Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


The "Place of Grace" 139 ing here had to carry on their idol worship in secret. After that, Jesus was conducted by the men that had received Him outside the city to the synagogue, a building of three stories. There He found a great part of the Jews assembled, the women in the background. First they prayed and chanted canticles to God, that to His honor they might understand all that Jesus was about to say to them. Then Jesus began His discourse. He spoke of the Divine Promises, of their mutual dependence and their realization, and of grace which, He said, was never allowed to go to waste. If he to whom, on account of the merit of his ancestors, some grace was given, would not receive it, it was passed on to the next Inost deserving. He told them also of a good action performed by their ancestors in this city so long before that it was to them almost unknown, but the happy results of which they were still experiencing. Their forefathers had once harbored some strangers and exiles. Jesus and the disciples put up at a large inn near the gate by which they had entered the city. In the neighborhood of the bathing garden outside, though more to the south, was a place for teaching. It consisted of a green hill in the center of a large, open space in which were trees planted in rows five deep, whose dense shade afforded protection from the sun. On the hill and overshadowed by a tree, was a teacher's chair beautifully hewn out of stone. It was a very delightful place and was known as the "Place of Cirace," because the people believed that here a great favor had once upon a time been accorded them. To the north of the city was another place of which there was a popular saying expressive of SOine great calamity that had come upon them. The disciples went into the houses throughout the city, inviting the people to the "Place of Grace," where Jesus was about to deliver a great discourse. On the evening before, a banquet was given in the public hall of the

140 Life of Jesus Christ Governor's court. About fifty citizens were present and five tables were spread. Jesus was at that of the most distinguished, and the disciples were scattered among the guests at the other tables. I think Jesus and the disciples also contributed something to the entertainment. Plants like little trees in pots adorned the table. Jesus taught during the meal, going from table to table and speaking to all the guests. When the tables were cleared of all but their ornamental foliage, and grace said, all present ranged in a half-circle before Jesus, who delivered an instruction and invited them to come next morning to the "Place of Grace," where He would discourse to them more at length. Next day toward nine in the morning, Jesus set out with the disciples for the place of instruction, where over one hundred distinguished men were gathered under the shade of the trees. In the outer circle were some women also. On the way thither, Jesus and the disciples arrived at the palace of the Governor who, in magnificent robes and attended by his officers, was just about setting out for the same place. But Jesus commanded him not to go in such array, but to make his appearance like the other men in a long mantle and penitential garb. The mantle was of dyed wool. They wore also a scapular of one piece in the back but open on the breast, the two held in place over the shoulders by a narrow strap. The two pieces, front and back, were black with the names of the seven capital sins wrought into them in different colors. The women were veiled. When Jesus stepped up on the teacher's chair, the people bowed reverently. The Governor and the most distinguished men of the city stood close to the chair. The disciples, standing in the outer circles, had each around him a group of men and women receiving instructions. Jesus first raised His eyes to Heaven and prayed aloud to His Father, from whom all graces flow, that His teaching might fall upon hearts repentant and sincere. He

140 Life of Jesus Christ<br />

Governor's court. About fifty citizens were present and<br />

five tables were spread. Jesus was at that of the most distinguished,<br />

and the disciples were scattered among the<br />

guests at the other tables. I think Jesus and the disciples<br />

also contributed something to the entertainment. Plants<br />

like little trees in pots adorned the table. Jesus taught during<br />

the meal, going from table to table and speaking to all<br />

the guests. When the tables were cleared of all but their<br />

ornamental foliage, and grace said, all present ranged in a<br />

half-circle before Jesus, who delivered an instruction and<br />

invited them to come next morning to the "Place of<br />

Grace," where He would discourse to them more at<br />

length.<br />

Next day toward nine in the morning, Jesus set out with<br />

the disciples for the place of instruction, where over one<br />

hundred distinguished men were gathered under the shade<br />

of the trees. In the outer circle were some women also. On<br />

the way thither, Jesus and the disciples arrived at the<br />

palace of the Governor who, in magnificent robes and attended<br />

by his officers, was just about setting out for the<br />

same place. But Jesus commanded him not to go in such<br />

array, but to make his appearance like the other men in a<br />

long mantle and penitential garb. The mantle was of dyed<br />

wool. They wore also a scapular of one piece in the back<br />

but open on the breast, the two held in place over the<br />

shoulders by a narrow strap. The two pieces, front and<br />

back, were black with the names of the seven capital sins<br />

wrought into them in different colors. The women were<br />

veiled. When Jesus stepped up on the teacher's chair, the<br />

people bowed reverently. The Governor and the most distinguished<br />

men of the city stood close to the chair.<br />

The disciples, standing in the outer circles, had each<br />

around him a group of men and women receiving instructions.<br />

Jesus first raised His eyes to Heaven and prayed<br />

aloud to His Father, from whom all graces flow, that His<br />

teaching might fall upon hearts repentant and sincere. He

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