Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Mary of Suphan 315 afternoon. Then Jesus and the disciples went with the Pharisees down the hill and into the city, where a great entertainment had been. prepared for Him in one of the public halls. But when He drew near the hall, He stopped short, saying: "I have another kind of hunger ," and He asked (though He already knew) where that woman lived whom they had sent away from Him in the morning. They pointed out the house. It was near the hall of entertainment. Jesus left His companions standing where they were, while He went forward and entered the house through the courtyard. As Jesus approached, I saw the fearful torture and affliction of the woman inside. The devil, who had possession of her, drove her from one corner to another. She was like a tin10rous animal that would hide itself. As Jesus was traversing the court and drawing near to where she was, she fled through a corridor and into a cellar in the side of the hill upon which her house was built. In it was a vessel like a great cask, narrow above and wide below. She wanted to hide herself in it, but when she tried to do so, it burst with a loud crash. It was an immense earthen vessel. Jesus meantime halted and cried: "Mary of Suphan, wife of ..." (here He pronounced her husband's name, which I have forgotten) ""I command thee in the Name of God to come to Me!" Then the woman, enveloped from head to foot, as if the demon forced her still to hide in her mantle, came creeping to Jesus' feet on all fours, like a dog awaiting the whip. But Jesus said to her: "Stand up!" She obeyed, but drew her veil tightly over her face and around her neck as if she wanted to strangle herself. Then said the Lord to her: "Uncover thy face!" and she unwound her veil, but lowering her eyes and averting them from Jesus as if forced to do so by an interior power. Jesus, approaching His head to hers, said: ""Look at Me!" and she obeyed. He breathed upon her, a black vapor went out of her on

316 L(fe of Jesus Christ all sides, and she fell unconscious before Him. Her servant maids, alarmed by the loud bursting of the cask, had hurried thither and were standing nearby. Jesus directed thern to take their mistress upstairs and lay her on a bed. He soon followed with two of the disciples that had accompanied Him, and found her weeping bitter tears. He went to her, laid His hand on her head, and said: "Thy sins are forgiven thee!" She wept vehemently and sat up. And now her three children entered the room, a boy about twelve years old, and two little girls of about nine and seven. The girls wore little short-sleeved tunics embroidered in yellow. Jesus stepped forward to meet the children, spoke to them kindly, asked them some questions, and gave them some instruction. Their mother said: ""Thank the Prophet! He has cured me!" whereupon the little ones fell on the ground at Jesus' feet. He blessed them, led thenl one by one to their mother, in order of age, and put their little hands into hers. It seemed to me that, by this action, Jesus removed from the children the disgrace, and thus legitimatized them, for they were the fruits of adulterous unions. Jesus still consoled the woman, telling her that she would be reconciled with her husband, and counseling her thenceforth to live righteously in contrition and penance. After that He went with the disciples to the entertainment of the Pharisees. This woman was from Suphan in the land of Moab. She was a descendant of Orpha, the widow of Chelion, and daughter-in-law of Noemi, who upon the latter's advice did not go with her to Bethlehem, though Ruth, the widow of Orpha's other son Mahalon, accompanied Noemi thither. Orpha, the widow of Chelion, who was the son of Elimelech of Bethlehem, married again in Moab, and from that union sprang the family of Mary the Suphanite. She was a Jewess and rich, but an adulteress. The three children that she had with her at the time of her conversion were illegitimate. Her legiti­

Mary of Suphan<br />

315<br />

afternoon. Then Jesus and the disciples went with the<br />

Pharisees down the hill and into the city, where a great<br />

entertainment had been. prepared for Him in one of the<br />

public halls. But when He drew near the hall, He stopped<br />

short, saying: "I have another kind of hunger ," and He<br />

asked (though He already knew) where that woman lived<br />

whom they had sent away from Him in the morning.<br />

They pointed out the house. It was near the hall of entertainment.<br />

Jesus left His companions standing where they<br />

were, while He went forward and entered the house<br />

through the courtyard.<br />

As Jesus approached, I saw the fearful torture and<br />

affliction of the woman inside. The devil, who had possession<br />

of her, drove her from one corner to another. She<br />

was like a tin10rous animal that would hide itself. As<br />

Jesus was traversing the court and drawing near to where<br />

she was, she fled through a corridor and into a cellar in<br />

the side of the hill upon which her house was built. In it<br />

was a vessel like a great cask, narrow above and wide<br />

below. She wanted to hide herself in it, but when she<br />

tried to do so, it burst with a loud crash. It was an immense<br />

earthen vessel. Jesus meantime halted and cried:<br />

"Mary of Suphan, wife of ..." (here He pronounced her<br />

husband's name, which I have forgotten) ""I command<br />

thee in the Name of God to come to Me!" Then the<br />

woman, enveloped from head to foot, as if the demon<br />

forced her still to hide in her mantle, came creeping to<br />

Jesus' feet on all fours, like a dog awaiting the whip. But<br />

Jesus said to her: "Stand up!" She obeyed, but drew her<br />

veil tightly over her face and around her neck as if she<br />

wanted to strangle herself. Then said the Lord to her:<br />

"Uncover thy face!" and she unwound her veil, but<br />

lowering her eyes and averting them from Jesus as if<br />

forced to do so by an interior power. Jesus, approaching<br />

His head to hers, said: ""Look at Me!" and she obeyed.<br />

He breathed upon her, a black vapor went out of her on

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