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Report on the IAEA-CU-2006-04 ALMERA Proficiency Test on the Determination of Gamma Emitting Radionuclides IAEA / AL / 170

<strong>Report</strong><br />

on the <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA<br />

Proficiency Test on the Determination of<br />

Gamma Emitting Radionuclides<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> / AL / 170

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications<br />

Physics, Chemistry and Instrumentation Laboratory<br />

Chemistry Unit<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> / AL /170<br />

ALMERA<br />

(Analytical Laboratories for the Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity)<br />

DRAFT<br />

THE <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 PROFICIENCY TEST<br />



A. Shakhashiro, U. Sansone, A. Trinkl, M. Makarewicz,<br />

C. Yonezawa, C.K. Kim, G. Kis-Benedek, T. Benesch, R. Schorn<br />

Seibersdorf, Austria, May 2007<br />

Page i

Contact information<br />

Abdulghani Shakhashiro<br />

International Atomic Energy Agency (<strong>IAEA</strong>)<br />

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications<br />

Physics, Chemistry and Instrumentation Laboratory<br />

Chemistry Unit<br />

Agency’s Laboratories Seibersdorf<br />

A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria<br />

Tel. : +431 2600 28226<br />

Fax : +431 2600 728226<br />

E-mail :<br /><br />

Legal Notice<br />

Neither the <strong>IAEA</strong> nor any person acting on behalf of the <strong>IAEA</strong> is responsible for the use which might<br />

be made of the following information.<br />

© International Atomic Energy Agency<br />

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged<br />

Printed in Austria<br />

Page ii<br />


Contents<br />

Executive summary .................................................................................................................... 5<br />

Acknowledgement...................................................................................................................... 6<br />

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 10<br />

2. Materials and methods.......................................................................................................... 11<br />

2.1 Proficiency test objectives .................................................................................................. 11<br />

2.2 Participants ........................................................................................................................ 11<br />

2.3 Composition and preparation of proficiency test materials............................................... 11<br />

3. Performance criteria ............................................................................................................. 17<br />

3.1 Relative bias ....................................................................................................................... 17<br />

3.2 PT evaluation criteria ........................................................................................................ 17<br />

3.2.1 Trueness........................................................................................................................... 17<br />

3.2.2 Precision.......................................................................................................................... 18<br />

3.3 The z-score value................................................................................................................ 18<br />

3.4 The u-score value ............................................................................................................... 18<br />

4. Results and discussion.......................................................................................................... 20<br />

5. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 27<br />

6. References ............................................................................................................................ 28<br />

Appendix A: Summary evaluation sorted by laboratory code and outline of the reported<br />

technical information ..............................................................................................<br />

Appendix B: Performance evaluation tables sorted by radionuclide...........................................<br />

Appendix C: Performance evaluation tables sorted by laboratory code .....................................<br />

Appendix D: List of participating laboratories............................................................................<br />

Page iii

“The Mission of the <strong>IAEA</strong> Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications is to<br />

contribute to sustainable development in Member States through the use of nuclear sciences<br />

and their applications in food and agriculture, human health, industry, water resources<br />

management, and environment monitoring, research and protection, with due regard to<br />

safety”.<br />

Page iv<br />


Executive summary<br />

The Chemistry Unit of the Physics,<br />

Chemistry and Instrumentation Laboratory<br />

in the <strong>IAEA</strong>'s Seibersdorf Laboratory in<br />

Austria, has the programmatic<br />

responsibility to support global<br />

radionuclide measurement systems, in<br />

issues of international concern related to an<br />

accidental or intentional release of<br />

radioactivity in the environment. To fulfil<br />

this obligation and ensure a reliable<br />

worldwide, rapid and consistent response,<br />

the Chemistry Unit coordinates an<br />

international network of Analytical<br />

Laboratories for the Measurement of<br />

Environmental Radioactivity (ALMERA).<br />

The network, established by the <strong>IAEA</strong> in<br />

1995 [1] [2] [3], makes available to<br />

Member States a world-wide network of<br />

analytical laboratories capable of providing<br />

reliable and timely analysis of<br />

environmental samples in the event of an<br />

accidental or intentional release of<br />

radioactivity. The network is a technical<br />

collaboration of existing institutions. It<br />

provides an operational framework to link<br />

expertise and resources, in particular when<br />

a boundary-transgressing contamination is<br />

expected or when an event is of<br />

international significance.<br />

A primary requirement of the ALMERA<br />

members is participation in the <strong>IAEA</strong><br />

interlaboratory comparison exercises<br />

which are specifically organized for<br />

ALMERA on a regular basis. These<br />

exercises are designed to monitor and<br />

demonstrate the performance and<br />

analytical capabilities of the network<br />

members, and to identify gaps and problem<br />

areas where further development is needed.<br />

Continued membership has benefits in<br />

training and educational opportunities,<br />

enhanced mutual trust in results and<br />

methodology and objective evidence for<br />

accreditation purposes.<br />

Page 5<br />

The performance evaluation results of the<br />

interlaboratory comparison exercises<br />

performed in the frame of the ALMERA<br />

network are not anonymous for those<br />

laboratories nominating to participate as<br />

ALMERA members.<br />

In the interlaboratory exercise described in<br />

this report, 195 test samples (matrix<br />

reference materials) were prepared and<br />

distributed to the participating laboratories<br />

in June 2006. Laboratories were sent<br />

samples containing known activities of<br />

gamma emitting radionuclides in three<br />

matrices (soil, grass and water), and were<br />

requested to return the results within three<br />

days of receipt of the samples (short-term<br />

reporting).<br />

The participating laboratories were<br />

requested to analyse the samples<br />

employing the methods used in their<br />

routine work, so that their performance on<br />

the test samples could be directly related to<br />

the real performance of the rapid reporting.<br />

Thirty eight laboratories (Table 1) from<br />

sixty five initially registered laboratories,<br />

reported their results to the <strong>IAEA</strong>. The<br />

analytical results of the participating<br />

laboratories were compared with the<br />

reference values assigned to the reference<br />

materials, and a rating system was applied.<br />

Table 2 reports a summary evaluation of<br />

this proficiency test. The proficiency test<br />

results has demonstrated that in the case of<br />

40 K, 54 Mn, 60 Co, 65 Zn, 134 Cs, 137 Cs and<br />

241 Am the majority of the participating<br />

laboratories could produce analytical<br />

results within acceptable time limit and<br />

which is satisfactory and comparable<br />

within the network. For these radionuclides<br />

the accepted results ranged between 70 to<br />

95 %.<br />

The proficiency test results show that the<br />

determination of the activity<br />

concentrations of 109 Cd and 210 Pb were the<br />

most problematic and it was found that

more than 50 % of the participating<br />

laboratories should apply corrective<br />

actions to fulfil the acceptance criteria of<br />

this proficiency test.<br />

The analytical uncertainties associated<br />

with the reported results were, in general,<br />

appropriate for the analytes and matrices<br />

considered in the current proficiency test.<br />

It is recommended to repeat the same<br />

exercise to check if the laboratories were<br />

able to introduce proper corrective actions<br />

to improve the performance in the<br />

determination of 109 Cd and 210 Pb.<br />

Generally speaking, this exercise provided<br />

the possibility to quantify the level of<br />

analytical performance of the ALMERA<br />

network members and it is a step forwards<br />

the improvement of the network<br />

performance in the determination of<br />

gamma emitting radionuclides.<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

The participants and laboratories<br />

responded to this proficiency test and<br />

contributed their efforts to the present<br />

work are highly appreciated and<br />

acknowledged.<br />

The Hungarian Agricultural Authority,<br />

Food and Feed Safety Directorate, Central<br />

Radioanalytical Laboratory of Hungary<br />

contributed, as <strong>IAEA</strong> collaborating Centre,<br />

in the preparation and characterization of<br />

the grass reference materials used in this<br />

proficiency test.<br />

Page 6<br />


Lab.<br />

code<br />

Name Country<br />

291 PTB - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Germany<br />

292 Risoe National Laboratory Denmark<br />

294 Studiecentrum Voor Kernenergie Belgium<br />

296 Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science United Kingdom<br />

297 ARPANSA - Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency Australia<br />

298 LGC Limited United Kingdom<br />

300 National Radiation Laboratory New Zealand<br />

303 Institute for Energy Technology Norway<br />

304 Hungarian Agricultural Authority Hungary<br />

305 So.G.I.N - Centrale Elettronucleare di Trino Italy<br />

306 Institute Jozef Stefan Slovenia<br />

307 Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce Slovak Republic<br />

308 Mint - Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research Malaysia<br />

310 Nuclear Power Plant Bohunice Slovak Republic<br />

311 ENEA - Istituto di Radioprotezione - Laboratorio Saluggia Italy<br />

313 Atomic Energy Commission of Syria Syrian Arab Republic<br />

314 Rivm - Laboratory for Radiation Research The Netherlands<br />

315 Savannah River Technology Center USA<br />

318 Jordan Atomic Energy Commission Jordan<br />

319 APAT – Environmental Protection Agency Italy<br />

320 Institute for Nuclear Research Romania<br />

321 Tarapur Atomic Power Station India<br />

322 Center for Ecotoxicological Researches of Montenegro Montenegro<br />

325 Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission Lebanon<br />

327 Research Center Karlsruhe Germany<br />

331 ENEA - Istituto di Radioprotezione - Laboratorio Trisaia Italy<br />

332 Environmental Protection Agency Lithuania<br />

334 Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear Portugal<br />

335 National Technical University of Athens Greece<br />

336 Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear Chile<br />

338 Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Bulgaria<br />

341 So.G.I.N - Centrale Elettronucleare di Caorso Italy<br />

342 SIA Radon Russian Federation<br />

344 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority Norway<br />

347 ENEA - Istituto di Radioprotezione - Laboratorio Casaccia Italy<br />

348<br />

Page 7<br />

CNEN - National Commission for Nuclear Energy Laboratorio Pocos de<br />

Caldas<br />

349 Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran<br />

Brazil<br />

351 Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute Ukraine<br />

Islamic Republic of<br />

Iran<br />

Table 1. List of laboratories participating in the <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-4 proficiency test.

Lab<br />

Page 8<br />

241 Am<br />

109 Cd<br />

60 Co<br />

Soil sample<br />

134 Cs<br />

137 Cs<br />

54 Mn<br />

210 Pb<br />

65 Zn<br />

Grass sample<br />

137 Cs<br />

40 K<br />

241 Am<br />

109 Cd<br />

60 Co<br />

Water sample<br />

134 Cs<br />

137 Cs<br />

54 Mn<br />

210 Pb<br />

Accepted measurement results<br />

65 Zn Total Soil Grass Water<br />

291 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 18 8 2 8<br />

292 A N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 17 7 2 8<br />

294 A A A A A A N A A A A A A A A A N A 16 7 2 7<br />

296 A N A A A A n.r. A A A A A A A A A n.r. A 15 6 2 7<br />

297 A N A A A A A A W W A A A A A A A A 15 7 0 8<br />

298 A A A A A A n.r. A A A A N A A A A n.r. A 15 7 2 6<br />

300 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 18 8 2 8<br />

303 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 18 8 2 8<br />

304 A N A A A W A A A A A A A W A A A A 15 6 2 7<br />

305 n.r. n.r. A n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. W W n.r. n.r. A n.r. n.r. A A n.r. 4 1 0 3<br />

306 A N A A A A A A A A A W A A A A A A 16 7 2 7<br />

307 A N A A A A N A A A N A A A A A n.r. A 14 6 2 6<br />

308 N A A A A A W A A A A N A A A A N A 14 6 2 6<br />

310 A N A A A A N A A A W N A A A A N A 13 6 2 5<br />

311 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 18 8 2 8<br />

313 A N A A A A A A A A n.r. n.r. A W A A n.r. W 12 7 2 3<br />

314 A A A A A A A A A A A N A A A A A A 17 8 2 7<br />

315 W N A A A A W A A A A N A W A A n.r. A 12 5 2 5<br />

318 A N A A A A A A A W N N A A A A W A 13 7 1 5<br />

319 A N A A W W A A W W A A A A A W A A 12 5 0 7<br />

320 A A A A W W N A W N A N A A W N N A 9 5 0 4<br />

321 A N W A A A N W W A A A A. A W W W W 9 4 1 4<br />

322 W N A A A A N A A A A A A W A A N A 13 5 2 6<br />

325 n.r. n.r. A A A A n.r. A A A n.r. n.r. A A A A n.r. A 12 5 2 5<br />

327 A N A A A A W A W A W A A A A A W A 13 6 1 6

Lab<br />

241 Am<br />

109 Cd<br />

60 Co<br />

Soil sample<br />

134 Cs<br />

137 Cs<br />

54 Mn<br />

210 Pb<br />

65 Zn<br />

Grass sample<br />

137 Cs<br />

40 K<br />

241 Am<br />

109 Cd<br />

60 Co<br />

Water sample<br />

134 Cs<br />

137 Cs<br />

54 Mn<br />

210 Pb<br />

Accepted measurement results<br />

65 Zn Total Soil Grass Water<br />

331 W A W W W A A A W W A A A W A A N A 10 4 0 6<br />

332 n.r. n.r. A A A A N A N A n.r. n.r. A W A N N A 9 5 1 3<br />

334 W A A A A W W W A A A A A W A A W A 12 4 2 6<br />

335 A N A A A A A A W W A A A A A A N A 14 7 0 7<br />

336 n.r. A A N N N n.r. A W A n.r. W A A A A n.r. A 9 3 1 5<br />

338 A n.r. A A A W n.r. W A A n.r. A A W A A n.r. A 11 4 2 5<br />

341 N N A A W W N A N N A A A A A A N A 10 3 0 7<br />

342 A N A A A A A A A A A N A A W A A A 15 7 2 6<br />

344 W N A A A A n.r. A A A A N A A A A n.r. A 13 5 2 6<br />

347 W A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N A 16 7 2 7<br />

348 A A A W A A A A A A A W A A A A A A 16 7 2 7<br />

349 N A A A A A n.r. A N N A N A W A A n.r. A 11 6 0 5<br />

351 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 18 8 2 8<br />

Accepted % 63 39 95 89 84 79 47 89 68 76 71 45 97 74 89 89 32 89<br />

A = Accepted measurement results<br />

W = Warning<br />

N = Not accepted<br />

n.r. = not reported<br />

Table 2. Summary evaluation of the <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-4 proficiency test.<br />

