Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


The Law of Divorce 231 said that if one party could not live in peace with the other, they might with permission separate. The stronger party, however, ought not without cause drive away the weaker one against the will of the latter. But Jesus' words did not effect much among His opponents. They were vexed and proud, but they could not gainsay His arguments. The Doctor of the Law who had been reprimanded and converted by Jesus in Lower Sephoris separated entirely from the Pharisees and made known to the people that he would for the future teach the Law without addition. If they were unwilling to retain him on those conditions, he would withdraw. The interpolated passage in the Law of divorce ran as follows: "If before marriage one of the parties has had illicit communication with a third person, the marriage is invalid. The third person has the right to claim the one with whom he or she has sinned, even though the parties of the present marriage desire to remain united." Jesus inveighed against this, and declared the law of divorce to have been given to a barbarous people only. Two of the most distinguished Pharisees engaged in the dispute were precisely in that predicament. They were preparing to avail themselves of that interpolation with regard to divorce, and therefore had they been zealous in proclaiming that part of their so-called law. This fact was not publicly known, but Jesus knew it and therefore He said to them: "In defending this distortion of the Law, are you not perhaps defending your own case also?" at which words they fell into a fury. 5. JESUS IN NAZARETH. THE PHARISEES WANT TO CAST HIM DOWN A MOUNTAIN Jesus went from this place to Nazareth, the distance being about two hours. He taught outside the city in the

232 Life of jesus Christ dwelling belonging to the children of His deceased friend, Eliud the Essenian. They washed His feet, gave Him some refreshment, and remarked how rejoiced the Nazarenes would be at His coming. Jesus replied that their joy would be of short duration, since they would not care to hear what He must say to them, and then He went into the city. Someone had been appointed to wait for Him at the gate. Scarcely had He nlade His appearance when several Pharisees and a crowd of people came forward to meet Him. They received Him very cerenl0niously and wanted to conduct Him to a public inn where they had prepared for Him a feast of welcome before the Sabbath. But Jesus refused to partake of it, saying that He had just now other work on hand. He ,went immediately to the synagogue, whither He was followed by the Pharisees and a concourse of people. The hour of the Sabbath had not yet sounded. Jesus taught of the coming of the Kingdom and the fulfillment of the Prophecies. Asking for the Book of Isaias, He unrolled it and read as follows: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because the Lord hath anointed Me: He hath sent me to preach to the meek, to heal the contrite of heart, and to preach a release to the captives, and deliverance to them that are shut up." I The manner in which Jesus read this text gave His hearers to understand that it was spoken of Himself, that the Spirit of God had descended upon Himself, that He Himself had come to announce salvation to poor, suffering humanity, that all wrong should be made right, widows should be consoled, the sick cured, sinners forgiven. His words were so beautiful, so loving that, wondering and full of joy, they said one to another: "He speaks as if He Himself were the Messiah!" They were so carried away with admiration for Him that they became quite vain of the fact that He belonged to their own city. Jesus went on teaching after the Sabbath began. He spoke of the voice

232<br />

Life of jesus Christ<br />

dwelling belonging to the children of His deceased friend,<br />

Eliud the Essenian. They washed His feet, gave Him<br />

some refreshment, and remarked how rejoiced the<br />

Nazarenes would be at His coming. Jesus replied that<br />

their joy would be of short duration, since they would not<br />

care to hear what He must say to them, and then He<br />

went into the city. Someone had been appointed to wait<br />

for Him at the gate. Scarcely had He nlade His appearance<br />

when several Pharisees and a crowd of people<br />

came forward to meet Him. They received Him very<br />

cerenl0niously and wanted to conduct Him to a public<br />

inn where they had prepared for Him a feast of welcome<br />

before the Sabbath. But Jesus refused to partake of it,<br />

saying that He had just now other work on hand. He<br />

,went immediately to the synagogue, whither He was<br />

followed by the Pharisees and a concourse of people. The<br />

hour of the Sabbath had not yet sounded.<br />

Jesus taught of the coming of the Kingdom and the<br />

fulfillment of the Prophecies. Asking for the Book of<br />

Isaias, He unrolled it and read as follows: "The Spirit of<br />

the Lord is upon Me, because the Lord hath anointed<br />

Me: He hath sent me to preach to the meek, to heal the<br />

contrite of heart, and to preach a release to the captives,<br />

and deliverance to them that are shut up." I The manner<br />

in which Jesus read this text gave His hearers to understand<br />

that it was spoken of Himself, that the Spirit of<br />

God had descended upon Himself, that He Himself had<br />

come to announce salvation to poor, suffering humanity,<br />

that all wrong should be made right, widows should be<br />

consoled, the sick cured, sinners forgiven. His words<br />

were so beautiful, so loving that, wondering and full of<br />

joy, they said one to another: "He speaks as if He Himself<br />

were the Messiah!" They were so carried away with<br />

admiration for Him that they became quite vain of the<br />

fact that He belonged to their own city. Jesus went on<br />

teaching after the Sabbath began. He spoke of the voice

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