Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Rebecca's School 297 long tunic, and lastly a long gown fastened in front with buttons. They wound their heads in a veil or with several rows of ruffs, such as are worn nowadays around the neck. I saw that they studied in Rebecca's time the religion of Abraham: the creation of the world, about Adam and Eve and their entrance into Paradise, Eve's seduction by Satan, and the Fall of the first man and woman by their violation of the abstinence commanded them by God. By the eating of the forbidden fruit arose sinful appetites in man. The young girls were taught also that Satan had promised our first parents a divine illumination and knowledge, but that after sin they were blinded. A film was drawn over their eyes; they lost the gift of vision they had possessed. Now they had to labor in the sweat of their brow, bring forth children in pain, and with difficulty acquire the knowledge of which they had need. They learned, too, that to the woman a son was promised who should crush the serpent's head. They were taught about Abel and Cain and the latter's descendants, who became degenerate and wicked. The sons of God, seduced by the beauty of the daughters of men, formed unions with them from which sprang a mighty, godless race of giants, powerful in enchantment and the art of magic, a race that discovered and taught to others all kinds of pleasure and false wisdom, all that buried the soul in sin and tore it away from God, a race that had so seduced and corrupted men that God resolved to destroy them all with the exception of Noe and his family. This people had fixed their principal abode on a high mountain range up which they ever pressed higher and higher. But in the Deluge that mountain was submerged, and a sea now covers its site. They (the scholars of Rebecca's school) learned also all about the Deluge, about Noe's escape in the ark, about Sem, Cham, and Japhet, about Cham's sin, and the reiterated wickedness of men at the

298 Life of Jesus Christ Tower of Babel. They were told of the building of that Tower, of its destruction, of the confusion of tongues, and of the dispersion of men now become enemies to one another. All this recalled to the youthful minds of the scholars the impiety of the giants on that high mountain, those wicked, powerful men, those dealers in witchcraft, and they saw the fatal consequences of unions forbidden by the La\v of God. Necromancy and idolatry were practiced likewise at the Tower of Babel. By such teachings were the converted Gentile maidens warned against alliances with idolaters, idle efforts after necromancy and the hidden arts, against the seductions of the world, sensual delights, vain adornments-in a word, against all that did not lead to God. They were taught to look upon such things as tending to those sins on whose account God had once destroyed mankind. They were, on the other hand, instructed in the fear of God, obedience, subjection, and in the faithful, simple exercise of all duties devolving upon the pastoral life. They were also taught the Commandments that God gave to Noe, for instance, abstinence from uncooked meat. They learned of God's h2.ving made choice of the race of Abraham, to make of his descendants His chosen people from whom the RedeeIller was to be born. For this purpose He had called Abraham from the land of Ur, and had set him apart from the infidel races. They were told of God's sending white men to Abraham, that is, men who appeared white and luminous. These men had confided to Abraham the Mystery of God's Blessing, owing to which his posterity was to be great above all the nations of the earth. The transmitting of that Mystery they referred to only in general terms, as of a Blessing from which Redemption should spring. They were told also about Melchisedech's being a white man like those sent to Abraham, of his sacrifice of bread and wine, and of his blessing Abraham. The chastisement inflicted by God

Rebecca's School<br />

297<br />

long tunic, and lastly a long gown fastened in front with<br />

buttons. They wound their heads in a veil or with several<br />

rows of ruffs, such as are worn nowadays around the<br />

neck.<br />

I saw that they studied in Rebecca's time the religion<br />

of Abraham: the creation of the world, about Adam and<br />

Eve and their entrance into Paradise, Eve's seduction by<br />

Satan, and the Fall of the first man and woman by their<br />

violation of the abstinence commanded them by God. By<br />

the eating of the forbidden fruit arose sinful appetites in<br />

man. The young girls were taught also that Satan had<br />

promised our first parents a divine illumination and<br />

knowledge, but that after sin they were blinded. A film<br />

was drawn over their eyes; they lost the gift of vision<br />

they had possessed. Now they had to labor in the sweat<br />

of their brow, bring forth children in pain, and with<br />

difficulty acquire the knowledge of which they had need.<br />

They learned, too, that to the woman a son was promised<br />

who should crush the serpent's head. They were taught<br />

about Abel and Cain and the latter's descendants, who<br />

became degenerate and wicked. The sons of God,<br />

seduced by the beauty of the daughters of men, formed<br />

unions with them from which sprang a mighty, godless<br />

race of giants, powerful in enchantment and the art of<br />

magic, a race that discovered and taught to others all<br />

kinds of pleasure and false wisdom, all that buried the<br />

soul in sin and tore it away from God, a race that had so<br />

seduced and corrupted men that God resolved to destroy<br />

them all with the exception of Noe and his family. This<br />

people had fixed their principal abode on a high mountain<br />

range up which they ever pressed higher and higher.<br />

But in the Deluge that mountain was submerged, and a<br />

sea now covers its site. They (the scholars of Rebecca's<br />

school) learned also all about the Deluge, about Noe's<br />

escape in the ark, about Sem, Cham, and Japhet, about<br />

Cham's sin, and the reiterated wickedness of men at the

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