Page 9

1. Introduction<br />

The Chemistry Unit of the Physics,<br />

Chemistry and Instrumentation Laboratory<br />

in the <strong>IAEA</strong>'s Seibersdorf Laboratory in<br />

Austria, has the programmatic<br />

responsibility to provide assistance to<br />

Member State laboratories in maintaining<br />

and improving the reliability of analytical<br />

measurement results, both in trace element<br />

and radionuclide determinations. This is<br />

accomplished through the provision of<br />

reference materials of terrestrial origin,<br />

validated analytical procedures, training in<br />

the implementation of internal quality<br />

control, and through the evaluation of<br />

measurement performance by organization<br />

of worldwide and regional interlaboratory<br />

comparison exercises.<br />

The use of reference materials and<br />

interlaboratory comparison exercises are<br />

among the most important tools for the<br />

production of reliable measurement results<br />

and for the achievement of a required<br />

quality level. Through the evaluation<br />

reports provided to the participating<br />

laboratories in the interlaboratory<br />

comparison exercises, the <strong>IAEA</strong> provides<br />

direct consultation and guidance on<br />

appropriate measurement techniques to be<br />

applied, and identifies gaps and problem<br />

areas where further development is needed.<br />

This helps participating laboratories to<br />

improve both their measurement<br />

techniques and performance. With the<br />

advent of “mutual recognition” on both a<br />

European and world wide basis, it is now<br />

essential that laboratories participate in<br />

proficiency testing schemes that will<br />

provide an interpretation and assessment of<br />

results which is transparent to the<br />

participating laboratory and its “customer”.<br />

The activities of the Chemistry Unit are<br />

also addressed to support global<br />

radionuclide measurement systems, in<br />

issues of international concern related to an<br />

accidental or intentional release of<br />

radioactivity in the environment. To fulfil<br />

this obligation and ensure a reliable<br />

Page 10<br />

worldwide, rapid and consistent response,<br />

the Chemistry Unit coordinates an<br />

international network of Analytical<br />

Laboratories for the Measurement of<br />

Environmental Radioactivity (ALMERA).<br />

The network, established by the <strong>IAEA</strong> in<br />

1995 [1] [2] [3], makes available to<br />

Member States a world-wide network of<br />

analytical laboratories capable of providing<br />

reliable and timely analysis of<br />

environmental samples in the event of an<br />

accidental or intentional release of<br />

radioactivity. The network is a technical<br />

collaboration of existing institutions. It<br />

provides an operational framework to link<br />

expertise and resources, in particular when<br />

a boundary-transgressing contamination is<br />

expected or when an event is of<br />

international significance.<br />

A primary requirement of the ALMERA<br />

members is participation in the <strong>IAEA</strong><br />

interlaboratory comparison exercises<br />

which are specifically organized for<br />

ALMERA on a regular basis. These<br />

exercises are designed to monitor and<br />

demonstrate the performance and<br />

analytical capabilities of the network<br />

members, and to identify gaps and problem<br />

areas where further development is needed.<br />

Continued membership has benefits in<br />

training and educational opportunities,<br />

enhanced mutual trust in results and<br />

methodology and objective evidence for<br />

accreditation purposes.<br />

The performance evaluation results of the<br />

interlaboratory comparison exercises<br />

performed in the frame of the ALMERA<br />

network are not anonymous for those<br />

laboratories nominating to participate as<br />

ALMERA members.<br />

In the interlaboratory exercise described in<br />

this report, 195 test samples (matrix<br />

reference materials) were prepared and<br />

distributed to the participating laboratories<br />

in June 2006. Laboratories were sent<br />

samples containing known activities of<br />

gamma emitting radionuclides in three<br />

matrices (soil, grass and water), and were

equested to return the results within three<br />

days of receipt of the samples (short-term<br />

reporting). The participating laboratories<br />

were requested to analyze the samples<br />

employing the methods used in their<br />

routine work, so that their performance on<br />

the test samples could be directly related to<br />

the real performance. Thirty eight<br />

laboratories from twenty nine different<br />

Member States participated in this<br />

exercise.<br />

2. Materials and methods<br />

2.1 Proficiency test objectives<br />

The measurement of water, grass and soil<br />

samples containing a mixture of<br />

radionuclides with an unknown (to the<br />

participants) composition was aiming at (i)<br />

checking the accuracy and precision of the<br />

analytical results produced by the<br />

participating laboratories from ALMERA<br />

network, (ii) testing the comparability of<br />

radiological measurements and (iv)<br />

encouraging the participating laboratories<br />

in finding remedial actions where<br />

shortcoming in analytical performance are<br />

detected.<br />

2.2 Participants<br />

A total of 65 laboratories were registered<br />

in this PT. 38 laboratories reported their<br />

results to the <strong>IAEA</strong>. A complete list of<br />

participants is given in Appendix D.<br />

2.3 Composition and preparation of<br />

proficiency test materials<br />

The following proficiency test design was<br />

applied:<br />

• one spiked soil sample (200g)<br />

• one natural grass sample (100 g)<br />

• one spiked water sample (500 ml)<br />

Table 4 presents the target values and the<br />

combined standard uncertainties of the<br />

PT samples.<br />

2.3.1 Preparation of the spiked soil<br />

sample 01<br />

A soil from China was used to prepare a<br />

spiked mineral matrix with 8 gamma<br />

emitting radionuclides. Table 3 shows the<br />

identification of certified solutions used in<br />

this PT. Before using the soil for spiking, it<br />

was milled and sieved to collect the<br />

appropriate fraction at mesh size less than<br />

0.1mm, and then homogenised.<br />

The matrix of Chinese soil was<br />

characterised and a number of samples<br />

were pre-screened for radionuclides prior<br />

to spiking. The results have shown that the<br />

material is free from radionuclides, except<br />

for 137 Cs, which was present at 2.6 ± 0.2<br />

Bq kg -1 based on dry mass. (Ref. date:<br />

2006-01-01). In addition, 210 Pb was found<br />

at 48 ± 1.5 Bq kg -1 dry mass. The moisture<br />

content was found to be 2.3 ± 0.2 %.<br />

The preparation of the spiked soil sample<br />

was performed according to a validated<br />

procedure, full details can be found in [4].<br />

The target values were calculated from the<br />

certified activity values assigned to each<br />

radionuclide, taking into account the<br />

successive dilution steps, the mass of<br />

spiking solutions and the amount of matrix<br />

being spiked. The target values together<br />

with the respective uncertainties are<br />

presented in Table 4.<br />

Seven samples were analysed using<br />

gamma spectrometry by five National<br />

Metrological Institutes (NMI) and two<br />

expert laboratories within the frame of the<br />

CCRI(II) S4 supplementary comparison<br />

organised in cooperation with the<br />

Committee Consultative on Ionization<br />

Radiation (CCRI) of BIPM. The <strong>IAEA</strong><br />

target values were in good agreement with<br />

the consensus value derived from the<br />

measurement results of the NMIs. The<br />

consensus value of the NMIs was derived<br />

using a robust statistical approach Mixture<br />

Models Median (MM-median) described<br />

by David L. Duewer [5]. This approach<br />

Page 11

allows estimating the reference value in a<br />

robust way even when some of the results<br />

are not in agreement with the majority.<br />

Thus this approach is robust to outliers and<br />

in the same time accounts for the reported<br />

uncertainty of each result.<br />

The MM-median is a direct analogue of the<br />

median. It is the location which divides the<br />

MM-PDF into two sections of equal area.<br />

To estimate the dispersion of the analytical<br />

results the MM-median based Standard<br />

Deviation S(MM-median) was calculated<br />

from the span of the central 50% of the<br />

MM-PDF density [5].<br />

Table 5 shows the consensus values as<br />

MM-median of NMIs results and the<br />

associated combined standard uncertainty.<br />

2.3.2 Preparation of the natural grass<br />

sample 02<br />

The sample 02 is a natural grass which was<br />

collected in Chernobyl area. The grass was<br />

dried, milled and sieved to collect the<br />

appropriate fraction at mesh size less than<br />

0.25 mm, and then homogenised. The<br />

homogeneity was tested by analysing 10<br />

samples at 10 replicates each at 5 g sample<br />

intake using 63X63 mm NaI(Tl) well type<br />

detector. Single way ANOVA [6] ISO<br />

Guide 35 was used to estimate the standard<br />

uncertainty originated from the betweenbottles<br />

heterogeneity and was found to be<br />

0.21% at sample intake 5 g.<br />

The 40 K and 137 Cs in the grass material<br />

were analysed using gamma spectrometry<br />

by a group of National Metrological<br />

Institutes (NMI) and two expert<br />

laboratories within the frame of the<br />

CCRI(II) S4 supplementary comparison<br />

organised in cooperation with the<br />

Committee Consultative on Ionization<br />

Radiation (CCRI) of BIPM. For deriving<br />

the target values a robust approach<br />

proposed by David L. Duewer [5] was<br />

used.<br />

Page 12<br />

The target values of grass material with the<br />

respective uncertainties are presented in<br />

Table 4.<br />

2.3.3 Preparation of the spiked water<br />

sample 03<br />

The water sample was gravimetrically<br />

prepared in one batch. A portion of 300 kg<br />

of acidified demineralised water was<br />

spiked with a mixture of certified single<br />

radionuclide solutions traceable to a<br />

national standard of radioactivity. Then a<br />

pump with multiple outlets was used to<br />

homogenise the bulk water sample in a<br />

tank of 600 L. Seven samples were<br />

measured by a group of National<br />

Metrological Institutes (NMIs) by gamma<br />

spectrometry. The <strong>IAEA</strong> target values<br />

were in good agreement with the<br />

measurement results of the NMIs. The<br />

final target activity concentration for each<br />

radionuclide was calculated from the<br />

certified activity values assigned to each<br />

radionuclide, taking into account the<br />

successive dilution steps, the mass of<br />

spiking mixture and the amount of water<br />

being spiked as determined from weighing.<br />

The combined standard uncertainty<br />

includes two major components:<br />

uncertainty of the certified solution and<br />

weighing uncertainty.<br />

Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the PT materials<br />

sets.<br />

2.3.4 Homogeneity testing<br />

The homogeneity test results provided<br />

experimental evidence that satisfactory<br />

level of within and between bottles<br />

homogeneity has been attained.<br />

Table 6 presents relative standard deviation<br />

of measurements results of ten bottles for<br />

water and soil at 60 g and for grass at 5 g<br />

sample intake. More information about the<br />

homogeneity testing could be found in [4].<br />


2.4 Reference time<br />

The reference time for all activity<br />

concentrations is 1 June 2006.<br />

Figure 1. A set of the PT material.<br />

Figure 2. Distribution of the PT sets.<br />

Figure 3. PT materials dispatch.<br />

54 Mn AMERSHAM: MFZ64; NO S3/28/12<br />


ELSB50; NO 72452<br />


ELSB50; NO 7020<br />

109 Cd AMERSHAM: CUZ64;NO S3/36/23<br />


CS134-ELSB50; NO 70823<br />

137 Cs AMERSHAM: CDZ64; NO S4/14/70<br />

210 Pb AEA Technology RBZB44; NO KE<br />

800<br />


AM241-ELSB30; NO 5104<br />

Table 3. The identification of the certified<br />

solutions of each radionuclide used in<br />

spiking the soil and water samples in this<br />

PT.<br />

Page 13

Page 14<br />

Radionuclide<br />

Soil sample 01 Grass sample 02 Water sample 03<br />

Target<br />

value<br />

Combined standard<br />

uncertainty<br />

Target<br />

value<br />

Combined standard<br />

uncertainty<br />

Target<br />

value<br />

Bq kg -1 (dry mass) Bq kg -1<br />

Combined standard<br />

uncertainty<br />

40 K - - 1059 28 - -<br />

54 Mn 48.0 0.98 - - 4.89 0.017<br />

60 Co 56.1 1.37 - - 5.80 0.04<br />

65 Zn 77.6 2.54 - - 7.27 0.075<br />

109 Cd 177.6 8.40 - - 19.62 0.10<br />

134 Cs 64.2 1.87 - - 13.03 0.10<br />

137 Cs 52.6 1.08 11320 185 16.72 0.08<br />

210 Pb 259.5 12.53 - - 9.55 0.15<br />

241 Am 96.6 2.78 3.66 0.023<br />

For all samples the reference date is 1 June 2006. The combined standard uncertainty is expressed at 1σ level.<br />

Table 4. The target values and the respective standard combined uncertainties used in the evaluation in this PT.

Radionuclide<br />

Soil sample 01 Grass sample 02 Water sample 03<br />

Activity<br />

Combined standard<br />

uncertainty<br />

Activity<br />

Combined standard<br />

uncertainty<br />

Activity<br />

Bq kg -1 (dry mass) Bq kg -1<br />

Combined standard<br />

uncertainty<br />

40 K - - 1059 28 - -<br />

54 Mn 50.2 1.1 - - 4.93 0.10<br />

60 Co 58.3 1.0 - - 5.87 0.08<br />

65 Zn 78.0 2.0 - - 7.18 0.36<br />

109 Cd 192 17 - - 21.1 1.25<br />

134 Cs 67.8 2.0 - - 13.20 0.26<br />

137 Cs 55.0 1.0 11320 185 17.29 0.33<br />

210 Pb 253 15 - - 9.86 1.01<br />

241 Am 96.6 3.5 - - 3.63 0.08<br />

Table 5. The consensus values derived from the NIMs results as a Mixture Model-Median and the respective standard uncertainties. [7]<br />

Page 15

Radionuclide<br />

Page 16<br />

210 Pb<br />

241 Am<br />

109 Cd<br />

Energy [keV] 46 59 88 604 661 795 834 1115 1173 1332<br />

Between bottles relative standard<br />

deviation in soil<br />

Between bottles relative standard<br />

deviation in grass<br />

Between bottles relative standard<br />

deviation in water<br />

134 Cs<br />

137 Cs<br />

134 Cs<br />

54 Mn<br />

3.21 1.38 2.67 1.34 1.95 2.46 1.75 2.17 2.67 1.92<br />

- - - - 1.63 - - - - -<br />

1.51 1.24 2.11 0.77 1.55 1.49 0.86 1.09 1.56 2.60<br />

Table 6. The relative standard deviation [%] of measurements results of ten bottles for soil and water at 60 g and for grass at 5 g sample intake.<br />

65 Zn<br />

60 Co<br />

60 Co<br />


3. Performance criteria<br />

Several rating systems have been<br />

developed for determining a laboratory’s<br />

performance and the meaning of the results<br />

of the different scoring systems are not<br />

always comparable. Among various<br />

statistics, z-scores and u-scores are most<br />

often used. The drawback of z-scores is<br />

that the uncertainty of the participant’s<br />

measurement result is not taken into<br />

account for the evaluation of performance.<br />

In the case of u-scores, the evaluation<br />

includes uncertainties of the participant<br />

measurements and the standard uncertainty<br />

of the assigned value. Laboratories<br />

performing well in classical proficiency<br />

testing (z-scores) will not necessarily<br />

exhibit the same level of performance<br />

when their analytical uncertainties are<br />

considered in the evaluation.<br />

The proficiency testing scoring system<br />

applied by the Chemistry Unit in the<br />

Agency’s laboratories takes into<br />

consideration the trueness and the<br />

precision of the reported data and it<br />

includes in the evaluation both the<br />

combined standard uncertainty associated<br />

with the target value of proficiency testing<br />

samples and the combined standard<br />

uncertainty reported by the participating<br />

laboratories. This approach is aligned with<br />

the new requirements of the (ISO/IEC<br />

17025:2005) [8] which require that<br />

laboratories have to express their<br />

measurement uncertainty.<br />

According to the newly adopted approach,<br />

the reported results are evaluated against<br />

the acceptance criteria for accuracy and<br />

precision and assigned the status<br />

“acceptable” or “not acceptable”<br />

accordingly. A result must pass both<br />

criteria to be assigned the final status of<br />

“acceptable”. The advantage of this<br />

approach is that it checks the credibility of<br />

uncertainty statement given by the<br />

participating laboratories, and results are<br />

no longer compared against fixed criteria<br />

but participants establish their individual<br />

Page 17<br />

acceptance range on the basis of the<br />

uncertainties assigned to the values. Such<br />

an approach highlights not only<br />

methodological problems affecting the<br />

accuracy of the reported data but also<br />

identifies shortcomings in uncertainty<br />

estimation.<br />

In addition, three other statistical<br />

parameters namely: z-score,<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong>/Laboratory result ratio and relative<br />

bias are calculated as complementary<br />

information for the participating<br />

laboratories.<br />

3.1 Relative bias<br />

The first stage in producing a score for a<br />

result ValueAnalyst (a single measurement of<br />

analyte concentration in a test material) is<br />

obtaining the estimate of the bias. To<br />

evaluate the bias of the reported results, the<br />

relative bias between the Analyst’s value<br />

and the <strong>IAEA</strong> value is calculated and<br />

expressed as a percentage:<br />

Relative<br />

ValueAnalyst−<br />

Value<br />

bias=<br />

Value<br />

3.2 PT evaluation criteria<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

× 100%<br />

The proficiency test results were evaluated<br />

against the acceptance criteria for trueness<br />

and precision and assigned the status<br />

“Acceptable”, “Warning” or “Not<br />

Acceptable” accordingly [9].<br />

3.2.1 Trueness<br />

The participant result is assigned<br />

“Acceptable” status for trueness if:<br />

A≤ 1 A2<br />

where:<br />

A1 = <strong>IAEA</strong><br />

Analyst Value<br />

Value −

Page 18<br />

A2 =<br />

3.2.2 Precision<br />

2 2<br />

2. 58 Unc <strong>IAEA</strong>+<br />

Analyst ×<br />

Unc<br />

For evaluation of precision an estimator P<br />

is calculated for each participant,<br />

according to the following formula:<br />

2<br />

⎛ Unc ⎞ ⎛ Unc ⎞<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

Analyst<br />

P = ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎜<br />

⎟ +<br />

× 100%<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝Value<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

