Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


224 Life of Jesus Christ was not yet baptized. Bethsaida was full of people from the surrounding towns and villages, along with strangers from the other side of the lake, from the country of Corozain and Bethsaida-Julias. Jesus taught in the synagogue, which was not a very large building. He spoke of the nearness of God's Kingdom, saying in very plain words that He Himself was the Monarch of that Kingdom, and arousing the usual amount of wonder in His disciples and hearers. As on the preceding days, He taught in general terms and cured many sick who had been brought and laid outside the synagogue. Several possessed cried after Hinl: "Jesus of Nazareth! Prophet, King of the Jews!" He commanded them silence, for the time had not yet come to make Him known. When Jesus had finished teaching and healing, He went with His disciples to Andrew's to get something to eat. But He did not go in-He said that He had another kind of hunger. Taking with Him Saturnin and another of the disciples, they went up the shores of the lake about seven minutes' walk fron1 Andrew's. There in a lonely hospital were some poor lepers, simpletons, and other miserable, forlorn creatures languishing, quite forgotten by the rest of the world; some of them were entirely nude. No one from Bethsaida had followed Jesus for fear of contracting impurity. The cells of these poor creatures were built around a court. They never left them, their food being given them through an aperture in the door. Jesus commanded the superintendent of the hospital to bring out the miserable patients. The disciples covered all in need with the clothing they had brought with them. Then Jesus instructed and consoled them, going from one to another around the circle, and healing many by the imposition of His sacred hands. He passed some in silence, others He commanded to bathe or fulfill different prescriptions. The cured sank on their knees before Him,

224 Life of Jesus Christ<br />

was not yet baptized. Bethsaida was full of people from<br />

the surrounding towns and villages, along with strangers<br />

from the other side of the lake, from the country of<br />

Corozain and Bethsaida-Julias.<br />

Jesus taught in the synagogue, which was not a very<br />

large building. He spoke of the nearness of God's<br />

Kingdom, saying in very plain words that He Himself<br />

was the Monarch of that Kingdom, and arousing the<br />

usual amount of wonder in His disciples and hearers. As<br />

on the preceding days, He taught in general terms and<br />

cured many sick who had been brought and laid outside<br />

the synagogue. Several possessed cried after Hinl: "Jesus<br />

of Nazareth! Prophet, King of the Jews!" He commanded<br />

them silence, for the time had not yet come to make Him<br />

known.<br />

When Jesus had finished teaching and healing, He<br />

went with His disciples to Andrew's to get something to<br />

eat. But He did not go in-He said that He had another<br />

kind of hunger. Taking with Him Saturnin and another of<br />

the disciples, they went up the shores of the lake about<br />

seven minutes' walk fron1 Andrew's. There in a lonely<br />

hospital were some poor lepers, simpletons, and other<br />

miserable, forlorn creatures languishing, quite forgotten<br />

by the rest of the world; some of them were entirely<br />

nude. No one from Bethsaida had followed Jesus for fear<br />

of contracting impurity. The cells of these poor creatures<br />

were built around a court. They never left them, their<br />

food being given them through an aperture in the door.<br />

Jesus commanded the superintendent of the hospital to<br />

bring out the miserable patients. The disciples covered all<br />

in need with the clothing they had brought with them.<br />

Then Jesus instructed and consoled them, going from one<br />

to another around the circle, and healing many by the<br />

imposition of His sacred hands. He passed some in<br />

silence, others He commanded to bathe or fulfill different<br />

prescriptions. The cured sank on their knees before Him,

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