Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Andre») and His Wife 225 giving thanks with abundant tears. It was truly touching. These people were utterly neglected. Jesus took the superintendent back to Andrew's to dine with Him. As they were leaving the hospital, the relatives of some of the cured presented themselves from Bethsaida bringing them clothes. They took them joyfully first to their homes and next to the synagogue, to give thanks to God. There was a grand dinner prepared at Andrew's consisting of fine, large fish. They ate in an open hall, the women at a separate table. Andrew himself served. His wife was very active and industrious, rarely leaving the house. She carried on a kind of trade in net weaving, employing a number of poor girls for the work. The greatest system and order reigned throughout her establishment. Among those so employed were some poor, fallen wonlen, once honorable wives, but afterward repudiated for misconduct. They had no place of refuge, and so the good mistress, pitying their distress, gave them work, instructed them in their duty, and prevailed upon them to implore the mercy of God. That evening Jesus taught in the synagogue, and then reconlmenced His journeying with the disciples. He passed many sick, but without curing them, for, as He said, their time had not yet come. After taking leave of His Mother, He returned with all His disciples to the house near Capharnaum that Peter had placed at His service. Jesus conversed there a long time with His disciples, and then left them to go spend the night in prayer on a hill, which tapered to a point and was covered with cypresses. Capharnaum lay in a half-circle up on a mountain. It had nunlerous vineyards and terraced gardens. On the top of the mountain grew wheat, thick and stout as rushes. It was a large and pleasant place. It had once been still more extensive, or another city had stood in the vicinity, for not far off I sawall kinds of ruins like

226 tokens of a destructive war. Life of Jesus Christ 4. JESUS IN AND AROUND LESSER SEPHORIS. HIS DIFFERENT WAYS OF CURING THE SICK Jesus went from Capharnaum to Nazareth, the Galilean disciples accompanying Him for about five hours. He instructed them on the way concerning their future vocation. He counseled Peter to leave the borders of the lake, take up his abode in his house near Capharnaum, and give up his business. They passed several cities, also the little lake with the country seats around it. In a shepherd field two possessed men came running to Jesus and implored to be cured. They were the owners of the herds browsing around, and were only now and then tormented by the devil. Just at that time they were free from his influence. Jesus would not cure them, but commanded them first to amend their ways. He made use of an example: If a man was sick from overloading his stomach, and wanted to get well in order to indulge in new excesses, what would they think of him? The men turned away quite ashamed. The disciples left Jesus a couple of hours from Sephoris and returned to Peter's, Saturnin among them. There were only two with Him now. They were from Jerusalem, and were on their way home. Jesus went to Lower Sephoris, or Lesser Sephoris, and put up with the relatives of St. Anne. It was not, however, at Anne's paternal home, for that was between this Sephoris and Upper Sephoris, the latter distant about an hour. There were ll1any houses lying around in a circle of five hours, all belonging to the city of Sephoris. Jesus did not go at this tinle to Upper Sephoris, where were schools of the various sects and tribunals of justice. There were not many rich people in Lower Sephoris. They nlanufactured cloth and the rich women made silk

226<br />

tokens of a destructive war.<br />

Life of Jesus Christ<br />



THE SICK<br />

Jesus went from Capharnaum to Nazareth, the<br />

Galilean disciples accompanying Him for about five<br />

hours. He instructed them on the way concerning their<br />

future vocation. He counseled Peter to leave the borders<br />

of the lake, take up his abode in his house near Capharnaum,<br />

and give up his business. They passed several<br />

cities, also the little lake with the country seats around it.<br />

In a shepherd field two possessed men came running to<br />

Jesus and implored to be cured. They were the owners of<br />

the herds browsing around, and were only now and then<br />

tormented by the devil. Just at that time they were free<br />

from his influence. Jesus would not cure them, but commanded<br />

them first to amend their ways. He made use of<br />

an example: If a man was sick from overloading his<br />

stomach, and wanted to get well in order to indulge in<br />

new excesses, what would they think of him? The men<br />

turned away quite ashamed. The disciples left Jesus a<br />

couple of hours from Sephoris and returned to Peter's,<br />

Saturnin among them. There were only two with Him<br />

now. They were from Jerusalem, and were on their way<br />

home. Jesus went to Lower Sephoris, or Lesser Sephoris,<br />

and put up with the relatives of St. Anne. It was not,<br />

however, at Anne's paternal home, for that was between<br />

this Sephoris and Upper Sephoris, the latter distant about<br />

an hour. There were ll1any houses lying around in a circle<br />

of five hours, all belonging to the city of Sephoris.<br />

Jesus did not go at this tinle to Upper Sephoris, where<br />

were schools of the various sects and tribunals of justice.<br />

There were not many rich people in Lower Sephoris.<br />

They nlanufactured cloth and the rich women made silk

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