⎠ ⎝ValueAnalyst<br />

⎠<br />

P directly depends on the measurement<br />

uncertainty claimed by the participant. The<br />

Limit of Acceptable Precision (LAP) for<br />

each analyte respectively is defined for the<br />

respective proficiency test in advance,<br />

including any adjustment due to the<br />

concentration or activity level of the<br />

analytes concerned and the complexity of<br />

the analytical problem. Participants’ results<br />

are scored as “acceptable” for precision<br />

when P ≤ LAP. The LAP value used in the<br />

evaluation of all radionuclides is listed in<br />

Table 7.<br />

In the final evaluation, both scores for<br />

trueness and precision are combined. A<br />

result must obtain an “acceptable” score in<br />

both criteria to be assigned the final score<br />

“acceptable”. Obviously, if a score of “not<br />

acceptable” was obtained for both trueness<br />

and precision, the final score will also be<br />

“not acceptable”. In cases where either<br />

precision or trueness is “not acceptable”, a<br />

further check is applied. The reported<br />

result relative bias (R. Bias) is compared<br />

with the maximum acceptable bias (MAB).<br />

If R. Bias ≤ MAB, the final score will be<br />

“warning. “Warning” will reflect mainly<br />

two situations. The first situation will be a<br />

result with small measurement uncertainty;<br />

however its bias is still within MAB. The<br />

second situation will appear when result<br />

close to the assigned property value are<br />

reported, but the associated uncertainty is<br />

large. If R. Bias > MAB, the result will be<br />

“Not Acceptable”. The MAB value used in<br />

2<br />

the evaluation of all radionuclides is listed<br />

in Table 7.<br />

If the evaluation approach and/or<br />

acceptance criteria applied in this PT are<br />

not appropriate for the types of analyses<br />

and application performed in one of the<br />

participating laboratories, it is suggested to<br />

apply a self- scoring evaluation system<br />

which could fits specific requirements.<br />

3.3 The z-score value<br />

The z-score is calculated from the<br />

laboratory results, the assigned value and a<br />

standard deviation in accordance with the<br />

following equation:<br />

z<br />

Score<br />

Value<br />

=<br />

Analyst<br />

−Value<br />

σ<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

On the basis of the “fitness for purpose”<br />

principle, the target value for the standard<br />

deviation (σ) is:<br />

0.10 x Value<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

The laboratory performance is evaluated as<br />

satisfactory if | z Score | ≤ 2; questionable<br />

for 2

given level of probability. The advantage<br />

of the utest is that it takes into consideration<br />

the propagation of measurement<br />

uncertainties when defining the normalised<br />

error. This is especially useful when<br />

evaluating results, which uncertainty may<br />

overlap with the reference interval.<br />

It should be noted that the choice of the<br />

significance level is subjective. For this<br />

proficiency test we have set the limiting<br />

value for the u-test parameter to 2.58 for a<br />

level of probability at 99 % to determine if<br />

a result passes the test (u < 2.58).<br />

The MAB value used in the evaluation of<br />

all radionuclides is listed in Table 7.<br />

Page 19

Radionuclide<br />

Page 20<br />

Soil<br />

sample 01<br />

LAP (%) MAB (%)<br />

Grass<br />

Sample 02<br />

Water<br />

Sample 03<br />

Soil<br />

sample 01<br />

Grass<br />

Sample 02<br />

Water<br />

Sample 03<br />

40 K - 20 - - 20 -<br />

54 Mn 20 - 15 20 - 15<br />

60 Co 20 - 15 20 - 15<br />

65 Zn 20 - 15 20 - 15<br />

109 Cd 25 - 20 25 - 20<br />

134 Cs 20 - 15 20 - 15<br />

137 Cs 20 20 15 20 20 15<br />

210 Pb 30 - 30 30 - 30<br />

241 Am 25 - 25 25 - 20<br />

Table 7. The acceptable limits for LAP and MAB used for the evaluation in the <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-<br />

2006-04 proficiency test.<br />

4. Results and discussion<br />

4.1 General<br />

677 results were reported to the <strong>IAEA</strong> in<br />

this PT from 38 laboratories in 29<br />

countries. The participants’ data along with<br />

the statistical performance evaluation were<br />

compiled and presented. 30 laboratories<br />

reported within the agreed deadline for the<br />

rapid reporting measurement (three<br />

working days). The overall evaluation<br />

showed that 78 % of all reported results<br />

fulfilled the PT criteria.<br />

Table 8 shows the distribution of results<br />

scored as acceptable/warning/not<br />

acceptable for all evaluated nuclides.<br />

Appendix A shows a summary evaluation<br />

for each laboratory and an outline of the<br />

reported information in the PT<br />

questionnaire regarding the applied<br />

analytical technique. Performance<br />

evaluation tables sorted by analyte are<br />

reported in Appendix B, while the<br />

performance evaluation tables sorted by<br />

laboratory code are presented in Appendix<br />

C.<br />

4.2 Counting time, mass of the sample<br />

and moisture content<br />

The potential negative effect of rapid<br />

reporting on the quality of the results was<br />

examined.<br />

There was not any correlation or trend<br />

between the number of working days<br />

elapsed between the samples receipt and<br />

results reporting and the level of<br />

performance.<br />

It was found that the laboratories which<br />

reported their results after four or five<br />

working days did not show a better<br />

performance than those laboratories who<br />

respected the deadline; this is clearly<br />

demonstrated in Figure 4.<br />

The reported values for counting time,<br />

mass of the measured sample and moisture<br />


content were plotted (Figures 5, 6 7)<br />

against the average of the obtained<br />

acceptable scores for each laboratory. It<br />

can be seen that the counting time varied<br />

from 3000 to 250000 second, the moisture<br />

content varied from 0.1 % to 4.5 % and<br />

from 1.4 % to 34 % in soil and grass<br />

respectively. Two laboratories reported<br />

high moisture content and it seems to be<br />

the reason for the lower performance of<br />

these laboratories.<br />

The sample mass in soil was between 3.5 g<br />

and 192 g and in grass was between 1.35 g<br />

and 34 g with no effect on the<br />

performance.<br />

4.3 Uncertainty<br />

Most of the laboratory have followed the<br />

international guides for expression of<br />

uncertainties [11,12] and combined ‘all<br />

identified sources’ of uncertainty. Some<br />

participating laboratories gave detailed<br />

formulas and uncertainty data. On the other<br />

hand a few laboratories reported only<br />

uncertainty values produced by their<br />

software without knowing details what was<br />

included in this information.<br />

The reported values for the uncertainties in<br />

this PT were in most cases realistic; few<br />

laboratories reported too small<br />

uncertainties which could lead to a<br />

warning score.<br />

Page 21

Page 22<br />

Nuclide<br />

No. of reported<br />

results<br />

"Acceptable" results (%) "Warning" results (%) "Not Acceptable" results (%)<br />

soil grass water soil grass water soil grass water soil grass water<br />

40 K 38 76 13 11<br />

54 Mn 37 38 81 90 18 5 2 5<br />

60 Co 38 38 95 100 3 0 2 0<br />

65 Zn 37 37 92 95 8 2.5 0 2.5<br />

109 Cd 34 34 44 53 3 12 53 35<br />

134 Cs 37 37 92 76 5 19 3 5<br />

137 Cs 37 38 37 87 68 92 10 24 3 3 8 5<br />

210 Pb 30 28 60 43 7 14 33 43<br />

241 Am 34 36 70 84 21 6 9 10<br />

Table 8. Summary evaluation of all nuclides in the three samples.

Page 23<br />

Percentage of the total Acceptable results per Lab<br />

110<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5<br />

Number of elapsed working days from the date of samples receipt and results reporting<br />

Figure 4. Analytical performance level vs. number of elapsed working days from the date of samples receipt and results reporting. The line<br />

represents the percentage of the total acceptable results.

Page 24<br />

Fig u re 5. T h e effect o f th e co u n tin g time, ma s s o f th e mea s u r ed s o il s a mp le a n d mo is tu r e co n ten t o n th e level o f th e p er fo r ma n ce.

Page 25<br />

Fig u re 6. T h e effect o f th e co u n tin g time, ma s s o f th e mea s u r ed g r a s s s a mp l e a nd mo is tu r e co n ten t o n th e level o f th e p er fo r m a n ce.

Page 26<br />

Fig u re 7. T h e effect o f th e co u n tin g time a n d th e ma s s o f th e mea s u r ed w a ter s a mp le o n th e lev el o f th e p er fo r man ce.<br />


4.4 Calibration<br />

The following calibration methods were<br />

reported:<br />

• Calibration using multi gamma<br />

standard source;<br />

• Calibration using single gamma<br />

standard sources;<br />

• Calibration using computational model;<br />

• Calibration using a spiked material;<br />

• Calibration using matrix certified<br />

reference materials;<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

This proficiency test exercise was<br />

successfully completed. Most participants<br />

were able to quantify all the nuclides in the<br />

three matrices with acceptable trueness and<br />

precision.<br />

The evaluation results show that there are<br />

no specific measurement problems for<br />

40 K0, 54 Mn, 60 C0, 65 Zn, 134 Cs, 137 Cs, and<br />

241 Am.<br />

The most problematic nuclides were 109 Cd<br />

and 210 Pb in soil.<br />

In the case of 109 Cd in soil only 45 % of all<br />

reported results respectively were in<br />

agreement with the <strong>IAEA</strong> target values.<br />

The main reason for the “Not Acceptable”<br />

scores in 109 Cd results could be attributed<br />

to the overestimation of peak area due to<br />

unresolved interference around the region<br />

of the 88 keV in a densely populated X-ray<br />

region which is difficult to resolve.<br />

210 Pb which is a low energy nuclide (~45<br />

keV) was also a problematic analyte,<br />

where results show a significant bias and<br />

incomparability among the laboratories. It<br />

is suggested that the major sources of the<br />

bias and incomparability in 210 Pb results<br />

could be attributed to the inappropriate<br />

detector calibration in the low energy<br />

range and to the overestimation or<br />

underestimation of the self attenuation<br />

factor. In certain laboratories the efficiency<br />

Page 27<br />

calibration was extrapolated, which led to<br />

large discrepancies.<br />

The need to produce new matrix reference<br />

materials for both 109 Cd and 210 Pb is<br />

obvious to assist in method validation and<br />

quality control of different matrices.<br />

It is recommended to repeat the same<br />

exercise with water and soil to check if the<br />

laboratories were able to introduce proper<br />

corrective actions to improve the results of<br />

109 Cd and 210 Pb.<br />

The laboratories showed the lowest<br />

performance for the grass sample in which<br />

only 68 % of the laboratories gave an<br />

acceptable result for 137 Cs. The laboratory<br />

performance for 137 Cs was considerably<br />

better for soil and water (acceptable results<br />

85 %). Considering the high activity<br />

concentration of 137 Cs in the grass sample<br />

(11320 Bq kg -1 ) this low performance<br />

could be due only to an incorrect<br />

calibration for this type of matrix and/or to<br />

a wrong evaluation of the moisture content.<br />

This result should suggest to the<br />

laboratories to review their calibration<br />

procedures for this type of matrices and to<br />

improve their method for moisture content<br />

calculation.<br />

Generally speaking, this exercise provided<br />

the possibility to quantify the level of<br />

analytical performance of the ALMERA<br />

network members and it could be a step<br />

forwards the improvement of the network<br />

performance in the determination of<br />

gamma emitting radionuclides.

6. References<br />

1. <strong>Report</strong> of the Second Research Coordination Meeting on the Coordinated Research<br />

Programme “Rapid instrumental and separation methods for monitoring radionuclides in<br />

food and environmental samples”, <strong>IAEA</strong>/AL/056, p. 38, August 2001.<br />

2. <strong>Report</strong> of the First Research Coordination Meeting on the Coordinated Research<br />

Programme “Development and selection of analytical techniques for measuring<br />

accidentally released radionuclides in environment”, <strong>IAEA</strong>/AL/082, p. 30, December<br />

1994.<br />

3. A. Shakhashiro, Z. Radecki, A. Trinkl, U. Sansone and T. Benesch, “Final <strong>Report</strong> on the<br />

Proficiency Test of the Analytical Laboratories for the Measurement of Environmental<br />

Radioactivity (ALMERA) Network”, <strong>IAEA</strong>/AL/152, p.242, August 2005.<br />

4. A. Shakhashiro, A. M. Gondin da Fonseca Azeredo, U. Sansone, A. Fajgelj, Matrix<br />

Materials For Proficiency Testing: Optimization of a Procedure for Spiking Soil With<br />

Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides, Anal Bioanal Chem, DOI 10.1007/s00216-006-0772-z,<br />

August 2006.<br />

5. D. L. Duewer, A Robust Approach for the Determination of CCQM Key Comparison<br />

Reference Values and Uncertainties, Working document CCQM/04-15, BIPM, 2004.<br /><br />

6. ISO/IEC Guide 35:2000, Certification of reference materials-General and statistical<br />

principles, ISO, Geneva, Switzerland.<br />

7. A. Shakhashiro, U. Sansone, CCRI(II)-S4 Supplementary Comparison on the<br />

Determination of Gamma Emitting Radionuclides in Soil, Grass and Water, Draft <strong>Report</strong><br />

<strong>IAEA</strong>/AL/176, March 2007.<br />

8. ISO/IEC 17025:2005, General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and<br />

Calibration Laboratories, ISO, Geneva, Switzerland.<br />

9. A. Shakhashiro, A. Fajgelj, U. Sansone, Comparison of Different Approaches To Evaluate<br />

Proficiency Test Data, Presented and accepted in the publications of the International<br />

Workshop on Combining and <strong>Report</strong>ing Analytical Results. The Role of (metrological)<br />

Traceability and (measurement) Uncertainty for Comparing Analytical Results, Rome 6-8<br />

March, 2006.<br />

10. C.J. Brookes, I.G. Betteley, S.M. Loxton, Fundamentals of Mathematics and Statistics,<br />

Wiley 1979.<br />

11. Quantifying Uncertainty in Nuclear Analytical Measurements, <strong>IAEA</strong> TECDOC-1401,<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Vienna, Austria, 2004.<br />

12. Quantifying Uncertainties in Analytical Measurements, Eurachem/Citac Guide, 2000.<br />

Page 28

List of appendixes<br />

Appendix A: Summary evaluation sorted by laboratory code and outline of reported<br />

technical information<br />

Appendix B: Performance evaluation tables sorted by radionuclide<br />

Appendix C: Performance evaluation tables sorted by laboratory code<br />

Appendix D: List of participating laboratories<br />

Page 29

Appendix A: Summary evaluation sorted by laboratory code<br />

and outline of reported technical information

Lab.<br />

code<br />

Appendix A: Summary evaluation sorted by laboratory code and outline of the reported technical information<br />

Accepted<br />

Counting Time<br />

% Soil Grass Water<br />

291 100 74807 29211 135585 Yes<br />

Method<br />

Validation Accreditation<br />

Selfdeclaration,<br />

applying a<br />

QAS<br />

Appendix A, Page 1<br />

Detector Energy<br />

range<br />

40 keV - 2.8 MeV<br />

292 94 82000 95000 96000 Yes No 30-3000 keV<br />

294 89 54000 54000 54000 No Yes<br />

296 83 35000 30000 30000 No<br />

UKAS<br />

accreditation<br />

ISO 17025<br />

40 - 2000 (50 -<br />

1800)<br />

59.5keV To<br />

1.835MeV<br />

297 83 86400 86400 86400 No No 0 - 2 MeV<br />

298 83 86400 86400 86400 Yes<br />

300 100 25767 74686 74423 Yes<br />

UKAS<br />

accreditation,<br />

ISO 17025<br />

ISO<br />

17025:2005<br />

15 - 2000KeV<br />

10 - 2700 keV<br />

Efficiency<br />

calibration<br />

Method<br />

Selective<br />

Standard<br />

Nuclide<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Mathematical<br />

Approach<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Selective<br />

Standard<br />

Nuclide<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Applied corrections<br />

