Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Rebecca's School 299 upon Sodom and Gomorrha formed a part of the instruction given. When Jesus visited the school, the young girls were computing a chronological table upon the coming of the Messiah. All agreed in their reckoning, which brought the result down to their own time. Just at that moment, in stepped Jesus and His disciples, a circumstance that produced a very powerful inlpression upon the scholars. Jesus took up the subject then engrossing their attention, and explained to them with the utmost clearness that the Messiah was already come, though not yet recognized. He spoke of the unknown Messiah, and of the signs that were to herald His coming, and that had already been fulfilled. Of the words: "A virgin shall bring forth a son," Jesus spoke only in veiled terms, since those children were too young to comprehend them. He exhorted them to rejoice that they lived in a tinle after which the Patriarchs and Prophets had so long sighed. He dwelt upon the persecutions and sufferings the Messiah was to endure, and explained some texts of Prophecy to that effect. He told them to be on the watch for what would take place in Jericho at the approaching feast of Tabernacles. He spoke of miracles, and particularly of the curing of the blind. He made for them also a chronology of the Messiah, spoke of John and of the baptism, asked whether they too wanted to be baptized, and, lastly, related to them the parable of the lost drachma. The girls sat in school cross-legged, sometimes with one knee raised. Each was provided with a kind of table and bench combined. She leaned sideways against the one, and when writing, supported her roll on the other. They often stood while listening to the instruction given them. In the house at which Jesus put up there was also a boys' school. It was a kind of orphanage, an institution for the education of children abandoned by their parents.

300 Life of Jesus Christ There were some of Jewish parentage who had been rescued from slavery, in which they had grown up without instruction in the religion of their forefathers. Both Pharisees and Sadducees taught in the school. Little girls also were received, the youngest of whom received instruction from the larger ones. At the moment of Jesus' entrance into this school, the boys were making some calculation connected with Job. As they could not readily do it, Jesus explained it and wrote it down for them in letters. He also explained to them something relating to measure, two hours of distance or time, I do not now know which. He explained much of the Book of Job. Some of the rabbis at this period attacked the truth of the history therein contained, since the Edomites, to which race Herod belonged, bantered and ridiculed the Jews for accepting as true the history of a man of the land of Edom, although in that land no such man was ever known to exist. They looked upon the whole story as a mere fable, gotten up to encourage the Israelites under their afflictions in the desert. Jesus related Job's history to the boys as if it had really happened. He did so in the manner of a Prophet and Catechist, as if He sawall passing before Him, as if it were His own history, as if He heard and saw everything connected with it, or as if Job himself had told it to Him. His hearers knew not what to think. Who was this Man that now addressed them? Was He one of Job's contemporaries? Or was He an angel of God? Or was He God Himself? But the boys did not wonder long about it, for they soon felt that Jesus was a Prophet, and they associated Him with Melchisedech, of whom they had heard and of whose origin man knows not. Jesus spoke likewise of the signification of salt. He made it clear by a parable, and related that of the Prodigal Son. The Pharisees arrived during Jesus' instructions, and were highly displeased to find Him applying to Hinlself all the signs and

300 Life of Jesus Christ<br />

There were some of Jewish parentage who had been<br />

rescued from slavery, in which they had grown up without<br />

instruction in the religion of their forefathers. Both<br />

Pharisees and Sadducees taught in the school. Little girls<br />

also were received, the youngest of whom received instruction<br />

from the larger ones.<br />

At the moment of Jesus' entrance into this school, the<br />

boys were making some calculation connected with Job.<br />

As they could not readily do it, Jesus explained it and<br />

wrote it down for them in letters. He also explained to<br />

them something relating to measure, two hours of distance<br />

or time, I do not now know which. He explained<br />

much of the Book of Job. Some of the rabbis at this<br />

period attacked the truth of the history therein contained,<br />

since the Edomites, to which race Herod belonged, bantered<br />

and ridiculed the Jews for accepting as true the<br />

history of a man of the land of Edom, although in that<br />

land no such man was ever known to exist. They looked<br />

upon the whole story as a mere fable, gotten up to encourage<br />

the Israelites under their afflictions in the desert.<br />

Jesus related Job's history to the boys as if it had really<br />

happened. He did so in the manner of a Prophet and<br />

Catechist, as if He sawall passing before Him, as if it<br />

were His own history, as if He heard and saw everything<br />

connected with it, or as if Job himself had told it to Him.<br />

His hearers knew not what to think. Who was this Man<br />

that now addressed them? Was He one of Job's contemporaries?<br />

Or was He an angel of God? Or was He God<br />

Himself? But the boys did not wonder long about it, for<br />

they soon felt that Jesus was a Prophet, and they associated<br />

Him with Melchisedech, of whom they had heard<br />

and of whose origin man knows not. Jesus spoke likewise<br />

of the signification of salt. He made it clear by a parable,<br />

and related that of the Prodigal Son. The Pharisees arrived<br />

during Jesus' instructions, and were highly displeased<br />

to find Him applying to Hinlself all the signs and

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