Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Jesus in Nazareth 233 of the Precursor in the desert, and said that all things should be made even, the crooked ways straight, etc. The instructions over, Jesus accepted a meal that had been prepared for Him. The people behaved toward Him in a very friendly manner, and told Him that they had many sick whom He must cure. Jesus excused Himself. But they thought that He meant: "Not today. Wait till tomorrow." After the meal, He returned to the Essenians outside the city. As they were congratulating HilTI upon the kind reception He had received, He told them to wait till the following day when they would have another story to tell. When Jesus went next morning to the synagogue, a Jew whose turn it was to read was about to take the roll of Scriptures. But Jesus desired them to hand it to Him. He taught from Deuteronomy, chapter 4, of the obedience due to the Commandments, from which nothing must be taken and to which nothing must be added. He reminded them that, although Moses had zealously repeated to the Children of Israel all that God commanded, yet they had frequently violated His ordinances. The Ten Commandments presented themselves in the course of the reading, and Jesus explained the first, that on the love of God. He spoke very severely, reproaching them with the additions they made to the Law, laying burdens upon the poor people, and not fulfilling the Law itself. He assailed thern so sharply on this point that they became angry, for they could not say that He was uttering falsehood. But they murmured and said one to another: "How does He dare all at once to speak so boldly! He has been away from His native city only a short time, and now He wants to pass I-limself off for some extraordinary personage. He speaks as if He were the Messiah. But we know His father, the poor carpenter, well, and we know Him too. Where did He learn the Scriptures? How can He dare presume to interpret for us?" And so they went on,

234 Life of Jesus Christ growing more and more excited against Him, for they were mortified to have been thus convicted before all the people. But Jesus quietly continued His teaching, and went when it suited Him out to the Essenian family. Here He was visited by the sons of the rich man, the youths who some time previously had so earnestly asked to be received among the disciples, and whose parents were aiming only at worldly renown and science for them. They pressed Jesus to dine with them, but He declined. Then they renewed their entreaties to be received among His followers, saying that they had fulfilled all that He had on a former occasion commanded them. Jesus replied: "If ye have done that, there is no need of becoming My pupils. You are yourselves masters," and with these words He dismissed them. Jesus ate and taught in the family circle of the Essenians, who told Him in how many ways they were annoyed by their neighbors. He counseled them to remove to Capharnaum, where He Himself would dwell in the future. Meantime the Pharisees had consulted together, had incited one another against Jesus, and had come to the determination that, if He spoke so boldly again that evening, they would show Him that He had no right to do so in Nazareth, and would perpetrate upon Him what had so long been desired in Jerusalem. Still they were not without hope that He would yield to their wishes and, through respect for them, work some miracle in their presence. When He returned to the synagogue for the close of the Sabbath, He found lying in front of it some sick who had been brought there by order of the Pharisees. But He passed through them without curing any. He went on with His discourse in the synagogue, speaking of the plenitude of time, of His own mission, of the last chance of grace, of the depravity of the Pharisees

Jesus in Nazareth 233<br />

of the Precursor in the desert, and said that all things<br />

should be made even, the crooked ways straight, etc.<br />

The instructions over, Jesus accepted a meal that had<br />

been prepared for Him. The people behaved toward Him<br />

in a very friendly manner, and told Him that they had<br />

many sick whom He must cure. Jesus excused Himself.<br />

But they thought that He meant: "Not today. Wait till<br />

tomorrow." After the meal, He returned to the Essenians<br />

outside the city. As they were congratulating HilTI upon<br />

the kind reception He had received, He told them to wait<br />

till the following day when they would have another story<br />

to tell.<br />

When Jesus went next morning to the synagogue, a<br />

Jew whose turn it was to read was about to take the roll<br />

of Scriptures. But Jesus desired them to hand it to Him.<br />

He taught from Deuteronomy, chapter 4, of the obedience<br />

due to the Commandments, from which nothing<br />

must be taken and to which nothing must be added. He<br />

reminded them that, although Moses had zealously repeated<br />

to the Children of Israel all that God commanded,<br />

yet they had frequently violated His ordinances. The Ten<br />

Commandments presented themselves in the course of the<br />

reading, and Jesus explained the first, that on the love of<br />

God. He spoke very severely, reproaching them with the<br />

additions they made to the Law, laying burdens upon the<br />

poor people, and not fulfilling the Law itself. He assailed<br />

thern so sharply on this point that they became angry, for<br />

they could not say that He was uttering falsehood. But<br />

they murmured and said one to another: "How does He<br />

dare all at once to speak so boldly! He has been away<br />

from His native city only a short time, and now He wants<br />

to pass I-limself off for some extraordinary personage. He<br />

speaks as if He were the Messiah. But we know His<br />

father, the poor carpenter, well, and we know Him too.<br />

Where did He learn the Scriptures? How can He dare<br />

presume to interpret for us?" And so they went on,

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