Self-attenuation and coincidencesumming<br />

using the Monte Carlo<br />

program GESPECOR<br />

Decay, density, coincidence<br />

summing, self absorption of 46.5<br />

keV in sample in petri dish<br />

geometry by separate measurement<br />

with Pb-210 point source<br />

Background, density (not for<br />

composition), coincidence<br />

Corrections applied to Cs-134 to<br />

compensate for TCS. Density<br />

correction accounted for during<br />

calibration.<br />

Cs-134 abd Co-60: activity<br />

concentration x 1.1 for true<br />

coincidence summing.<br />

Peaked background correction.<br />

Dry weight<br />

coincidence summing<br />


Page 2<br />

Lab.<br />

code<br />

Accepted<br />

Counting Time<br />

% Soil Grass Water<br />

303 100 60532 58778 78605 Yes<br />

304 83 20856 18434 50112 Yes<br />

Method<br />

Validation Accreditation<br />

305 22 16220 16385 75289 No No<br />

Not<br />

accredited, but<br />

we apply a<br />

QAS.<br />

YES,<br />

laboratory is<br />

accredited<br />

(ISO 17025).<br />

Detector Energy<br />

range<br />

20 - 3000 keV<br />

20-2700 keV<br />

3.92-1837.95 KeV<br />

22.17-2016.3 KeV<br />

3.87-2141.70 KeV<br />

306 89 68550 69680 65560 Yes Yes 5 - 3000 keV<br />

307 78 50000 50000 50000 Yes<br />

308 78 86400 86400 54000 Yes<br />

No, we apply a<br />

QAS.<br />

Yes, according<br />

to Standard<br />

ISO/IEC<br />

17025<br />

20 -2000 keV<br />

100 - 10000 keV;<br />

10 -1000 keV<br />

Efficiency<br />

calibration<br />

Method<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Mathematical<br />

Approach<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Applied corrections<br />

Background substraction, decay<br />

correction, efficiency correction,<br />

moisture content correction, self<br />

absorption correction for low energy<br />

gammas (Pb-210 and Am-241)<br />

using the method by Cutshall.<br />

Sample density was taken into<br />

consideration with the same density<br />

calibration source.<br />

Information not provided<br />

Background, multliplet<br />

deconvolution, dead time and pile<br />

up (pulser method), efficiency,<br />

radon exhalation, stripping, x-ray<br />

escape, true coincidence summing,<br />

decay<br />

Correction only for dried soil and<br />

grass mass.<br />

We do not apply correction on data<br />

calculated but we rather expand the<br />

uncertainty.<br />

310 72 60000 60000 60000 No not provided Information not provided

Lab.<br />

code<br />

Accepted<br />

Counting Time<br />

% Soil Grass Water<br />

Method<br />

Validation Accreditation<br />

Detector Energy<br />

range<br />

311 100 43200 43200 43200 No No 20-2000 keV<br />

313 67 60000 60000 60000 No<br />

314 94 200000 60000 250000 No Yes.<br />

0-2000; 0-2700;<br />

0-2000 keV<br />

315 67 110000 60000 100000 Yes No. 10-2000 keV<br />

Efficiency<br />

calibration<br />

Method<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Information<br />

not provided<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

318 72 72000 72000 72000 No No. not provided<br />

Applied corrections<br />

Cascade summing correction<br />

Information not provided<br />

Page 3<br />

Correction for coincidence<br />

summing<br />

Correction for difference in density,<br />

composition and geometry with<br />

calibration sample.<br />

R.M.W. Overwater, P. Bode, J.J.M.<br />

de Goeij, Gamma-ray Spectroscopy<br />

of Voluminous Samples:<br />

Corrections for Source Geometry<br />

and Self-attenuation, Nuclear<br />

Instruments and Methods, 1993,<br />

A324 p. 209-218.<br />

We actually used several methods to<br />

calculate the efficiency.<br />

multinuclide, individual nuclides,<br />

and mathematical. A sum<br />

correction was applied for Cs-134<br />

using the known peak efficiencies<br />

for the decay gammas and an<br />

estimated peak to compton ratio<br />

specific to the detector used for the<br />

measurement.<br />

Information not provided

Page 4<br />

Lab.<br />

code<br />

Accepted<br />

Counting Time<br />

% Soil Grass Water<br />

Method<br />

Validation Accreditation<br />

Detector Energy<br />

range<br />

319 67 52524 82738 68655 Yes No. 15- 2800 keV<br />

320 50 74970 36471 50348 No<br />

No, the<br />

laboratory has<br />

implemented a<br />

QAS.<br />

30 - 1700 keV<br />

321 50 80000 20000 80000 Yes No 40 keV - 10MeV<br />

322 72 65035 48075 60000 Yes<br />

Accredited<br />

(ISO/IEC<br />

17025:1999)<br />

34 - 2642 keV<br />

40 - 3066 keV<br />

Efficiency<br />

calibration<br />

Method<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Selective<br />

Standard<br />

Nuclide<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Applied corrections<br />

Software used was Genie2000 of<br />


Cascade summing corrections and<br />

density and mineralogy efficiency<br />

corrections were performed by using<br />

Genie/Labsocs routines.<br />

Self-absorption evaluations were<br />

also considered by experimental<br />

measurements.<br />

Decay correction<br />

humidity correction<br />

density correction (efficiency<br />

adjusted by Monte Carlo modelling)<br />

Water : No corrections<br />

Soil : Corrections are applied for<br />

Pb-210, Cd-109 and AM-241<br />

energies using a spiked soil sample<br />

of equivalent density.<br />

Grass : No corrections<br />

Decay correction.<br />

Attenuation correction.<br />

Summing effect correction (if we<br />

have multi gamma emitting<br />

radionuclide).<br />

Wet weight correction.

Lab.<br />

code<br />

Accepted<br />

Counting Time<br />

% Soil Grass Water<br />

325 67 38081 32419 74814 Yes<br />

327 72 28800 60000 60000 Yes<br />

Method<br />

Validation Accreditation<br />

No .<br />

Yes we apply<br />

a QAS.<br />

under<br />

preparation for<br />

ISO 17025<br />

Detector Energy<br />

range<br />

50 - 2000 keV<br />

4 - 2000 keV<br />

40 - 2100 keV<br />

331 56 44000 44000 50000 Yes No 10-4000 keV<br />

332 50 29334 61676 77656 Yes No<br />

334 67 69743 70127 68700 No<br />

No. In<br />

preparation<br />

46 - 2000 keV<br />

335 78 21405 63669 126380 No No 0-2000 keV<br />

336 50 60000 60000 60000 Information not provided<br />

Efficiency<br />

calibration<br />

Method<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Mathematical<br />

Approach<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Applied corrections<br />

Page 5<br />

Self Attenuation and Absorption<br />

correction for different densities.<br />

Dual curve (Empirical curve +linear<br />

curve)<br />

Coincidence Correction for Water<br />

and Soil<br />

No density and Self Attenuation<br />

correction due to time limitation<br />

The detector is calibrated with<br />

different geometries, depending on<br />

needs,<br />

Detector response correction factors<br />

and background consideration are<br />

used<br />

No corrections were made for selfabsorptions<br />

or true coincidence<br />

summing.<br />

Decay corrections<br />

Self-absorption corrections for<br />

photons < 200keV

Page 6<br />

Lab.<br />

code<br />

Accepted<br />

Counting Time<br />

% Soil Grass Water<br />

338 61 82500 70000 65000 Yes<br />

341 56 56509 55479 60000 Yes<br />

Method<br />

Validation Accreditation<br />

No<br />

accreditation.<br />

Applied QAS<br />

No, under<br />

preparation.<br />

Detector Energy<br />

range<br />

40 - 2000 keV<br />

40 -2000 keV<br />

342 83 8000 3000 67000 Yes No 55-2000 keV<br />

344 72 237266 235806 237151 No No 30 – 3000 keV<br />

347 89 62300 70800 77300 Yes No 45 - 2000 keV<br />

348 89 60189 58865.5 47006.5 Yes<br />

No, QAS is<br />

applied<br />

40 - 1750 keV<br />

349 61 60000 60000 60000 Yes Not yet. 100-2000 keV<br />

Efficiency<br />

calibration<br />

Method<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Selective<br />

Standard<br />

Nuclide<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Applied corrections<br />

Background correction<br />

Mass + Homogeneity +Humidity<br />

Detector efficiency<br />

Standard software Genie 2000 V3.0<br />

corrections<br />

Decay correction between the<br />

measurement and the reference date<br />

decay during acquisition;<br />

peaked background correction<br />

Self-attenuation correction,<br />

Summing correction,<br />

Decay correction<br />

Coincidence correction<br />

None<br />

Automatic software corrections and<br />

self absorption correction according<br />

to Cutshall<br />

Since the geometry of the samples<br />

and standards were the same no<br />

corrections were applied.

Lab.<br />

code<br />

Accepted<br />

Counting Time<br />

% Soil Grass Water<br />

Method<br />

Validation Accreditation<br />

Detector Energy<br />

range<br />

351 100 67000 12000 40000 Yes No 10-10000 keV<br />

Efficiency<br />

calibration<br />

Method<br />

Multinuclide<br />

Standard<br />

Applied corrections<br />

Mass-attenuation<br />

Matrix Self-absorption<br />

Sample height<br />

Cascade sum correction<br />

Page 7

Appendix B: Performance evaluation tables sorted by<br />


Evaluation results of K-40 in grass, sample no 2<br />

Target Value: 1059.0 ± 28.0 [Bq/kg]<br />

38 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

13 %<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

11 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

76 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 1 K-40 in grass, sample no 2

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True<br />

291 1049.0 25.00 2.38 -0.94 -0.09 -0.27 0.99 10.00 96.84 A 3.56 A A<br />

292 1155.0 116.00 10.04 9.07 0.91 0.8 1.09 96.00 307.88 A 10.39 A A<br />

294 1090.0 110.00 10.09 2.93 0.29 0.27 1.03 31.00 292.85 A 10.43 A A<br />

296 942.42 40.39 4.29 -11.01 -1.1 -2.37 0.89 116.58 126.80 A 5.04 A A<br />

297 859.00 50.00 5.82 -18.89 -1.89 -3.49 0.81 200.00 147.85 N 6.39 A W<br />

298 1186.0 72.00 6.07 11.99 1.2 1.64 1.12 127.00 199.31 A 6.62 A A<br />

300 1161.0 88.00 7.58 9.63 0.96 1.1 1.1 102.00 238.26 A 8.03 A A<br />

303 1108.0 69.00 6.23 4.63 0.46 0.66 1.05 49.00 192.12 A 6.77 A A<br />

304 1040.7 63.59 6.11 -1.72 -0.17 -0.26 0.98 18.23 179.26 A 6.66 A A<br />

305 1254.6 44.18 3.52 18.47 1.85 3.74 1.18 195.60 134.95 N 4.40 A W<br />

306 985.00 70.00 7.11 -6.99 -0.7 -0.98 0.93 74.00 194.51 A 7.58 A A<br />

307 1040.0 48.90 4.70 -1.79 -0.18 -0.34 0.98 19.00 145.38 A 5.39 A A<br />

308 947.01 59.93 6.33 -10.58 -1.06 -1.69 0.89 111.99 170.66 A 6.86 A A<br />

310 1155.0 73.00 6.32 9.07 0.91 1.23 1.09 96.00 201.72 A 6.85 A A<br />

311 1060.0 160.00 15.09 0.09 0.01 0.01 1.0 1.00 419.07 A 15.32 A A<br />

313 1020.0 35.00 3.43 -3.68 -0.37 -0.87 0.96 39.00 115.64 A 4.33 A A<br />

314 1060.0 80.00 7.55 0.09 0.01 0.01 1.0 1.00 218.68 A 8.00 A A<br />

315 990.00 30.00 3.03 -6.52 -0.65 -1.68 0.93 69.00 105.87 A 4.02 A A<br />

318 1195.0 42.00 3.51 12.84 1.28 2.69 1.13 136.00 130.23 N 4.40 A W<br />

319 1276.5 37.20 2.91 20.54 2.05 4.67 1.21 217.50 120.12 N 3.93 A N<br />

320 1703.0 70.00 4.11 60.81 6.08 8.54 1.61 644.00 194.51 N 4.89 A N<br />

321 984.00 40.00 4.07 -7.08 -0.71 -1.54 0.93 75.00 125.97 A 4.85 A A<br />

322 1139.0 62.00 5.44 7.55 0.76 1.18 1.08 80.00 175.52 A 6.05 A A<br />

325 1160.0 82.00 7.07 9.54 0.95 1.17 1.1 101.00 223.55 A 7.55 A A<br />

327 958.00 45.00 4.70 -9.54 -0.95 -1.91 0.9 101.00 136.74 A 5.39 A A<br />

331 885.00 17.00 1.92 -16.43 -1.64 -5.31 0.84 174.00 84.51 N 3.27 A W<br />

332 1040.0 90.00 8.65 -1.79 -0.18 -0.2 0.98 19.00 243.18 A 9.05 A A<br />

334 1093.0 48.00 4.39 3.21 0.32 0.61 1.03 34.00 143.37 A 5.13 A A<br />

335 1210.0 40.00 3.31 14.26 1.43 3.09 1.14 151.00 125.97 N 4.23 A W<br />

336 1028.5 14.00 1.36 -2.88 -0.29 -0.97 0.97 30.50 80.77 A 2.97 A A<br />

338 1082.0 103.00 9.52 2.17 0.22 0.22 1.02 23.00 275.38 A 9.88 A A<br />

341 1428.4 33.54 2.35 34.88 3.49 8.45 1.35 369.40 112.72 N 3.54 A N<br />

342 983.00 55.00 5.60 -7.18 -0.72 -1.23 0.93 76.00 159.23 A 6.19 A A<br />

344 1100.0 60.00 5.45 3.87 0.39 0.62 1.04 41.00 170.83 A 6.06 A A<br />

347 1090.0 161.00 14.77 2.93 0.29 0.19 1.03 31.00 421.61 A 15.01 A A<br />

348 1036.6 119.20 11.50 -2.12 -0.21 -0.18 0.98 22.40 315.91 A 11.80 A A<br />

349 1378.5 115.26 8.36 30.17 3.02 2.69 1.3 319.53 306.02 N 8.77 A N<br />

351 897.00 110.00 12.26 -15.30 -1.53 -1.43 0.85 162.00 292.85 A 12.54 A A<br />

Appendix B, Page 2 K-40 in grass, sample no 2<br />

P<br />

Prec.<br />

Final<br />


Evaluation results of Mn-54 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 48.0 ± 0.98 [Bq/kg]<br />

37 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

16 %<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

3 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

81 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 3 Mn-54 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 49.90 0.70 1.40 3.96 0.4 1.58 1.04 1.90 3.11 A 2.48 A A<br />

292 50.20 5.00 9.96 4.58 0.46 0.43 1.05 2.20 13.15 A 10.17 A A<br />

294 51.00 4.00 7.84 6.25 0.62 0.73 1.06 3.00 10.63 A 8.10 A A<br />

296 52.62 3.02 5.74 9.62 0.96 1.46 1.1 4.62 8.19 A 6.09 A A<br />

297 47.10 2.40 5.10 -1.87 -0.19 -0.35 0.98 0.90 6.69 A 5.49 A A<br />

298 52.60 2.60 4.94 9.58 0.96 1.66 1.1 4.60 7.17 A 5.35 A A<br />

300 47.10 2.40 5.10 -1.87 -0.19 -0.35 0.98 0.90 6.69 A 5.49 A A<br />

303 49.60 2.90 5.85 3.33 0.33 0.52 1.03 1.60 7.90 A 6.19 A A<br />

304 55.46 2.30 4.15 15.54 1.55 2.98 1.16 7.46 6.45 N 4.62 A W<br />


Evaluation results of Mn-54 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 4.89 ± 0.017 [Bq/kg]<br />

38 reported results<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

Warning 5 %<br />

5 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

90 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 5 Mn-54 in water, sample no 3

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 4.77 0.12 2.52 -2.45 -0.25 -0.99 0.98 0.12 0.31 A 2.54 A A<br />

