Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Jesus Declares Himse(f the Messiah 187 verted: ""Samaria! 1 came to Jacob's Well athirst for thee, thou water of this well. And when thou didst give Me to drink, 1 promised thee living water that would never let thee thirst again. And thou didst, hoping and believing, make known to Me thy longing for this water. Behold, 1 reward thee, for thou hast allayed My thirst after thee by thy desire after Me! Samaria, 1 am the Fountain of living water. I who now speak to thee, am the Messiah." As Jesus pronounced the words: "'I am the Messiah," Dina, trembling with holy joy, gazed at Him in amazetnent. But suddenly recovering herself, she turned and, leaving her water bottle standing and the well open, she fled down the hill to Sichar, to tell her husband and all whom she met what had happened to her. It was strictly forbidden to leave the Well of Jacob open, but what cared Dina now for the Well of Jacob! What cared she for her bucket of earthly water! She had received the living water, and her loving, joyous heart was longing to pour its refreshing streams over all her neighbors. But as she was hurrying out of the springhouse, she ran past the three disciples who had come with the food and had aiready been standing for some time at a little distance fronl the door, wondering what their Master could have to say for so long with a Samaritan woman. But through reverence for Hirn, they forebore to question. Dina ran do\vn to Sichar and with great eagerness said to her husband and others whom she met on the street: ""CoBle up to Jacob's Well! l"here you will see a man that has told nle all the secret actions of rny life. Come, He is certainly the Christ !'" Meanwhile the three disciples approached Jesus, \vho was still by the well, and offered Him some rolls and honey out of their basket, saying: "'Master, eat!" Jesus arose and left the well with the words: ""I have meat to eat which you kno\\' noL" The disciples said to one another: ""Hath any man brought Him to eat?" and they

188 Life of Jesus Christ thought to themselves: "Did that Samaritan woman give Him to eat?" Jesus would not stop to eat, but began descending the hill to Sichar. The disciples followed, eating. Jesus said to them as He went on before: "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, that I may perfect His work." By that He meant, to convert the people of Sichar, after whose salvation His soul hungered. He spoke much more to the same purport. When near the city, Dina the Samaritan again appeared hurrying back to meet Jesus. She joined Him respectfully, but full of joy and frankness, and Jesus addressed many words to her,sometimes standing still and sometimes moving slowly forward. He unfolded to her all her past life with all the dispositons of her soul. She was deeply moved and promised that both she and her husband would abandon all and follow Him. He pointed out to her many ways by which she could do penance for her sins and repair her scandals. Dina was an intelligent woman of some standing in the world, the offspring of a mixed marriage, a Jewish mother and a pagan father, born upon a country seat near Damascus. She had lost her parents at an early age, and had been cared for by a dissolute nurse by whom her evil passions had been fostered. She had had five husbands one after another. Some had died of grief, others had been put out of the way by her new lovers. She had three daughters and two half-grown sons, all of whom had remained with the relatives of their respective fathers when their nl0ther was obliged to leave Damascus. Dina's sons at a later period joined the seventy-two disciples. The man with whom she was now living was a relative of one of her former husbands. He was a rich merchant. As Dina followed the Samaritan religion, she had induced the man to remove to Sichar, where she superintended his household and lived with him, though without being espoused to him. They were looked upon

Jesus Declares Himse(f the Messiah 187<br />

verted: ""Samaria! 1 came to Jacob's Well athirst for thee,<br />

thou water of this well. And when thou didst give Me to<br />

drink, 1 promised thee living water that would never let<br />

thee thirst again. And thou didst, hoping and believing,<br />

make known to Me thy longing for this water. Behold, 1<br />

reward thee, for thou hast allayed My thirst after thee by<br />

thy desire after Me! Samaria, 1 am the Fountain of living<br />

water. I who now speak to thee, am the Messiah."<br />

As Jesus pronounced the words: "'I am the Messiah,"<br />

Dina, trembling with holy joy, gazed at Him in amazetnent.<br />

But suddenly recovering herself, she turned and,<br />

leaving her water bottle standing and the well open, she<br />

fled down the hill to Sichar, to tell her husband and all<br />

whom she met what had happened to her. It was strictly<br />

forbidden to leave the Well of Jacob open, but what<br />

cared Dina now for the Well of Jacob! What cared she<br />

for her bucket of earthly water! She had received the living<br />

water, and her loving, joyous heart was longing to<br />

pour its refreshing streams over all her neighbors. But as<br />

she was hurrying out of the springhouse, she ran past the<br />

three disciples who had come with the food and had<br />

aiready been standing for some time at a little distance<br />

fronl the door, wondering what their Master could have<br />

to say for so long with a Samaritan woman. But through<br />

reverence for Hirn, they forebore to question. Dina ran<br />

do\vn to Sichar and with great eagerness said to her husband<br />

and others whom she met on the street: ""CoBle up<br />

to Jacob's Well! l"here you will see a man that has told<br />

nle all the secret actions of rny life. Come, He is certainly<br />

the Christ !'"<br />

Meanwhile the three disciples approached Jesus, \vho<br />

was still by the well, and offered Him some rolls and<br />

honey out of their basket, saying: "'Master, eat!" Jesus<br />

arose and left the well with the words: ""I have meat to<br />

eat which you kno\\' noL" The disciples said to one<br />

another: ""Hath any man brought Him to eat?" and they

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