Volume 2

Volume 2 Volume 2


Jesus in Adama 137 from the huts, were baptized. These last Jesus had on several different occasions instructed when returned from their work. The pagans were the last to be baptized. They had to prepare themselves for the ceremony by certain purifications. Jesus poured from a flask into the baptisnlal basin some of the Jordan water, which the disciples always carried with them, and then He blessed it. The trench around the basin was filled high enough for the neophytes to stand in it up to the knees in water. Before administering Baptism, Jesus prepared the aspirants by a long instruction. These latter wore long, gray mantles with hoods over the head, something like the mantles worn in prayer. When about to step into the trench around the basin, they laid aside the mantle. Their loins were covered, as also the back and breast, while from the shoulders fell a little open mantle like a scapular. A disciple laid one hand upon the shoulder of the neophyte, the other upon his head. The baptizer, in the name of the Most High, poured over his head several times fronl a flat shell water dipped from the basin. First Andrew baptized, then Peter, who was afterward relieved by Saturnin. The heathens were baptized last. The ceremony, including the preparations, continued until near evening. 1 When the people had retired, Jesus and the disciples left the place separately. They met again on the road and went eastward toward Adalna on Lake Merom, resting by night in the beautiful high grass under the trees. 1. Upon the signification of pagan baptism, see p. 335. 4. JESUS IN ADAMA. MIRACULOUS CONVERSION OF AN OBSTINATE JEW Although Adama did not appear very distant, still Jesus and the disciples had to journey some hours up a river

138 Life of Jesus Christ before reaching a crossing place. There was no ferryman, but only a raft of beams, something like a gridiron, which lay on the shore for the accommodation of travellers. Toward noon the little troop reached Adama, which was hemmed in on all sides by water. On the eastern side of the city lay Lake Merom. The city was surrounded by a stream, which was at five different points crossed by bridges. At the bathing gardens, the stream again united with the lake. The steep shores of the low lake were covered with thick reeds and undergrowth, and its waters were muddy except in the middle where those of the Jordan flowed. The country around was infested by wild beasts. As Jesus, with the disciples, approached the bathing garden near the city, several distinguished men of the place came forward to meet Him. They had been awaiting His coming in the garden. They conducted Him into the city and to a large open square, in the center of which stood the governor's palace. It had a spacious forecourt, on both sides of which and in the rear ran rows of low buildings. The court was cut off from the street by a railing of shining metal lllade into various colored plates. Here they washed the feet both of Jesus and the disciples, brushed and shook their mantles, and presented them with a luncheon of small fruits and herbs. It was an old custom of the people of Adama to conduct all that visited their city to this castle, where they interrogated them. If they were pleased with them, they treated them hospitably in the hope of attracting blessings upon themselves; but if they were not favorably impressed by their guests, they did not hesitate to cast them into prison. Adama, with about twenty little districts, belonged to a province under the jurisdiction of one of the Herods. The inhabitants of the city were Samaritan Jews who, in consequence of their schism, had embraced sundry perverse notions. Still, there was no idolatry practiced among them, and heathens liv­

138<br />

Life of Jesus Christ<br />

before reaching a crossing place. There was no ferryman,<br />

but only a raft of beams, something like a gridiron, which<br />

lay on the shore for the accommodation of travellers.<br />

Toward noon the little troop reached Adama, which was<br />

hemmed in on all sides by water. On the eastern side of<br />

the city lay Lake Merom. The city was surrounded by a<br />

stream, which was at five different points crossed by<br />

bridges. At the bathing gardens, the stream again united<br />

with the lake. The steep shores of the low lake were<br />

covered with thick reeds and undergrowth, and its waters<br />

were muddy except in the middle where those of the Jordan<br />

flowed. The country around was infested by wild<br />

beasts.<br />

As Jesus, with the disciples, approached the bathing<br />

garden near the city, several distinguished men of the<br />

place came forward to meet Him. They had been awaiting<br />

His coming in the garden. They conducted Him into the<br />

city and to a large open square, in the center of which<br />

stood the governor's palace. It had a spacious forecourt,<br />

on both sides of which and in the rear ran rows of low<br />

buildings. The court was cut off from the street by a railing<br />

of shining metal lllade into various colored plates.<br />

Here they washed the feet both of Jesus and the disciples,<br />

brushed and shook their mantles, and presented them with<br />

a luncheon of small fruits and herbs. It was an old custom<br />

of the people of Adama to conduct all that visited their<br />

city to this castle, where they interrogated them. If they<br />

were pleased with them, they treated them hospitably in<br />

the hope of attracting blessings upon themselves; but if<br />

they were not favorably impressed by their guests, they<br />

did not hesitate to cast them into prison. Adama, with<br />

about twenty little districts, belonged to a province under<br />

the jurisdiction of one of the Herods. The inhabitants of<br />

the city were Samaritan Jews who, in consequence of their<br />

schism, had embraced sundry perverse notions. Still, there<br />

was no idolatry practiced among them, and heathens liv­

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