292 4.96 0.56 11.29 1.43 0.14 0.12 1.01 0.07 1.45 A 11.30 A A<br />

294 4.10 0.40 9.76 -16.16 -1.62 -1.97 0.84 0.79 1.03 A 9.76 A A<br />

296 5.16 0.34 6.67 5.52 0.55 0.78 1.06 0.27 0.89 A 6.68 A A<br />

297 4.65 0.27 5.81 -4.91 -0.49 -0.89 0.95 0.24 0.70 A 5.82 A A<br />

298 4.96 0.30 6.05 1.43 0.14 0.23 1.01 0.07 0.78 A 6.06 A A<br />

300 5.05 0.26 5.15 3.27 0.33 0.61 1.03 0.16 0.67 A 5.16 A A<br />

303 5.11 0.35 6.85 4.50 0.45 0.63 1.04 0.22 0.90 A 6.86 A A<br />

304 4.83 0.19 3.93 -1.15 -0.11 -0.29 0.99 0.06 0.49 A 3.95 A A<br />

305 4.92 0.31 6.26 0.68 0.07 0.11 1.01 0.03 0.80 A 6.27 A A<br />

306 4.90 0.30 6.12 0.20 0.02 0.03 1.0 0.01 0.78 A 6.13 A A<br />

307 4.93 0.26 5.33 0.82 0.08 0.15 1.01 0.04 0.68 A 5.35 A A<br />

308 5.02 0.42 8.37 2.66 0.27 0.31 1.03 0.13 1.08 A 8.37 A A<br />

310 5.18 0.37 7.14 5.93 0.59 0.78 1.06 0.29 0.96 A 7.15 A A<br />

311 4.40 0.27 6.14 -10.02 -1.0 -1.81 0.9 0.49 0.70 A 6.15 A A<br />

313 4.66 0.15 3.22 -4.70 -0.47 -1.52 0.95 0.23 0.39 A 3.24 A A<br />

314 4.60 0.30 6.52 -5.93 -0.59 -0.97 0.94 0.29 0.78 A 6.53 A A<br />

315 4.73 0.14 2.96 -3.27 -0.33 -1.13 0.97 0.16 0.36 A 2.98 A A<br />

318 4.80 0.20 4.17 -1.84 -0.18 -0.45 0.98 0.09 0.52 A 4.18 A A<br />

319 5.50 0.20 3.64 12.47 1.25 3.04 1.12 0.61 0.52 N 3.65 A W<br />

320 5.90 0.30 5.08 20.65 2.07 3.36 1.21 1.01 0.78 N 5.10 A N<br />

321 5.61 0.17 3.03 14.72 1.47 4.21 1.15 0.72 0.44 N 3.05 A W<br />

322 5.09 0.22 4.32 4.09 0.41 0.91 1.04 0.20 0.57 A 4.34 A A<br />

325 5.08 0.19 3.74 3.89 0.39 1.0 1.04 0.19 0.49 A 3.76 A A<br />

327 4.85 0.26 5.36 -0.82 -0.08 -0.15 0.99 0.04 0.67 A 5.37 A A<br />

331 5.30 0.20 3.77 8.38 0.84 2.04 1.08 0.41 0.52 A 3.79 A A<br />

332 47.50 2.45 5.16 871.37 87.14 17.39 9.71 42.61 6.32 N 5.17 A N<br />

334 5.13 0.21 4.09 4.91 0.49 1.14 1.05 0.24 0.54 A 4.11 A A<br />

335 4.90 0.30 6.12 0.20 0.02 0.03 1.0 0.01 0.78 A 6.13 A A<br />

336 5.10 0.50 9.80 4.29 0.43 0.42 1.04 0.21 1.29 A 9.81 A A<br />

338 4.64 0.14 3.02 -5.11 -0.51 -1.77 0.95 0.25 0.36 A 3.04 A A<br />

341 6.34 0.59 9.27 29.71 2.97 2.47 1.3 1.45 1.52 A 9.28 A A<br />

342 5.24 0.20 3.82 7.16 0.72 1.74 1.07 0.35 0.52 A 3.83 A A<br />

344 4.50 0.23 5.11 -7.98 -0.8 -1.69 0.92 0.39 0.60 A 5.12 A A<br />

347 5.50 0.40 7.27 12.47 1.25 1.52 1.12 0.61 1.03 A 7.28 A A<br />

348 5.10 0.52 10.20 4.29 0.43 0.4 1.04 0.21 1.34 A 10.20 A A<br />

349 4.41 0.31 7.03 -9.82 -0.98 -1.55 0.9 0.48 0.80 A 7.04 A A<br />

351 5.01 0.38 7.58 2.45 0.25 0.32 1.02 0.12 0.98 A 7.59 A A<br />

Appendix B, Page 6 Mn-54 in water, sample no 3<br />

Final<br />


Evaluation results of Co-60 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 56.1 ± 1.37 [Bq/kg]<br />

38 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

Not<br />

3 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

2 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

95 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 7 Co-60 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 59.80 0.80 1.34 6.60 0.66 2.33 1.07 3.70 4.09 A 2.78 A A<br />

292 57.70 5.80 10.05 2.85 0.29 0.27 1.03 1.60 15.38 A 10.34 A A<br />

294 63.00 5.00 7.94 12.30 1.23 1.33 1.12 6.90 13.38 A 8.30 A A<br />

296 57.23 2.84 4.96 2.01 0.2 0.36 1.02 1.13 8.14 A 5.53 A A<br />

297 54.30 6.20 11.42 -3.21 -0.32 -0.28 0.97 1.80 16.38 A 11.68 A A<br />

298 58.10 2.80 4.82 3.57 0.36 0.64 1.04 2.00 8.04 A 5.40 A A<br />

300 55.60 2.90 5.22 -0.89 -0.09 -0.16 0.99 0.50 8.27 A 5.76 A A<br />

303 53.60 3.10 5.78 -4.46 -0.45 -0.74 0.96 2.50 8.74 A 6.28 A A<br />

304 58.36 2.84 4.87 4.03 0.4 0.72 1.04 2.26 8.14 A 5.44 A A<br />

305 59.80 2.80 4.68 6.60 0.66 1.19 1.07 3.70 8.04 A 5.28 A A<br />

306 58.20 1.80 3.09 3.74 0.37 0.93 1.04 2.10 5.84 A 3.94 A A<br />

307 53.90 2.74 5.08 -3.92 -0.39 -0.72 0.96 2.20 7.90 A 5.64 A A<br />

308 54.56 4.71 8.63 -2.75 -0.27 -0.31 0.97 1.54 12.66 A 8.97 A A<br />

310 60.60 3.40 5.61 8.02 0.8 1.23 1.08 4.50 9.46 A 6.12 A A<br />

311 58.70 6.60 11.24 4.63 0.46 0.39 1.05 2.60 17.39 A 11.51 A A<br />

313 57.70 1.30 2.25 2.85 0.29 0.85 1.03 1.60 4.87 A 3.32 A A<br />

314 59.00 4.00 6.78 5.17 0.52 0.69 1.05 2.90 10.91 A 7.21 A A<br />

315 54.70 1.40 2.56 -2.50 -0.25 -0.71 0.98 1.40 5.05 A 3.54 A A<br />

318 60.10 1.10 1.83 7.13 0.71 2.28 1.07 4.00 4.53 A 3.05 A A<br />

319 62.30 3.10 4.98 11.05 1.11 1.83 1.11 6.20 8.74 A 5.54 A A<br />

320 58.50 1.70 2.91 4.28 0.43 1.1 1.04 2.40 5.63 A 3.80 A A<br />

321 43.16 1.35 3.13 -23.07 -2.31 -6.73 0.77 12.94 4.96 N 3.97 A N<br />

322 61.40 1.60 2.61 9.45 0.94 2.52 1.09 5.30 5.43 A 3.57 A A<br />

325 55.33 3.23 5.84 -1.37 -0.14 -0.22 0.99 0.77 9.05 A 6.33 A A<br />

327 56.60 1.60 2.83 0.89 0.09 0.24 1.01 0.50 5.43 A 3.74 A A<br />

331 51.10 0.70 1.37 -8.91 -0.89 -3.25 0.91 5.00 3.97 N 2.80 A W<br />

332 55.30 4.00 7.23 -1.43 -0.14 -0.19 0.99 0.80 10.91 A 7.63 A A<br />

334 59.10 1.30 2.20 5.35 0.53 1.59 1.05 3.00 4.87 A 3.29 A A<br />

335 59.00 2.00 3.39 5.17 0.52 1.2 1.05 2.90 6.25 A 4.18 A A<br />

336 59.20 1.10 1.86 5.53 0.55 1.76 1.06 3.10 4.53 A 3.07 A A<br />

338 58.29 1.18 2.02 3.90 0.39 1.21 1.04 2.19 4.66 A 3.17 A A<br />

341 57.26 0.82 1.43 2.06 0.21 0.72 1.02 1.16 4.12 A 2.83 A A<br />

342 55.50 2.10 3.78 -1.07 -0.11 -0.24 0.99 0.60 6.47 A 4.50 A A<br />

344 58.00 2.90 5.00 3.39 0.34 0.59 1.03 1.90 8.27 A 5.56 A A<br />

347 57.10 2.70 4.73 1.78 0.18 0.33 1.02 1.00 7.81 A 5.32 A A<br />

348 48.70 3.13 6.43 -13.19 -1.32 -2.17 0.87 7.40 8.82 A 6.88 A A<br />

349 52.44 4.21 8.03 -6.52 -0.65 -0.83 0.93 3.66 11.42 A 8.39 A A<br />

351 53.00 4.50 8.49 -5.53 -0.55 -0.66 0.94 3.10 12.14 A 8.83 A A<br />

Appendix B, Page 8 Co-60 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Final<br />


Evaluation results of Co-60 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 5.8 ± 0.04 [Bq/kg]<br />

38 reported results<br />

Acceptable<br />

100%<br />

Appendix B, Page 9 Co-60 in water, sample no 3

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 5.87 0.11 1.87 1.21 0.12 0.6 1.01 0.07 0.30 A 2.00 A A<br />

292 6.00 0.64 10.67 3.45 0.34 0.31 1.03 0.20 1.65 A 10.69 A A<br />

294 5.20 0.60 11.54 -10.34 -1.03 -1.0 0.9 0.60 1.55 A 11.56 A A<br />

296 5.59 0.34 6.01 -3.62 -0.36 -0.62 0.96 0.21 0.87 A 6.05 A A<br />

297 5.47 0.62 11.33 -5.69 -0.57 -0.53 0.94 0.33 1.60 A 11.36 A A<br />

298 6.23 0.39 6.26 7.41 0.74 1.1 1.07 0.43 1.01 A 6.30 A A<br />

300 6.04 0.34 5.63 4.14 0.41 0.7 1.04 0.24 0.88 A 5.67 A A<br />

303 6.06 0.37 6.11 4.48 0.45 0.7 1.04 0.26 0.96 A 6.14 A A<br />

304 5.89 0.18 3.05 1.62 0.16 0.51 1.02 0.09 0.48 A 3.13 A A<br />

305 5.45 0.31 5.70 -5.95 -0.59 -1.1 0.94 0.35 0.81 A 5.75 A A<br />

306 6.00 0.20 3.33 3.45 0.34 0.98 1.03 0.20 0.53 A 3.40 A A<br />

307 6.21 0.29 4.70 7.07 0.71 1.39 1.07 0.41 0.76 A 4.75 A A<br />

308 5.33 0.47 8.82 -8.10 -0.81 -1.0 0.92 0.47 1.22 A 8.84 A A<br />

310 5.60 0.33 5.89 -3.45 -0.34 -0.6 0.97 0.20 0.86 A 5.93 A A<br />

311 5.83 0.35 6.00 0.52 0.05 0.09 1.01 0.03 0.91 A 6.04 A A<br />

313 5.79 0.14 2.42 -0.17 -0.02 -0.07 1.0 0.01 0.38 A 2.51 A A<br />

314 6.00 0.40 6.67 3.45 0.34 0.5 1.03 0.20 1.04 A 6.70 A A<br />

315 5.93 0.16 2.70 2.24 0.22 0.79 1.02 0.13 0.43 A 2.78 A A<br />

318 5.90 0.20 3.39 1.72 0.17 0.49 1.02 0.10 0.53 A 3.46 A A<br />

319 6.30 0.30 4.76 8.62 0.86 1.65 1.09 0.50 0.78 A 4.81 A A<br />

320 5.70 0.20 3.51 -1.72 -0.17 -0.49 0.98 0.10 0.53 A 3.58 A A<br />

321 5.93 0.19 3.20 2.24 0.22 0.67 1.02 0.13 0.50 A 3.28 A A<br />

322 6.16 0.26 4.22 6.21 0.62 1.37 1.06 0.36 0.68 A 4.28 A A<br />

325 5.70 0.22 3.86 -1.72 -0.17 -0.45 0.98 0.10 0.58 A 3.92 A A<br />

327 5.55 0.19 3.42 -4.31 -0.43 -1.29 0.96 0.25 0.50 A 3.49 A A<br />

331 5.60 0.20 3.57 -3.45 -0.34 -0.98 0.97 0.20 0.53 A 3.64 A A<br />

332 5.39 0.50 9.28 -7.07 -0.71 -0.82 0.93 0.41 1.29 A 9.30 A A<br />

334 5.49 0.17 3.10 -5.34 -0.53 -1.78 0.95 0.31 0.45 A 3.17 A A<br />

335 5.80 0.30 5.17 0.00 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.00 0.78 A 5.22 A A<br />

336 5.40 0.50 9.26 -6.90 -0.69 -0.8 0.93 0.40 1.29 A 9.28 A A<br />

338 5.57 0.16 2.87 -3.97 -0.4 -1.39 0.96 0.23 0.43 A 2.95 A A<br />

341 6.44 0.34 5.34 10.98 1.1 1.84 1.11 0.64 0.89 A 5.39 A A<br />

342 6.05 0.26 4.30 4.31 0.43 0.95 1.04 0.25 0.68 A 4.35 A A<br />

344 6.20 0.31 5.00 6.90 0.69 1.28 1.07 0.40 0.81 A 5.05 A A<br />

347 6.30 0.30 4.76 8.62 0.86 1.65 1.09 0.50 0.78 A 4.81 A A<br />

348 5.30 0.46 8.68 -8.62 -0.86 -1.08 0.91 0.50 1.19 A 8.71 A A<br />

349 5.56 0.41 7.37 -4.14 -0.41 -0.58 0.96 0.24 1.06 A 7.41 A A<br />

351 5.94 0.38 6.40 2.41 0.24 0.37 1.02 0.14 0.99 A 6.43 A A<br />

Appendix B, Page 10 Co-60 in water, sample no 3<br />

Final<br />


Evaluation results of Zn-65 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 77.6 ± 2.54 [Bq/kg]<br />

37 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

8 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

92 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 11 Zn-65 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 80.90 1.40 1.73 4.25 0.43 1.14 1.04 3.30 7.48 A 3.70 A A<br />

292 77.30 7.70 9.96 -0.39 -0.04 -0.04 1.0 0.30 20.92 A 10.49 A A<br />

294 79.00 6.00 7.59 1.80 0.18 0.21 1.02 1.40 16.81 A 8.27 A A<br />

296 87.64 4.95 5.65 12.94 1.29 1.8 1.13 10.04 14.35 A 6.53 A A<br />

297 75.90 4.20 5.53 -2.19 -0.22 -0.35 0.98 1.70 12.66 A 6.43 A A<br />

298 85.50 4.20 4.91 10.18 1.02 1.61 1.1 7.90 12.66 A 5.90 A A<br />

300 73.80 5.20 7.05 -4.90 -0.49 -0.66 0.95 3.80 14.93 A 7.77 A A<br />

303 78.60 4.60 5.85 1.29 0.13 0.19 1.01 1.00 13.56 A 6.71 A A<br />

304 78.26 5.11 6.53 0.85 0.09 0.12 1.01 0.66 14.72 A 7.30 A A<br />


Evaluation results of Zn-65 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 7.27 ± 0.075 [Bq/kg]<br />

