BRIBERY IN CLASSICAL ATHENS Kellam ... - Historia Antigua

BRIBERY IN CLASSICAL ATHENS Kellam ... - Historia Antigua BRIBERY IN CLASSICAL ATHENS Kellam ... - Historia Antigua
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Conover Bribery in Classical Athens References Heyman, J. and D. Ariely. 2004. “Effort for Payment: A Tale of Two Markets.” Psychological Science 15: 787-93. Hohti, P. 1976. The Interrelation of Speech and Action in the Histories of Herodotus. Helsinki. Hornblower, S. and R.G. Osborne, eds. 1994. Ritual, Finance, Politics: Athenian Democratic Accounts presented to David Lewis. Oxford. Humphrey, C. 1991. “Icebergs, Barter, and the Mafia in Provincial Russia.” Anthropology Today 7: 8-13. Humphreys, S.C. 1978a. Anthropology and the Greeks. London. ———. 1978b. “Public and Private Interests in Classical Athens.” CJ 20: 97-104. ———. 1983. “The Evolution of Legal Process in Ancient Attica,” in E. Gabba, ed. Tria Corda: Scritti in onore di Arnaldo Momigliano, 229-56. Como. ———. 1985. “Social Relations on Stage: Witnesses in Classical Athens.” History and Anthropology 1: 313-69. ———. 1988. “The Discourse of Law in Archaic and Classical Greece.” Law and History Review 6: 465-93. Hunter, V.J. 1990. “Gossip and the Politics of Reputation in Classical Athens.” Phoenix 44: 299-325. ———. 1994. Policing Athens: Social Control in the Attic Lawsuits, 420-320B.C. Princeton, N.J. Hunter, V. and J. Edmondson, eds. 2000. Law and Social Status in Classical Athens. Oxford. Hutter, H. 1978. Politics as Friendship: The Origins of Classical Notions of Politics in the Theory and Practice of Friendship. Waterloo, Ont. Irwin, T. 1995. Plato’s Ethics. Oxford. Jackson, C.N. 1919. “The Decree-Seller in the Birds, and the Professional Politicians at Athens.” HSCP 30: 89-102. Jehne, M. 1994. Koine Eirene. Untersuchungen zu den Befriedungs- und Stabilisierungsbemühungen in der griechischen Poliswelt des 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Stuttgart. Johnston, M. 2005. Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy. Cambridge. Johnstone, S. 1999. Disputes and Democracy: The Consequences of Litigation in Ancient Athens. Austin. Joyce, C.J. 2008. “The Athenian Amnesty and Scrutiny of 403.” CQ 58: 507-18. Kahrstedt, U. 1936. Untersuchungen zur Magistratur in Athen. Stuttgart. Kalimtzis, K. 2000. Aristotle on Political Enmity and Disease: An Inquiry into stasis. Albany. Kallet, L. 1983. “Iphikrates, Timotheus, and Athens, 371-360 BC.” GRBS 22: 239-52. ———. 1998. “Accounting for Culture in Fifth-Century Athens,” in K.A. Raaflaub and D. Boedeker, eds., Democracy, Empire, and the Arts in Fifth-Century Athens, 43- 58. Cambridge, Mass. ———. 2001. Money and the Corrosion of Power in Thucydides: The Sicilian Expedition and Its Aftermath. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London. ———. 2003. “Demos Tyrannos: Wealth, Power, and Economic Patronage,” in Morgan, 117-44. 341

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Conover Bribery in Classical Athens References<br />

Heyman, J. and D. Ariely. 2004. “Effort for Payment: A Tale of Two Markets.”<br />

Psychological Science 15: 787-93.<br />

Hohti, P. 1976. The Interrelation of Speech and Action in the Histories of Herodotus.<br />

Helsinki.<br />

Hornblower, S. and R.G. Osborne, eds. 1994. Ritual, Finance, Politics: Athenian<br />

Democratic Accounts presented to David Lewis. Oxford.<br />

Humphrey, C. 1991. “Icebergs, Barter, and the Mafia in Provincial Russia.”<br />

Anthropology Today 7: 8-13.<br />

Humphreys, S.C. 1978a. Anthropology and the Greeks. London.<br />

———. 1978b. “Public and Private Interests in Classical Athens.” CJ 20: 97-104.<br />

———. 1983. “The Evolution of Legal Process in Ancient Attica,” in E. Gabba, ed.<br />

Tria Corda: Scritti in onore di Arnaldo Momigliano, 229-56. Como.<br />

———. 1985. “Social Relations on Stage: Witnesses in Classical Athens.” History and<br />

Anthropology 1: 313-69.<br />

———. 1988. “The Discourse of Law in Archaic and Classical Greece.” Law and<br />

History Review 6: 465-93.<br />

Hunter, V.J. 1990. “Gossip and the Politics of Reputation in Classical Athens.” Phoenix<br />

44: 299-325.<br />

———. 1994. Policing Athens: Social Control in the Attic Lawsuits, 420-320B.C.<br />

Princeton, N.J.<br />

Hunter, V. and J. Edmondson, eds. 2000. Law and Social Status in Classical Athens.<br />

Oxford.<br />

Hutter, H. 1978. Politics as Friendship: The Origins of Classical Notions of Politics in<br />

the Theory and Practice of Friendship. Waterloo, Ont.<br />

Irwin, T. 1995. Plato’s Ethics. Oxford.<br />

Jackson, C.N. 1919. “The Decree-Seller in the Birds, and the Professional Politicians at<br />

Athens.” HSCP 30: 89-102.<br />

Jehne, M. 1994. Koine Eirene. Untersuchungen zu den Befriedungs- und<br />

Stabilisierungsbemühungen in der griechischen Poliswelt des 4. Jahrhunderts v.<br />

Chr. Stuttgart.<br />

Johnston, M. 2005. Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy.<br />

Cambridge.<br />

Johnstone, S. 1999. Disputes and Democracy: The Consequences of Litigation in<br />

Ancient Athens. Austin.<br />

Joyce, C.J. 2008. “The Athenian Amnesty and Scrutiny of 403.” CQ 58: 507-18.<br />

Kahrstedt, U. 1936. Untersuchungen zur Magistratur in Athen. Stuttgart.<br />

Kalimtzis, K. 2000. Aristotle on Political Enmity and Disease: An Inquiry into stasis.<br />

Albany.<br />

Kallet, L. 1983. “Iphikrates, Timotheus, and Athens, 371-360 BC.” GRBS 22: 239-52.<br />

———. 1998. “Accounting for Culture in Fifth-Century Athens,” in K.A. Raaflaub and<br />

D. Boedeker, eds., Democracy, Empire, and the Arts in Fifth-Century Athens, 43-<br />

58. Cambridge, Mass.<br />

———. 2001. Money and the Corrosion of Power in Thucydides: The Sicilian<br />

Expedition and Its Aftermath. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London.<br />

———. 2003. “Demos Tyrannos: Wealth, Power, and Economic Patronage,” in<br />

Morgan, 117-44.<br />


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