Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


168 Life of Jesus Christ for it was already known there that John had been arrested, and the people were gathering together in groups. The soldiers who had charge of John seemed to be a kind of bodyguard to Herod. They wore helmets, their breasts and shoulders protected by armor formed of metal plates and rings, and they bore long lances in their hands. The people of Hesebon gathered in crowds before John's prison, and the guards had enough to do to drive them off. The upper part of the tower had several exterior openings. John stood in his prison crying in a voice loud enough to be heard without. His words were to this effect, that he had prepared the ways, had broken rocks, had directed streams, had dug fountains, had built bridges; he had had to cope with obstacles the most adverse and contradictory, and it was owing to the obstinacy of those whom he now addressed that he had been arrested. But they should turn to Him whom he had announced, to Him who would soon come by the paths he himself had made straight. When the Master approached, then should they who had prepared His way withdraw, and all should turn to Jesus, the latchets of whose shoes he himself was not worthy to loose. HJesus," he continued, "is the Light, the Truth, and the Son of the Father," etc. He called upon his disciples to visit him in his confinement, for no one would yet venture to lay hands upon him, his hour was not yet come. John uttered the above in a voice as loud and distinct as if he were addressing the multitude from an orator's stand. Again and again the guard dispersed the crowd, but the throng soon reassembled, and John's instructions recommenced. He was afterward led by the soldiers from Hesebon to the prison of Machaerus, the access to which was up a high and steep mountain. He rode with several in a low, narrow, covered chariot like a box, drawn by asses. Arrived at Machaerus, the soldiers conducted hinl up the steep mountain path to the fortress. But they did not enter

168<br />

Life of Jesus Christ<br />

for it was already known there that John had been arrested,<br />

and the people were gathering together in groups.<br />

The soldiers who had charge of John seemed to be a kind<br />

of bodyguard to Herod. They wore helmets, their breasts<br />

and shoulders protected by armor formed of metal plates<br />

and rings, and they bore long lances in their hands.<br />

The people of Hesebon gathered in crowds before<br />

John's prison, and the guards had enough to do to drive<br />

them off. The upper part of the tower had several exterior<br />

openings. John stood in his prison crying in a voice loud<br />

enough to be heard without. His words were to this effect,<br />

that he had prepared the ways, had broken rocks, had<br />

directed streams, had dug fountains, had built bridges; he<br />

had had to cope with obstacles the most adverse and contradictory,<br />

and it was owing to the obstinacy of those<br />

whom he now addressed that he had been arrested. But<br />

they should turn to Him whom he had announced, to Him<br />

who would soon come by the paths he himself had made<br />

straight. When the Master approached, then should they<br />

who had prepared His way withdraw, and all should turn<br />

to Jesus, the latchets of whose shoes he himself was not<br />

worthy to loose. HJesus," he continued, "is the Light, the<br />

Truth, and the Son of the Father," etc. He called upon his<br />

disciples to visit him in his confinement, for no one would<br />

yet venture to lay hands upon him, his hour was not yet<br />

come. John uttered the above in a voice as loud and distinct<br />

as if he were addressing the multitude from an orator's<br />

stand. Again and again the guard dispersed the<br />

crowd, but the throng soon reassembled, and John's instructions<br />

recommenced.<br />

He was afterward led by the soldiers from Hesebon to<br />

the prison of Machaerus, the access to which was up a<br />

high and steep mountain. He rode with several in a low,<br />

narrow, covered chariot like a box, drawn by asses. Arrived<br />

at Machaerus, the soldiers conducted hinl up the<br />

steep mountain path to the fortress. But they did not enter

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