37 reported results<br />

Warning Not<br />

2.5 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

2.5 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

95 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 13 Zn-65 in water, sample no 3

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 7.33 0.24 3.27 0.83 0.08 0.24 1.01 0.06 0.65 A 3.43 A A<br />

292 6.89 0.88 12.77 -5.23 -0.52 -0.43 0.95 0.38 2.28 A 12.81 A A<br />

294 8.00 0.90 11.25 10.04 1.0 0.81 1.1 0.73 2.33 A 11.30 A A<br />

296 7.90 0.65 8.18 8.67 0.87 0.97 1.09 0.63 1.68 A 8.24 A A<br />

297 6.40 0.42 6.56 -11.97 -1.2 -2.04 0.88 0.87 1.10 A 6.64 A A<br />

298 7.93 0.52 6.56 9.08 0.91 1.26 1.09 0.66 1.36 A 6.64 A A<br />

300 7.33 0.46 6.28 0.83 0.08 0.13 1.01 0.06 1.20 A 6.36 A A<br />

303 7.04 0.53 7.53 -3.16 -0.32 -0.43 0.97 0.23 1.38 A 7.60 A A<br />

304 7.39 0.33 4.47 1.65 0.17 0.35 1.02 0.12 0.87 A 4.58 A A<br />


Evaluation results of Cd-109 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 177.6 ± 8.4 [Bq/kg]<br />

34 reported results<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

53 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

44 %<br />

Warning<br />

3 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 15 Cd-109 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 202.00 5.00 2.48 13.74 1.37 2.5 1.14 24.40 25.22 A 5.34 A A<br />

292 276.00 28.00 10.14 55.41 5.54 3.37 1.55 98.40 75.42 N 11.19 A N<br />

294 268.00 35.00 13.06 50.90 5.09 2.51 1.51 90.40 92.86 A 13.89 A A<br />

296 281.27 25.97 9.23 58.37 5.84 3.8 1.58 103.67 70.42 N 10.37 A N<br />

297 278.00 17.00 6.12 56.53 5.65 5.29 1.57 100.40 48.92 N 7.73 A N<br />

298 198.90 11.60 5.83 11.99 1.2 1.49 1.12 21.30 36.95 A 7.51 A A<br />

300 166.00 10.00 6.02 -6.53 -0.65 -0.89 0.93 11.60 33.69 A 7.66 A A<br />

303 197.00 12.00 6.09 10.92 1.09 1.32 1.11 19.40 37.79 A 7.71 A A<br />

304 234.96 17.67 7.52 32.30 3.23 2.93 1.32 57.36 50.48 N 8.88 A N<br />


Evaluation results of Cd-109 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 19.62 ± 0.1 [Bq/kg]<br />

34 reported results<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

35 %<br />

Warning<br />

12 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

53 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 17 Cd-109 in water, sample no 3

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 22.10 1.00 4.52 12.64 1.26 2.47 1.13 2.48 2.59 A 4.55 A A<br />

292 24.80 3.40 13.71 26.40 2.64 1.52 1.26 5.18 8.78 A 13.72 A A<br />

294 19.20 3.30 17.19 -2.14 -0.21 -0.13 0.98 0.42 8.52 A 17.20 N W<br />

296 22.25 2.90 13.02 13.40 1.34 0.91 1.13 2.63 7.48 A 13.03 A A<br />

297 18.90 1.90 10.05 -3.67 -0.37 -0.38 0.96 0.72 4.91 A 10.07 A A<br />

298 31.50 3.30 10.48 60.55 6.06 3.6 1.61 11.88 8.52 N 10.49 A N<br />

300 19.60 1.70 8.67 -0.10 -0.01 -0.01 1.0 0.02 4.39 A 8.69 A A<br />

303 26.10 2.80 10.73 33.03 3.3 2.31 1.33 6.48 7.23 A 10.74 A A<br />

304 17.83 1.08 6.06 -9.12 -0.91 -1.65 0.91 1.79 2.80 A 6.08 A A<br />


Evaluation results of Cs-134 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 64.2 ± 1.87 [Bq/kg]<br />

37 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

5 %<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

3 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

92 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 19 Cs-134 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 69.20 0.80 1.16 7.79 0.78 2.46 1.08 5.00 5.25 A 3.13 A A<br />

292 67.40 3.50 5.19 4.98 0.5 0.81 1.05 3.20 10.24 A 5.95 A A<br />

294 68.00 5.00 7.35 5.92 0.59 0.71 1.06 3.80 13.77 A 7.91 A A<br />

296 65.42 3.97 6.07 1.90 0.19 0.28 1.02 1.22 11.32 A 6.73 A A<br />

297 61.50 6.90 11.22 -4.21 -0.42 -0.38 0.96 2.70 18.44 A 11.59 A A<br />

298 60.80 2.90 4.77 -5.30 -0.53 -0.99 0.95 3.40 8.90 A 5.59 A A<br />

300 58.30 2.80 4.80 -9.19 -0.92 -1.75 0.91 5.90 8.69 A 5.62 A A<br />

303 56.30 3.20 5.68 -12.31 -1.23 -2.13 0.88 7.90 9.56 A 6.39 A A<br />

304 64.13 1.98 3.09 -0.10 -0.01 -0.02 1.0 0.07 7.03 A 4.24 A A<br />


Evaluation results of Cs-134 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 13.03 ± 0.1 [Bq/kg]<br />

37 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

19 %<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

5 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

76 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 21 Cs-134 in water, sample no 3

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 13.14 0.15 1.14 0.84 0.08 0.61 1.01 0.11 0.47 A 1.38 A A<br />

292 13.20 0.71 5.38 1.30 0.13 0.24 1.01 0.17 1.85 A 5.43 A A<br />

294 12.30 1.10 8.94 -5.60 -0.56 -0.66 0.94 0.73 2.85 A 8.98 A A<br />

296 13.42 0.79 5.91 2.99 0.3 0.49 1.03 0.39 2.06 A 5.96 A A<br />

297 12.00 1.40 11.67 -7.90 -0.79 -0.73 0.92 1.03 3.62 A 11.69 A A<br />

298 12.20 0.60 4.92 -6.37 -0.64 -1.36 0.94 0.83 1.57 A 4.98 A A<br />

300 12.47 0.44 3.53 -4.30 -0.43 -1.24 0.96 0.56 1.16 A 3.61 A A<br />

303 12.12 0.72 5.94 -6.98 -0.7 -1.25 0.93 0.91 1.88 A 5.99 A A<br />

304 11.83 0.32 2.70 -9.21 -0.92 -3.58 0.91 1.20 0.86 N 2.81 A W<br />


Evaluation results of Cs-137 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 52.6 ± 1.08 [Bq/kg]<br />

37 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

10 %<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

3 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

87 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 23 Cs-137 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 55.70 0.80 1.44 5.89 0.59 2.31 1.06 3.10 3.47 A 2.51 A A<br />

292 51.90 2.80 5.39 -1.33 -0.13 -0.23 0.99 0.70 7.74 A 5.77 A A<br />

294 55.00 4.00 7.27 4.56 0.46 0.58 1.05 2.40 10.69 A 7.56 A A<br />

296 53.85 2.82 5.24 2.38 0.24 0.41 1.02 1.25 7.79 A 5.62 A A<br />

297 52.50 2.70 5.14 -0.19 -0.02 -0.03 1.0 0.10 7.50 A 5.54 A A<br />

298 56.70 2.70 4.76 7.79 0.78 1.41 1.08 4.10 7.50 A 5.19 A A<br />

300 50.30 2.80 5.57 -4.37 -0.44 -0.77 0.96 2.30 7.74 A 5.93 A A<br />

303 50.50 2.90 5.74 -3.99 -0.4 -0.68 0.96 2.10 7.98 A 6.10 A A<br />

304 58.02 3.52 6.07 10.31 1.03 1.47 1.1 5.42 9.50 A 6.40 A A<br />


Evaluation results of Cs-137 in grass, sample no 2<br />

Target Value: 11320. ± 185.0 [Bq/kg]<br />

38 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

24 %<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

8 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

68 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 25 Cs-137 in grass, sample no 2

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 11504.00 100.00 0.87 1.63 0.16 0.87 1.02 184.00 542.57 A 1.85 A A<br />

292 11235.00 562.00 5.00 -0.75 -0.08 -0.14 0.99 85.00 1526.50 A 5.26 A A<br />

294 11800.00 1000.00 8.47 4.24 0.42 0.47 1.04 480.00 2623.78 A 8.63 A A<br />

296 10330.00 437.00 4.23 -8.75 -0.87 -2.09 0.91 990.00 1224.33 A 4.54 A A<br />

297 9627.00 498.00 5.17 -14.96 -1.5 -3.19 0.85 1693.00 1370.63 N 5.42 A W<br />

298 12441.00 706.00 5.67 9.90 0.99 1.54 1.1 1121.00 1882.98 A 5.91 A A<br />

300 12300.00 1000.00 8.13 8.66 0.87 0.96 1.09 980.00 2623.78 A 8.29 A A<br />

303 11520.00 640.00 5.56 1.77 0.18 0.3 1.02 200.00 1718.80 A 5.79 A A<br />

304 11006.00 525.00 4.77 -2.77 -0.28 -0.56 0.97 314.00 1436.14 A 5.04 A A<br />

305 13058.27 288.40 2.21 15.36 1.54 5.07 1.15 1738.27 884.00 N 2.75 A W<br />

306 10700.00 350.00 3.27 -5.48 -0.55 -1.57 0.95 620.00 1021.38 A 3.66 A A<br />

307 10900.00 457.00 4.19 -3.71 -0.37 -0.85 0.96 420.00 1272.01 A 4.50 A A<br />

308 11024.00 794.30 7.21 -2.61 -0.26 -0.36 0.97 296.00 2104.14 A 7.39 A A<br />

310 11576.00 702.00 6.06 2.26 0.23 0.35 1.02 256.00 1873.00 A 6.28 A A<br />

311 11500.00 1400.00 12.17 1.59 0.16 0.13 1.02 180.00 3643.40 A 12.28 A A<br />

313 11500.00 500.00 4.35 1.59 0.16 0.34 1.02 180.00 1375.47 A 4.64 A A<br />

314 11800.00 800.00 6.78 4.24 0.42 0.58 1.04 480.00 2118.47 A 6.97 A A<br />

315 11300.00 300.00 2.65 -0.18 -0.02 -0.06 1.0 20.00 909.34 A 3.12 A A<br />

318 11757.00 277.00 2.36 3.86 0.39 1.31 1.04 437.00 859.39 A 2.87 A A<br />

319 12170.10 230.80 1.90 7.51 0.75 2.87 1.08 850.10 763.15 N 2.50 A W<br />

320 12807.00 351.00 2.74 13.14 1.31 3.75 1.13 1487.00 1023.67 N 3.19 A W<br />

321 12111.00 244.00 2.01 6.99 0.7 2.58 1.07 791.00 790.01 N 2.59 A W<br />

322 10847.00 406.00 3.74 -4.18 -0.42 -1.06 0.96 473.00 1151.10 A 4.08 A A<br />

325 12600.00 853.00 6.77 11.31 1.13 1.47 1.11 1280.00 2251.90 A 6.96 A A<br />

327 10500.00 212.00 2.02 -7.24 -0.72 -2.91 0.93 820.00 725.93 N 2.60 A W<br />

331 9713.00 13.00 0.13 -14.20 -1.42 -8.67 0.86 1607.00 478.48 N 1.64 A W<br />

332 6910.00 1040.00 15.05 -38.96 -3.9 -4.17 0.61 4410.00 2725.32 N 15.14 A N<br />

334 11710.00 366.00 3.13 3.45 0.34 0.95 1.03 390.00 1058.05 A 3.53 A A<br />

335 12500.00 400.00 3.20 10.42 1.04 2.68 1.1 1180.00 1137.03 N 3.59 A W<br />

336 12597.50 17.60 0.14 11.29 1.13 6.87 1.11 1277.50 479.46 N 1.64 A W<br />

338 11324.00 204.00 1.80 0.04 0.0 0.01 1.0 4.00 710.51 A 2.43 A A<br />

341 14247.00 131.71 0.92 25.86 2.59 12.89 1.26 2927.00 585.91 N 1.88 A N<br />

342 11850.00 370.00 3.12 4.68 0.47 1.28 1.05 530.00 1067.28 A 3.52 A A<br />

344 11800.00 600.00 5.08 4.24 0.42 0.76 1.04 480.00 1619.91 A 5.34 A A<br />

347 12750.00 545.00 4.27 12.63 1.26 2.48 1.13 1430.00 1484.90 A 4.58 A A<br />

348 11488.20 645.80 5.62 1.49 0.15 0.25 1.01 168.20 1733.18 A 5.85 A A<br />

349 14619.47 730.32 5.00 29.15 2.91 4.38 1.29 3299.47 1943.74 N 5.26 A N<br />

351 10930.00 610.00 5.58 -3.45 -0.34 -0.61 0.97 390.00 1644.59 A 5.82 A A<br />

Appendix B, Page 26 Cs-137 in grass, sample no 2<br />

Final<br />


Evaluation results of Cs-137 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 16.72 ± 0.08 [Bq/kg]<br />

37 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

3 %<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

5 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

92 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 27 Cs-137 in water, sample no 3

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 16.35 0.21 1.28 -2.21 -0.22 -1.65 0.98 0.37 0.58 A 1.37 A A<br />

292 16.80 0.91 5.42 0.48 0.05 0.09 1.0 0.08 2.36 A 5.44 A A<br />

294 16.50 1.50 9.09 -1.32 -0.13 -0.15 0.99 0.22 3.88 A 9.10 A A<br />

296 16.70 0.81 4.82 -0.12 -0.01 -0.02 1.0 0.02 2.09 A 4.84 A A<br />

297 16.78 0.87 5.18 0.36 0.04 0.07 1.0 0.06 2.25 A 5.21 A A<br />

298 18.00 0.90 5.00 7.66 0.77 1.42 1.08 1.28 2.33 A 5.02 A A<br />

300 16.95 0.84 4.96 1.38 0.14 0.27 1.01 0.23 2.18 A 4.98 A A<br />

303 17.30 1.10 6.36 3.47 0.35 0.53 1.03 0.58 2.85 A 6.38 A A<br />

304 16.90 0.55 3.25 1.08 0.11 0.32 1.01 0.18 1.43 A 3.29 A A<br />


Evaluation results of Pb-210 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 259.5 ± 12.53 [Bq/kg]<br />

30 reported results<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

33 %<br />

Warning<br />

7 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

60 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 29 Pb-210 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 247.00 10.00 4.05 -4.82 -0.48 -0.78 0.95 12.50 41.36 A 6.30 A A<br />

