Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


John's Imprisonment 161 Lazarus, abed, Joseph of Arimathea's nephews, the bridegroom of Cana, and some other disciples, had arrived at Mary's house near Capharnaum. There were present also about seven women, relatives and friends, awaiting the return of Jesus. They went in and out the house and gazed along the road, to catch the first sight of Him. And now came some of John's disciples with the news of their master's imprisonment, which filled the hearts of the little company with anxiety. The disciples then went on to meet Jesus with whom they came up not far from Capharnaum, and made known to Him their errand. He consoled them, and continued His way to His Mother's alone. He had sent His disciples on in advance. Lazarus came out to meet Him, and washed His feet in the vestibule. When Jesus entered the apartment, the men bowed low before Him. He greeted them, and went up to His Mother, to whom He stretched out His hands. She, too, most lovingly and humbly inclined to Him. There was no rushing into each other's arms; their meeting was full of tender and ingenuous reserve, which touched all present and made upon them the holiest impression. Then Jesus turned toward the other women, who lowered their veils and sank on their knees before Him. He was accustomed to give His blessing at such meetings and leavetakings. I saw now a repast made ready, and the men reclining around the table, the women at one end sitting crosslegged. They spoke indignantly of John's imprisonment, but Jesus rebuked them. He said that they should not be angry and pass sentence upon it, for that it had to be. Were John not removed from the scene, He Himself would not be able to begin His work and go to Bethania. Then He told them of the people among whom He had been. Of Jesus' coming, none knew excepting those present and the confidential disciples. Jesus slept with the

162 Life of Jesus Christ other guests in a side building. He appointed the disciples to meet Him after the next Sabbath at a house, high and solitary, in the neighborhood of Bethoron. I saw Him conversing with Mary alone. She was weeping at the thought of His exposing Himself to danger by going to Jerusalem. He comforted her, telling her that she must not be anxious, that He would accomplish His mission, and that the sorrowful days had not yet come. He encouraged her to persevere in prayer, and exhorted the others to refrain from all comments and judgments upon John's imprisonment and the action of the Pharisees against Himself, for such proceedings on their part would only increase the danger, that the Pharisees' nlanner of acting was permitted by Divine Providence, though thereby they were working out their own destruction. Some mention was made of Magdalen also. Jesus again told them to pray for her and think of her kindly, for she would soon be converted and become so good as to be an example for many. Early next morning, Jesus went to Bethania with Lazarus and about five of the disciples belonging to Jerusalem. It was the beginning of the Feast of the New Moon, and I saw floating from the synagogues of Capharnaum and other places, long streamers of knotted drapery and festoons of fruit on the principal houses. 9. JOHN THE BAPTIST ARRESTED BY HEROD AND IMPRISONED AT MACHAERUS Herod had once before caused the Baptist to be arrested at the place of baptism and brought to hinl where he kept him in custody some weeks in the hope of intimidating him and leading him to a change of sentiment. But through fear of the immense crowds that were hurrying to hear John, he had released him. John then retired to the place where he had formerly baptized near Ainon

162 Life of Jesus Christ<br />

other guests in a side building. He appointed the disciples<br />

to meet Him after the next Sabbath at a house, high and<br />

solitary, in the neighborhood of Bethoron.<br />

I saw Him conversing with Mary alone. She was weeping<br />

at the thought of His exposing Himself to danger by<br />

going to Jerusalem. He comforted her, telling her that she<br />

must not be anxious, that He would accomplish His mission,<br />

and that the sorrowful days had not yet come. He<br />

encouraged her to persevere in prayer, and exhorted the<br />

others to refrain from all comments and judgments upon<br />

John's imprisonment and the action of the Pharisees<br />

against Himself, for such proceedings on their part would<br />

only increase the danger, that the Pharisees' nlanner of<br />

acting was permitted by Divine Providence, though<br />

thereby they were working out their own destruction.<br />

Some mention was made of Magdalen also. Jesus again<br />

told them to pray for her and think of her kindly, for she<br />

would soon be converted and become so good as to be an<br />

example for many.<br />

Early next morning, Jesus went to Bethania with<br />

Lazarus and about five of the disciples belonging to<br />

Jerusalem. It was the beginning of the Feast of the New<br />

Moon, and I saw floating from the synagogues of Capharnaum<br />

and other places, long streamers of knotted drapery<br />

and festoons of fruit on the principal houses.<br />



Herod had once before caused the Baptist to be arrested<br />

at the place of baptism and brought to hinl where<br />

he kept him in custody some weeks in the hope of intimidating<br />

him and leading him to a change of sentiment.<br />

But through fear of the immense crowds that were hurrying<br />

to hear John, he had released him. John then retired<br />

to the place where he had formerly baptized near Ainon

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