Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Jesus in the Synagogue 283 of His own day to dumb dogs which, instead of keeping guard, think but of fattening themselves, of eating and drinking immoderately. By these words He meant the Herodians and Sadducees who, lurking in secret, attack people without barking, yes, even assault the pastors of the flock. Jesus' words were very sharp and incisive. Toward the close of His discourse, He read from Deuteronomy 11 :29, of the blessing upon Garizim and the curse upon Hebal, and of many other things connected with the Commandments and the Promised Land. These different passages Jesus applied to the Kingdom of God. One of the Herodians stepped up to Him and very respectfully begged Him to say a word upon the number of those that would enter His Kingdom. They thought to entrap Him by this question, because on the one side, all by circumcision had a share in the Kingdom; and on the other, while rejecting many of the Jews, He had spoken even of Gentiles and eunuchs as having a part in it. Jesus did not give them a direct answer. He beat around and at last struck upon a point that made them forget their former question. To another question put to Him, His answer consisted of a series of interrogations: How many of those that had wandered in the desert entered the land of Canaan? Nevertheless, had not all gone through the Jordan? How many really entered into possession of the land? Had they conquered it entirely, or were they not obliged to share it with the Gentiles? Would they not one day be chased out of it? Jesus added, moreover, that no one should enter into His Kingdom excepting by the narrow way and the gate of the Spouse. I understood that by this were signified Mary and the Church. In the Church we· are regenerated by Baptism; from Mary was the Bridegroonl born, in order that through her He might lead us into the Church, and through the Church to God. He contrasted entrance by the gate of the Spouse with

284 Life of Jesus Christ entrance through a side door. It was a similitude like unto that of the Good Shepherd and the hireling (John 10: 1 et seq.). He added that entrance is permitted only by the door. The words of Jesus on the Cross before He died, when He called Mary the Mother of John and John the son of Mary, have a mysterious connection with this regeneration of man through His death. Not having succeeded that evening in ensnaring Jesus, His enemies resolved to postpone further attempts until the close of the Sabbath. It is indeed wonderful! When Jesus' enemies were concocting their schemes, they could boast of how they would catch Him and pin Him down in His doctrine; but as soon as He presented Himself before them, they could bring nothing against Him; they were amazed and almost persuaded of the truth of His words, though at the same time full of rage. Jesus quietly left the synagogue. They conducted Him to a repast with one of the Pharisees, where, too, they could neither attack nor surprise Him. He spoke here a parable of a feast to which the master of the house had invited the guests at a certain hour, after which the doors were closed and tardy comers were not admitted. The repast over, Jesus went with the disciples to sleep at the house of another Pharisee, an upright man and an acquaintance of Andrew. He had honestly defended those disciples, among them Andrew, who, in consequence of what had happened at the Pasch, had been brought before the court of justice. He had lately become a widower. He was still young, and soon after he joined the disciples. His name was Dinocus, or Dinotus. His son, twelve years old, was called Josaphat. His house was to the west and outside the city. Jesus had come to Gennabris from the south. He had descended the cultivated neighboring heights of Dothain, which lay more to the south than Gennabris, and then secretly turned back to the latter city. The Pharisee's house was on the west side,

284 Life of Jesus Christ<br />

entrance through a side door. It was a similitude like<br />

unto that of the Good Shepherd and the hireling (John<br />

10: 1 et seq.). He added that entrance is permitted only by<br />

the door. The words of Jesus on the Cross before He<br />

died, when He called Mary the Mother of John and John<br />

the son of Mary, have a mysterious connection with this<br />

regeneration of man through His death.<br />

Not having succeeded that evening in ensnaring Jesus,<br />

His enemies resolved to postpone further attempts until<br />

the close of the Sabbath. It is indeed wonderful! When<br />

Jesus' enemies were concocting their schemes, they could<br />

boast of how they would catch Him and pin Him down<br />

in His doctrine; but as soon as He presented Himself<br />

before them, they could bring nothing against Him; they<br />

were amazed and almost persuaded of the truth of His<br />

words, though at the same time full of rage.<br />

Jesus quietly left the synagogue. They conducted Him<br />

to a repast with one of the Pharisees, where, too, they<br />

could neither attack nor surprise Him. He spoke here a<br />

parable of a feast to which the master of the house had<br />

invited the guests at a certain hour, after which the doors<br />

were closed and tardy comers were not admitted.<br />

The repast over, Jesus went with the disciples to sleep<br />

at the house of another Pharisee, an upright man and an<br />

acquaintance of Andrew. He had honestly defended those<br />

disciples, among them Andrew, who, in consequence of<br />

what had happened at the Pasch, had been brought<br />

before the court of justice. He had lately become a<br />

widower. He was still young, and soon after he joined the<br />

disciples. His name was Dinocus, or Dinotus. His son,<br />

twelve years old, was called Josaphat. His house was to<br />

the west and outside the city. Jesus had come to Gennabris<br />

from the south. He had descended the cultivated<br />

neighboring heights of Dothain, which lay more to the<br />

south than Gennabris, and then secretly turned back to<br />

the latter city. The Pharisee's house was on the west side,

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