292 237.00 24.00 10.13 -8.67 -0.87 -0.83 0.91 22.50 69.85 A 11.22 A A<br />

294 127.00 40.00 31.50 -51.06 -5.11 -3.16 0.49 132.50 108.14 N 31.86 N N<br />

297 242.00 16.00 6.61 -6.74 -0.67 -0.86 0.93 17.50 52.43 A 8.19 A A<br />

300 247.00 15.00 6.07 -4.82 -0.48 -0.64 0.95 12.50 50.43 A 7.76 A A<br />

303 297.00 22.00 7.41 14.45 1.45 1.48 1.14 37.50 65.32 A 8.84 A A<br />

304 234.67 19.69 8.39 -9.57 -0.96 -1.06 0.9 24.83 60.21 A 9.68 A A<br />

306 220.00 50.00 22.73 -15.22 -1.52 -0.77 0.85 39.50 132.99 A 23.23 A A<br />

307 31.40 1.72 5.48 -87.90 -8.79 -18.04 0.12 228.10 32.63 N 7.30 A N<br />

308 154.14 9.91 6.43 -40.60 -4.06 -6.6 0.59 105.36 41.22 N 8.04 A N<br />

310 41.20 2.70 6.55 -84.12 -8.41 -17.03 0.16 218.30 33.07 N 8.14 A N<br />

311 191.00 28.00 14.66 -26.40 -2.64 -2.23 0.74 68.50 79.14 A 15.43 A A<br />

313 261.00 32.00 12.26 0.58 0.06 0.04 1.01 1.50 88.66 A 13.18 A A<br />

314 290.00 30.00 10.34 11.75 1.18 0.94 1.12 30.50 83.88 A 11.42 A A<br />

315 187.00 6.00 3.21 -27.94 -2.79 -5.22 0.72 72.50 35.84 N 5.80 A W<br />

318 209.10 20.00 9.56 -19.42 -1.94 -2.14 0.81 50.40 60.89 A 10.71 A A<br />

319 212.10 21.50 10.14 -18.27 -1.83 -1.9 0.82 47.40 64.20 A 11.23 A A<br />

320 160.00 80.30 50.19 -38.34 -3.83 -1.22 0.62 99.50 209.68 A 50.42 N N<br />

321 416.00 31.00 7.45 60.31 6.03 4.68 1.6 156.50 86.27 N 8.88 A N<br />

322 47.10 12.60 26.75 -81.85 -8.18 -11.95 0.18 212.40 45.85 N 27.18 A N<br />

327 213.50 10.10 4.73 -17.73 -1.77 -2.86 0.82 46.00 41.52 N 6.76 A W<br />

331 207.00 21.00 10.14 -20.23 -2.02 -2.15 0.8 52.50 63.09 A 11.24 A A<br />

332 811.00 136.00 16.77 212.52 21.25 4.04 3.13 551.50 352.37 N 17.45 A N<br />

334 176.50 6.00 3.40 -31.98 -3.2 -5.97 0.68 83.00 35.84 N 5.91 A N<br />

335 238.00 17.00 7.14 -8.29 -0.83 -1.02 0.92 21.50 54.49 A 8.62 A A<br />

341 1411.90 294.13 20.83 444.08 44.41 3.91 5.44 1152.4 759.54 N 21.38 A N<br />

342 275.00 22.00 8.00 5.97 0.6 0.61 1.06 15.50 65.32 A 9.34 A A<br />

347 221.00 54.70 24.75 -14.84 -1.48 -0.69 0.85 38.50 144.78 A 25.22 A A<br />

348 227.50 24.98 10.98 -12.33 -1.23 -1.15 0.88 32.00 72.10 A 11.99 A A<br />

351 253.30 18.60 7.34 -2.39 -0.24 -0.28 0.98 6.20 57.86 A 8.79 A A<br />

Appendix B, Page 30 Pb-210 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Final<br />


Evaluation results of Pb-210 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 9.55 ± 0.15 [Bq/kg]<br />

28 reported results<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

43 %<br />

Warning<br />

14 %<br />

Acceptable<br />

43 %<br />

Appendix B, Page 31 Pb-210 in water, sample no 3

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 10.10 1.00 9.90 5.76 0.58 0.54 1.06 0.55 2.61 A 10.02 A A<br />

292 8.78 1.73 19.70 -8.06 -0.81 -0.44 0.92 0.77 4.48 A 19.77 A A<br />

294 22.00 20.00 90.91 130.37 13.04 0.62 2.3 12.45 51.60 A 90.92 N N<br />

297 7.96 0.85 10.68 -16.65 -1.66 -1.84 0.83 1.59 2.23 A 10.79 A A<br />

300 9.10 1.80 19.78 -4.71 -0.47 -0.25 0.95 0.45 4.66 A 19.84 A A<br />

303 8.30 2.30 27.71 -13.09 -1.31 -0.54 0.87 1.25 5.95 A 27.76 A A<br />

304 7.88 0.94 11.93 -17.51 -1.75 -1.76 0.82 1.67 2.46 A 12.03 A A<br />

305 18.51 5.61 30.33 93.79 9.38 1.6 1.94 8.96 14.49 A 30.37 N N<br />

306 9.40 1.10 11.70 -1.57 -0.16 -0.14 0.98 0.15 2.86 A 11.81 A A<br />

308 6.16 0.36 5.84 -35.50 -3.55 -8.69 0.65 3.39 1.01 N 6.05 A N<br />

310 4.01 0.45 11.22 -58.01 -5.8 -11.68 0.42 5.54 1.22 N 11.33 A N<br />

311 13.50 4.40 32.59 41.36 4.14 0.9 1.41 3.95 11.36 A 32.63 N N<br />

314 9.00 2.00 22.22 -5.76 -0.58 -0.27 0.94 0.55 5.17 A 22.28 A A<br />

318 8.70 3.90 44.83 -8.90 -0.89 -0.22 0.91 0.85 10.07 A 44.86 N W<br />

319 10.90 1.50 13.76 14.14 1.41 0.9 1.14 1.35 3.89 A 13.85 A A<br />

320 29.70 15.20 51.18 210.99 21.1 1.33 3.11 20.15 39.22 A 51.20 N N<br />

321 11.53 4.42 38.33 20.73 2.07 0.45 1.21 1.98 11.41 A 38.37 N W<br />

322 0.34 0.10 29.41 -96.44 -9.64 -51.09 0.04 9.21 0.47 N 29.45 A N<br />

327 7.90 12.90 163.29 -17.28 -1.73 -0.13 0.83 1.65 33.28 A 163.30 N W<br />

331 18.60 1.90 10.22 94.76 9.48 4.75 1.95 9.05 4.92 N 10.34 A N<br />

332 18.50 8.50 45.95 93.72 9.37 1.05 1.94 8.95 21.93 A 45.97 N N<br />

334 7.60 0.68 8.95 -20.42 -2.04 -2.8 0.8 1.95 1.80 N 9.08 A W<br />

335 4.70 0.70 14.89 -50.79 -5.08 -6.77 0.49 4.85 1.85 N 14.98 A N<br />

341 91.80 48.80 53.16 861.26 86.13 1.69 9.61 82.25 125.90 A 53.18 N N<br />

342 9.70 0.70 7.22 1.57 0.16 0.21 1.02 0.15 1.85 A 7.39 A A<br />

347 18.20 2.10 11.54 90.58 9.06 4.11 1.91 8.65 5.43 N 11.64 A N<br />

348 11.50 2.89 25.13 20.42 2.04 0.67 1.2 1.95 7.47 A 25.18 A A<br />

351 9.10 0.71 7.80 -4.71 -0.47 -0.62 0.95 0.45 1.87 A 7.96 A A<br />

Appendix B, Page 32 Pb-210 in water, sample no 3<br />

Final<br />


Evaluation results of Am-241 in soil, sample no 1<br />

Target Value: 96.6 ± 2.78 [Bq/kg]<br />

34 reported results<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

9%<br />

Warning<br />

21%<br />

Acceptable<br />

70%<br />

Appendix B, Page 33 Am-241 in soil, sample no 1

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 95.30 2.10 2.20 -1.35 -0.13 -0.37 0.99 1.30 8.99 A 3.62 A A<br />

292 92.30 9.20 9.97 -4.45 -0.45 -0.45 0.96 4.30 24.80 A 10.37 A A<br />

294 84.00 25.00 29.76 -13.04 -1.3 -0.5 0.87 12.60 64.90 A 29.90 N W<br />

296 90.33 5.13 5.68 -6.49 -0.65 -1.07 0.94 6.27 15.05 A 6.37 A A<br />

297 85.20 4.60 5.40 -11.80 -1.18 -2.12 0.88 11.40 13.87 A 6.12 A A<br />

298 95.90 5.60 5.84 -0.72 -0.07 -0.11 0.99 0.70 16.13 A 6.51 A A<br />

300 91.10 5.00 5.49 -5.69 -0.57 -0.96 0.94 5.50 14.76 A 6.20 A A<br />

303 93.10 6.30 6.77 -3.62 -0.36 -0.51 0.96 3.50 17.77 A 7.35 A A<br />

304 92.91 5.71 6.15 -3.82 -0.38 -0.58 0.96 3.69 16.39 A 6.79 A A<br />


Evaluation results of Am-241 in water, sample no 3<br />

Target Value: 3.66 ± 0.023 [Bq/kg]<br />

33 reported results<br />

Warning<br />

6%<br />

Not<br />

Acceptable<br />

10%<br />

Acceptable<br />

84%<br />

Appendix B, Page 35 Am-241 in water, sample 03

Lab<br />

code<br />

Lab.<br />

Value<br />

Lab.<br />

Unc.<br />

Unc.<br />

[%]<br />

Rel.<br />

Bias<br />

Z-Score U-Test Ratio A1 A2 True P Prec.<br />

291 3.44 0.12 3.49 -6.01 -0.6 -1.8 0.94 0.22 0.32 A 3.54 A A<br />

292 4.32 0.50 11.57 18.03 1.8 1.32 1.18 0.66 1.29 A 11.59 A A<br />

294 3.10 0.60 19.35 -15.30 -1.53 -0.93 0.85 0.56 1.55 A 19.37 A A<br />

296 3.83 0.34 8.98 4.64 0.46 0.49 1.05 0.17 0.89 A 9.00 A A<br />

297 3.71 0.26 7.01 1.37 0.14 0.19 1.01 0.05 0.67 A 7.04 A A<br />

298 4.29 1.07 24.94 17.21 1.72 0.59 1.17 0.63 2.76 A 24.95 N W<br />

300 3.72 0.23 6.18 1.64 0.16 0.26 1.02 0.06 0.60 A 6.21 A A<br />

303 3.46 0.31 8.96 -5.46 -0.55 -0.64 0.95 0.20 0.80 A 8.98 A A<br />

304 4.01 0.17 4.24 9.54 0.95 2.03 1.1 0.35 0.44 A 4.29 A A<br />


Appendix C: Performance evaluation tables sorted by<br />

laboratory code

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 49.9 0.7 1.40 3.96 0.40 1.58 1.04 1.90 3.11 A 2.48 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 59.8 0.8 1.34 6.60 0.66 2.33 1.07 3.70 4.09 A 2.78 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 80.9 1.4 1.73 4.25 0.43 1.14 1.04 3.30 7.48 A 3.70 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 202 5 2.48 13.74 1.37 2.50 1.14 24.40 25.22 A 5.34 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 69.2 0.8 1.16 7.79 0.78 2.46 1.08 5.00 5.25 A 3.13 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 55.7 0.8 1.44 5.89 0.59 2.31 1.06 3.10 3.47 A 2.51 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 247 10 4.05 -4.82 -0.48 -0.78 0.95 12.50 41.36 A 6.30 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 95.3 2.1 2.20 -1.35 -0.13 -0.37 0.99 1.30 8.99 A 3.62 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1049 25 2.38 -0.94 -0.09 -0.27 0.99 10.00 96.84 A 3.56 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11504 100 0.87 1.63 0.16 0.87 1.02 184.00 542.57 A 1.85 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.77 0.12 2.52 -2.45 -0.25 -0.99 0.98 0.12 0.31 A 2.54 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.87 0.11 1.87 1.21 0.12 0.60 1.01 0.07 0.30 A 2.00 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.33 0.24 3.27 0.83 0.08 0.24 1.01 0.06 0.65 A 3.43 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 22.1 1 4.52 12.64 1.26 2.47 1.13 2.48 2.59 A 4.55 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.14 0.15 1.14 0.84 0.08 0.61 1.01 0.11 0.47 A 1.38 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.35 0.21 1.28 -2.21 -0.22 -1.65 0.98 0.37 0.58 A 1.37 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 10.1 1 9.90 5.76 0.58 0.54 1.06 0.55 2.61 A 10.02 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.44 0.12 3.49 -6.01 -0.60 -1.80 0.94 0.22 0.32 A 3.54 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 1

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 50.2 5 9.96 4.58 0.46 0.43 1.05 2.20 13.15 A 10.17 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 57.7 5.8 10.05 2.85 0.29 0.27 1.03 1.60 15.38 A 10.34 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 77.3 7.7 9.96 -0.39 -0.04 -0.04 1.00 0.30 20.92 A 10.49 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 276 28 10.14 55.41 5.54 3.37 1.55 98.40 75.42 N 11.19 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 67.4 3.5 5.19 4.98 0.50 0.81 1.05 3.20 10.24 A 5.95 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 51.9 2.8 5.39 -1.33 -0.13 -0.23 0.99 0.70 7.74 A 5.77 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 237 24 10.13 -8.67 -0.87 -0.83 0.91 22.50 69.85 A 11.22 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 92.3 9.2 9.97 -4.45 -0.45 -0.45 0.96 4.30 24.80 A 10.37 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1155 116 10.04 9.07 0.91 0.80 1.09 96.00 307.88 A 10.39 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11235 562 5.00 -0.75 -0.08 -0.14 0.99 85.00 1526.50 A 5.26 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.96 0.56 11.29 1.43 0.14 0.12 1.01 0.07 1.45 A 11.30 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6 0.64 10.67 3.45 0.34 0.31 1.03 0.20 1.65 A 10.69 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.89 0.88 12.77 -5.23 -0.52 -0.43 0.95 0.38 2.28 A 12.81 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 24.8 3.4 13.71 26.40 2.64 1.52 1.26 5.18 8.78 A 13.72 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.2 0.71 5.38 1.30 0.13 0.24 1.01 0.17 1.85 A 5.43 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.8 0.91 5.42 0.48 0.05 0.09 1.00 0.08 2.36 A 5.44 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 8.78 1.73 19.70 -8.06 -0.81 -0.44 0.92 0.77 4.48 A 19.77 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 4.32 0.5 11.57 18.03 1.80 1.32 1.18 0.66 1.29 A 11.59 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 2

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 51 4 7.84 6.25 0.62 0.73 1.06 3.00 10.63 A 8.10 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 63 5 7.94 12.30 1.23 1.33 1.12 6.90 13.38 A 8.30 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 79 6 7.59 1.80 0.18 0.21 1.02 1.40 16.81 A 8.27 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 268 35 13.06 50.90 5.09 2.51 1.51 90.40 92.86 A 13.89 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 68 5 7.35 5.92 0.59 0.71 1.06 3.80 13.77 A 7.91 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 55 4 7.27 4.56 0.46 0.58 1.05 2.40 10.69 A 7.56 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 127 40 31.50 -51.06 -5.11 -3.16 0.49 132.50 108.14 N 31.86 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 84 25 29.76 -13.04 -1.30 -0.50 0.87 12.60 64.90 A 29.90 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1090 110 10.09 2.93 0.29 0.27 1.03 31.00 292.85 A 10.43 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11800 1000 8.47 4.24 0.42 0.47 1.04 480.00 2623.78 A 8.63 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.1 0.4 9.76 -16.16 -1.62 -1.97 0.84 0.79 1.03 A 9.76 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.2 0.6 11.54 -10.34 -1.03 -1.00 0.90 0.60 1.55 A 11.56 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 8 0.9 11.25 10.04 1.00 0.81 1.10 0.73 2.33 A 11.30 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 19.2 3.3 17.19 -2.14 -0.21 -0.13 0.98 0.42 8.52 A 17.20 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.3 1.1 8.94 -5.60 -0.56 -0.66 0.94 0.73 2.85 A 8.98 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.5 1.5 9.09 -1.32 -0.13 -0.15 0.99 0.22 3.88 A 9.10 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 22 20 90.91 130.37 13.04 0.62 2.30 12.45 51.60 A 90.92 N N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.1 0.6 19.35 -15.30 -1.53 -0.93 0.85 0.56 1.55 A 19.37 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 3

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-26<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 52.62 3.02 5.74 9.62 0.96 1.46 1.10 4.62 8.19 A 6.09 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 57.23 2.84 4.96 2.01 0.20 0.36 1.02 1.13 8.14 A 5.53 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 87.64 4.95 5.65 12.94 1.29 1.80 1.13 10.04 14.35 A 6.53 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 281.27 25.97 9.23 58.37 5.84 3.80 1.58 103.67 70.42 N 10.37 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 65.42 3.97 6.07 1.90 0.19 0.28 1.02 1.22 11.32 A 6.73 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 53.85 2.82 5.24 2.38 0.24 0.41 1.02 1.25 7.79 A 5.62 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 90.33 5.13 5.68 -6.49 -0.65 -1.07 0.94 6.27 15.05 A 6.37 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 942.42 40.39 4.29 -11.01 -1.10 -2.37 0.89 116.58 126.80 A 5.04 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 10330 437 4.23 -8.75 -0.87 -2.09 0.91 990.00 1224.33 A 4.54 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.16 0.344 6.67 5.52 0.55 0.78 1.06 0.27 0.89 A 6.68 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.59 0.336 6.01 -3.62 -0.36 -0.62 0.96 0.21 0.87 A 6.05 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.9 0.646 8.18 8.67 0.87 0.97 1.09 0.63 1.68 A 8.24 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 22.25 2.897 13.02 13.40 1.34 0.91 1.13 2.63 7.48 A 13.03 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.42 0.793 5.91 2.99 0.30 0.49 1.03 0.39 2.06 A 5.96 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.7 0.805 4.82 -0.12 -0.01 -0.02 1.00 0.02 2.09 A 4.84 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.83 0.344 8.98 4.64 0.46 0.49 1.05 0.17 0.89 A 9.00 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 4

