Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Jesus in Bethoron 177 again in severe terms on the parable of the lord of the vineyard whose servants were murdered by the unfaithful vinedressers, whose son whom he had sent to them shared the same fate, and who at last gave the vineyard into the hands of others. He spoke likewise of the persecution of the Prophets and the imprisonment of John, saying that they would persecute Him also and lay hands upon Him, and He ended by predicting the judgment and woe that were to come upon Jerusalem. This discourse occasioned great excitement among the Jews. Some rejoiced, while others muttered angrily to one another: "Whence came this Man so unexpectedly here? No one knew of His arrival!" And some who had heard that there were women, followers of Jesus, at the inn in the valley, went out to question them on the designs of their Master. Jesus cured several that were sick of a fever, and after some hours left the city. Veronica, Johanna Chusa, and Obed's widow had arrived at the inn, and prepared a luncheon. Jesus and the disciples partook of it standing, after which they girded themselves and recommenced their journey. Jesus taught on this same day in Kibzaim on similar subjects as at Bethoron, also in some small shepherd settlements. All the disciples were not present in Kibzaim, but they met again at a large house belonging to a shepherd. It was surrounded by outbuildings and stood on the confines of Samaria. Mary and Joseph had been hospitably received there on their journey to Bethlehem, after having vainly sought admittance elsewhere. Here Jesus and the disciples, about fifteen in all, ate and slept. Lazarus and the women had returned to Bethania. On the next day Jesus and the disciples sometimes together, sometimes in separate groups, passed rapidly through several large cities and small towns that lay in a district of some hours in extent. Gabaa and Najoth, about four hours from Kibzaim, were among them. In none of

178 Life of Jesus Christ these places did Jesus take time to go to the synagogues to teach, but instructed the crowds that gathered to hear Him on hills in the open air, on the public places, and in the streets. Several of the disciples remained with Jesus, while the others scattered through the valleys and shepherd villages to call the dwellers to the places which Jesus was to pass. The whole day's work was performed with incredible hardship and fatigue, with constant going from place to place. Jesus cured many sick, some of whom were carried to Him, but others cried out themselves for His aid. There were some lunatics among them. Many possessed ran clanl0ring after Him, but He commanded them to be silent and to retire. What made that day's work still nl0re wearisome, was the bad dispositions of the people and the insults of the Pharisees. These places, being near Jerusalem, were full of people who had taken part against Jesus. It was then as it is now in little places, they talk of everything without understanding anything. It was to such people that Jesus suddenly appeared with His band of disciples and His grave and denunciatory preaching. He repeated the instructions delivered at Bethoron, spoke of the graces now offered for the last time, after which would come the day of Justice, and again alluded to the ill-usage of the Prophets, the imprisonment of John, and the persecution directed against Himself. He brought forward above all the parable of the Lord of the vineyard, who had now sent His Son. He said that the Kingdom would soon come and the King's Son would enter into possession of it. He often cried, "Woe!" to Jerusalem and to them that would not receive His Kingdom, would not do penance. These severe and menacing discourses were interrupted by many acts of charity and by the cure of the sick. In this way, Jesus journeyed from place to place. The disciples had much to endure, and it was often very hard for them. On reaching a town or village and an­

Jesus in Bethoron<br />

177<br />

again in severe terms on the parable of the lord of the<br />

vineyard whose servants were murdered by the unfaithful<br />

vinedressers, whose son whom he had sent to them shared<br />

the same fate, and who at last gave the vineyard into the<br />

hands of others. He spoke likewise of the persecution of<br />

the Prophets and the imprisonment of John, saying that<br />

they would persecute Him also and lay hands upon Him,<br />

and He ended by predicting the judgment and woe that<br />

were to come upon Jerusalem. This discourse occasioned<br />

great excitement among the Jews. Some rejoiced, while<br />

others muttered angrily to one another: "Whence came<br />

this Man so unexpectedly here? No one knew of His arrival!"<br />

And some who had heard that there were women,<br />

followers of Jesus, at the inn in the valley, went out to<br />

question them on the designs of their Master.<br />

Jesus cured several that were sick of a fever, and after<br />

some hours left the city.<br />

Veronica, Johanna Chusa, and Obed's widow had arrived<br />

at the inn, and prepared a luncheon. Jesus and the<br />

disciples partook of it standing, after which they girded<br />

themselves and recommenced their journey. Jesus taught<br />

on this same day in Kibzaim on similar subjects as at<br />

Bethoron, also in some small shepherd settlements. All the<br />

disciples were not present in Kibzaim, but they met again<br />

at a large house belonging to a shepherd. It was surrounded<br />

by outbuildings and stood on the confines of<br />

Samaria. Mary and Joseph had been hospitably received<br />

there on their journey to Bethlehem, after having vainly<br />

sought admittance elsewhere. Here Jesus and the disciples,<br />

about fifteen in all, ate and slept. Lazarus and the<br />

women had returned to Bethania.<br />

On the next day Jesus and the disciples sometimes<br />

together, sometimes in separate groups, passed rapidly<br />

through several large cities and small towns that lay in a<br />

district of some hours in extent. Gabaa and Najoth, about<br />

four hours from Kibzaim, were among them. In none of

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