacrifice of Jephte's daughter, which in this city was celebrated as a mourning and national festival. There were crowds of young maidens and other people from the country around. Jesus and the disciples took a repast with the Levites

320 Life of Jesus Christ<br />

gave Him and the disciples a little luncheon, and conducted<br />

Him with great love and simplicity into the city.<br />

Jesus delivered a short discourse upon the Patriarch Jacob<br />

and of all that had happened to him in those parts. Most<br />

of these people had been baptized by John. A patriarchal<br />

simplicity reigned in all the cities around this region, and<br />

many of the ancient customs were still observed. Jesus did<br />

not tarry long here, only time enough to receive the<br />

honors paid Him on His route.<br />

From Mahanaim He went along the northern bank of<br />

the Jabok for about an hour eastward to the place where<br />

Jacob and Esau met. The valley here sinks deep. During<br />

the whole way Jesus taught His disciples. After some time<br />

they recrossed to the southern bank not far from where<br />

two little streams united to form the Jabok. Then they<br />

continued their journey for about a mile to the east with<br />

the desert of Ephraim on their right.<br />

After traversing the valley they found, upon a mountainridge<br />

to the east of the forest of Ephraim, Ramoth­<br />

Galaad, a beautiful city, clean and regularly built. In it<br />

the heathens had their own quarter and temple. The<br />

sacred services were celebrated by Levites. One of the<br />

disciples went on ahead to announce Jesus' approach. The<br />

Levites and others of distinction were already awaiting<br />

Him in a tent near the well outside the city. They washed<br />

the newcomers' feet, gave them the usual refreshments as<br />

a pledge of hospitality, and conducted them into the city.<br />

There they found a crowd of poor sick gathered on an<br />

open square to implore Jesus' help. He cured many of<br />

them. That evening He taught in the synagogue, for it was<br />

the beginning of the Sabbath that commemorated the<br />

sacrifice of Jephte's daughter, which in this city was celebrated<br />

as a mourning and national festival. There were<br />

crowds of young maidens and other people from the country<br />

around.<br />

Jesus and the disciples took a repast with the Levites

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