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 47.1 2.4 5.10 -1.87 -0.19 -0.35 0.98 0.90 6.69 A 5.49 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 54.3 6.2 11.42 -3.21 -0.32 -0.28 0.97 1.80 16.38 A 11.68 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 75.9 4.2 5.53 -2.19 -0.22 -0.35 0.98 1.70 12.66 A 6.43 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 278 17 6.12 56.53 5.65 5.29 1.57 100.40 48.92 N 7.73 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 61.5 6.9 11.22 -4.21 -0.42 -0.38 0.96 2.70 18.44 A 11.59 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 52.5 2.7 5.14 -0.19 -0.02 -0.03 1.00 0.10 7.50 A 5.54 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 242 16 6.61 -6.74 -0.67 -0.86 0.93 17.50 52.43 A 8.19 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 85.2 4.6 5.40 -11.80 -1.18 -2.12 0.88 11.40 13.87 A 6.12 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 859 50 5.82 -18.89 -1.89 -3.49 0.81 200.00 147.85 N 6.39 A W<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 9627 498 5.17 -14.96 -1.50 -3.19 0.85 1693.00 1370.63 N 5.42 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.65 0.27 5.81 -4.91 -0.49 -0.89 0.95 0.24 0.70 A 5.82 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.47 0.62 11.33 -5.69 -0.57 -0.53 0.94 0.33 1.60 A 11.36 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.4 0.42 6.56 -11.97 -1.20 -2.04 0.88 0.87 1.10 A 6.64 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 18.9 1.9 10.05 -3.67 -0.37 -0.38 0.96 0.72 4.91 A 10.07 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12 1.4 11.67 -7.90 -0.79 -0.73 0.92 1.03 3.62 A 11.69 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.78 0.87 5.18 0.36 0.04 0.07 1.00 0.06 2.25 A 5.21 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 7.96 0.85 10.68 -16.65 -1.66 -1.84 0.83 1.59 2.23 A 10.79 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.71 0.26 7.01 1.37 0.14 0.19 1.01 0.05 0.67 A 7.04 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 5

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on 2006-06-22<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 52.6 2.6 4.94 9.58 0.96 1.66 1.10 4.60 7.17 A 5.35 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 58.1 2.8 4.82 3.57 0.36 0.64 1.04 2.00 8.04 A 5.40 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 85.5 4.2 4.91 10.18 1.02 1.61 1.10 7.90 12.66 A 5.90 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 198.9 11.6 5.83 11.99 1.20 1.49 1.12 21.30 36.95 A 7.51 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 60.8 2.9 4.77 -5.30 -0.53 -0.99 0.95 3.40 8.90 A 5.59 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 56.7 2.7 4.76 7.79 0.78 1.41 1.08 4.10 7.50 A 5.19 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 95.9 5.6 5.84 -0.72 -0.07 -0.11 0.99 0.70 16.13 A 6.51 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1186 72 6.07 11.99 1.20 1.64 1.12 127.00 199.31 A 6.62 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12441 706 5.67 9.90 0.99 1.54 1.10 1121.00 1882.98 A 5.91 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.96 0.3 6.05 1.43 0.14 0.23 1.01 0.07 0.78 A 6.06 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.23 0.39 6.26 7.41 0.74 1.10 1.07 0.43 1.01 A 6.30 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.93 0.52 6.56 9.08 0.91 1.26 1.09 0.66 1.36 A 6.64 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 31.5 3.3 10.48 60.55 6.06 3.60 1.61 11.88 8.52 N 10.49 A N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.2 0.6 4.92 -6.37 -0.64 -1.36 0.94 0.83 1.57 A 4.98 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 18 0.9 5.00 7.66 0.77 1.42 1.08 1.28 2.33 A 5.02 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 4.29 1.07 24.94 17.21 1.72 0.59 1.17 0.63 2.76 A 24.95 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 6

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-27<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 47.1 2.4 5.10 -1.87 -0.19 -0.35 0.98 0.90 6.69 A 5.49 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 55.6 2.9 5.22 -0.89 -0.09 -0.16 0.99 0.50 8.27 A 5.76 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 73.8 5.2 7.05 -4.90 -0.49 -0.66 0.95 3.80 14.93 A 7.77 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 166 10 6.02 -6.53 -0.65 -0.89 0.93 11.60 33.69 A 7.66 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 58.3 2.8 4.80 -9.19 -0.92 -1.75 0.91 5.90 8.69 A 5.62 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 50.3 2.8 5.57 -4.37 -0.44 -0.77 0.96 2.30 7.74 A 5.93 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 247 15 6.07 -4.82 -0.48 -0.64 0.95 12.50 50.43 A 7.76 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 91.1 5 5.49 -5.69 -0.57 -0.96 0.94 5.50 14.76 A 6.20 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1161 88 7.58 9.63 0.96 1.10 1.10 102.00 238.26 A 8.03 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12300 1000 8.13 8.66 0.87 0.96 1.09 980.00 2623.78 A 8.29 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.05 0.26 5.15 3.27 0.33 0.61 1.03 0.16 0.67 A 5.16 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.04 0.34 5.63 4.14 0.41 0.70 1.04 0.24 0.88 A 5.67 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.33 0.46 6.28 0.83 0.08 0.13 1.01 0.06 1.20 A 6.36 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 19.6 1.7 8.67 -0.10 -0.01 -0.01 1.00 0.02 4.39 A 8.69 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.47 0.44 3.53 -4.30 -0.43 -1.24 0.96 0.56 1.16 A 3.61 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.95 0.84 4.96 1.38 0.14 0.27 1.01 0.23 2.18 A 4.98 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 9.1 1.8 19.78 -4.71 -0.47 -0.25 0.95 0.45 4.66 A 19.84 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.72 0.23 6.18 1.64 0.16 0.26 1.02 0.06 0.60 A 6.21 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 7

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 49.6 2.9 5.85 3.33 0.33 0.52 1.03 1.60 7.90 A 6.19 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 53.6 3.1 5.78 -4.46 -0.45 -0.74 0.96 2.50 8.74 A 6.28 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 78.6 4.6 5.85 1.29 0.13 0.19 1.01 1.00 13.56 A 6.71 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 197 12 6.09 10.92 1.09 1.32 1.11 19.40 37.79 A 7.71 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 56.3 3.2 5.68 -12.31 -1.23 -2.13 0.88 7.90 9.56 A 6.39 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 50.5 2.9 5.74 -3.99 -0.40 -0.68 0.96 2.10 7.98 A 6.10 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 297 22 7.41 14.45 1.45 1.48 1.14 37.50 65.32 A 8.84 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 93.1 6.3 6.77 -3.62 -0.36 -0.51 0.96 3.50 17.77 A 7.35 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1108 69 6.23 4.63 0.46 0.66 1.05 49.00 192.12 A 6.77 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11520 640 5.56 1.77 0.18 0.30 1.02 200.00 1718.80 A 5.79 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.11 0.35 6.85 4.50 0.45 0.63 1.04 0.22 0.90 A 6.86 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.06 0.37 6.11 4.48 0.45 0.70 1.04 0.26 0.96 A 6.14 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.04 0.53 7.53 -3.16 -0.32 -0.43 0.97 0.23 1.38 A 7.60 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 26.1 2.8 10.73 33.03 3.30 2.31 1.33 6.48 7.23 A 10.74 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.12 0.72 5.94 -6.98 -0.70 -1.25 0.93 0.91 1.88 A 5.99 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.3 1.1 6.36 3.47 0.35 0.53 1.03 0.58 2.85 A 6.38 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 8.3 2.3 27.71 -13.09 -1.31 -0.54 0.87 1.25 5.95 A 27.76 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.46 0.31 8.96 -5.46 -0.55 -0.64 0.95 0.20 0.80 A 8.98 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 8

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-27, results submitted on 2006-07-03<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 55.4609 2.3 4.15 15.54 1.55 2.98 1.16 7.46 6.45 N 4.62 A W<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 58.3607 2.84 4.87 4.03 0.40 0.72 1.04 2.26 8.14 A 5.44 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 78.2612 5.11 6.53 0.85 0.09 0.12 1.01 0.66 14.72 A 7.30 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 234.9566 17.67 7.52 32.30 3.23 2.93 1.32 57.36 50.48 N 8.88 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 64.1345 1.98 3.09 -0.10 -0.01 -0.02 1.00 0.07 7.03 A 4.24 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 58.0216 3.52 6.07 10.31 1.03 1.47 1.10 5.42 9.50 A 6.40 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 234.6695 19.69 8.39 -9.57 -0.96 -1.06 0.90 24.83 60.21 A 9.68 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 92.9088 5.71 6.15 -3.82 -0.38 -0.58 0.96 3.69 16.39 A 6.79 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1040.77 63.59 6.11 -1.72 -0.17 -0.26 0.98 18.23 179.26 A 6.66 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11006 525 4.77 -2.77 -0.28 -0.56 0.97 314.00 1436.14 A 5.04 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.834 0.19 3.93 -1.15 -0.11 -0.29 0.99 0.06 0.49 A 3.95 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.894 0.18 3.05 1.62 0.16 0.51 1.02 0.09 0.48 A 3.13 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.39 0.33 4.47 1.65 0.17 0.35 1.02 0.12 0.87 A 4.58 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 17.83 1.08 6.06 -9.12 -0.91 -1.65 0.91 1.79 2.80 A 6.08 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 11.83 0.32 2.70 -9.21 -0.92 -3.58 0.91 1.20 0.86 N 2.81 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.9 0.55 3.25 1.08 0.11 0.32 1.01 0.18 1.43 A 3.29 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 7.878 0.94 11.93 -17.51 -1.75 -1.76 0.82 1.67 2.46 A 12.03 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 4.009 0.17 4.24 9.54 0.95 2.03 1.10 0.35 0.44 A 4.29 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 9

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on 2006-06-22<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 49.7 1.5 3.02 3.54 0.35 0.95 1.04 1.70 4.62 A 3.64 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 58.2 1.8 3.09 3.74 0.37 0.93 1.04 2.10 5.84 A 3.94 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 78 2.5 3.21 0.52 0.05 0.11 1.01 0.40 9.19 A 4.58 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 128.4 9 7.01 -27.70 -2.77 -4.00 0.72 49.20 31.76 N 8.46 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 67.4 1.7 2.52 4.98 0.50 1.27 1.05 3.20 6.52 A 3.85 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 54.9 1.7 3.10 4.37 0.44 1.14 1.04 2.30 5.20 A 3.72 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 220 50 22.73 -15.22 -1.52 -0.77 0.85 39.50 132.99 A 23.23 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 93.6 4.5 4.81 -3.11 -0.31 -0.57 0.97 3.00 13.65 A 5.60 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 985 70 7.11 -6.99 -0.70 -0.98 0.93 74.00 194.51 A 7.58 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 10700 350 3.27 -5.48 -0.55 -1.57 0.95 620.00 1021.38 A 3.66 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.9 0.3 6.12 0.20 0.02 0.03 1.00 0.01 0.78 A 6.13 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6 0.2 3.33 3.45 0.34 0.98 1.03 0.20 0.53 A 3.40 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.6 0.5 6.58 4.54 0.45 0.65 1.05 0.33 1.30 A 6.66 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 23.2 0.9 3.88 18.25 1.82 3.95 1.18 3.58 2.34 N 3.91 A W<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.3 0.4 3.01 2.07 0.21 0.65 1.02 0.27 1.06 A 3.10 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 18.1 0.7 3.87 8.25 0.83 1.96 1.08 1.38 1.82 A 3.90 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 9.4 1.1 11.70 -1.57 -0.16 -0.14 0.98 0.15 2.86 A 11.81 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.7 0.2 5.41 1.09 0.11 0.20 1.01 0.04 0.52 A 5.44 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 11

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 46.8 2.44 5.21 -2.50 -0.25 -0.46 0.98 1.20 6.78 A 5.60 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 53.9 2.74 5.08 -3.92 -0.39 -0.72 0.96 2.20 7.90 A 5.64 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 72.9 3.84 5.27 -6.06 -0.61 -1.02 0.94 4.70 11.88 A 6.20 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 123 9.53 7.75 -30.74 -3.07 -4.30 0.69 54.60 32.78 N 9.08 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 62.1 3.1 4.99 -3.27 -0.33 -0.58 0.97 2.10 9.34 A 5.78 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 52.5 2.72 5.18 -0.19 -0.02 -0.03 1.00 0.10 7.55 A 5.57 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 31.4 1.72 5.48 -87.90 -8.79 -18.04 0.12 228.10 32.63 N 7.30 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 72.8 8.88 12.20 -24.64 -2.46 -2.56 0.75 23.80 24.01 A 12.53 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1040 48.9 4.70 -1.79 -0.18 -0.34 0.98 19.00 145.38 A 5.39 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 10900 457 4.19 -3.71 -0.37 -0.85 0.96 420.00 1272.01 A 4.50 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.93 0.263 5.33 0.82 0.08 0.15 1.01 0.04 0.68 A 5.35 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.21 0.292 4.70 7.07 0.71 1.39 1.07 0.41 0.76 A 4.75 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.26 0.41 5.65 -0.14 -0.01 -0.02 1.00 0.01 1.08 A 5.74 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 19.4 2.72 14.02 -1.12 -0.11 -0.08 0.99 0.22 7.02 A 14.03 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.4 0.584 4.36 2.84 0.28 0.62 1.03 0.37 1.53 A 4.43 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 18.1 0.809 4.47 8.25 0.83 1.70 1.08 1.38 2.10 A 4.50 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 2.63 0.916 34.83 -28.14 -2.81 -1.12 0.72 1.03 2.36 A 34.83 N N<br />

Appendix C, Page 12

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-23, results submitted on 2006-06-30<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 52.29 4.06 7.76 8.94 0.89 1.03 1.09 4.29 10.78 A 8.03 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 54.56 4.71 8.63 -2.75 -0.27 -0.31 0.97 1.54 12.66 A 8.97 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 84.87 7.37 8.68 9.37 0.94 0.93 1.09 7.27 20.11 A 9.28 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 209.27 14.65 7.00 17.83 1.78 1.88 1.18 31.67 43.57 A 8.45 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 63.64 4.69 7.37 -0.87 -0.09 -0.11 0.99 0.56 13.03 A 7.92 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 57.85 4.28 7.40 9.98 1.00 1.19 1.10 5.25 11.39 A 7.68 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 154.14 9.91 6.43 -40.60 -4.06 -6.60 0.59 105.36 41.22 N 8.04 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 69.36 4.86 7.01 -28.20 -2.82 -4.87 0.72 27.24 14.45 N 7.57 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 947.01 59.93 6.33 -10.58 -1.06 -1.69 0.89 111.99 170.66 A 6.86 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11024 794.3 7.21 -2.61 -0.26 -0.36 0.97 296.00 2104.14 A 7.39 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.02 0.42 8.37 2.66 0.27 0.31 1.03 0.13 1.08 A 8.37 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.33 0.47 8.82 -8.10 -0.81 -1.00 0.92 0.47 1.22 A 8.84 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.31 0.69 9.44 0.55 0.06 0.06 1.01 0.04 1.79 A 9.50 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 31.43 2.37 7.54 60.19 6.02 4.98 1.60 11.81 6.12 N 7.56 A N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 11.78 0.87 7.39 -9.59 -0.96 -1.43 0.90 1.25 2.26 A 7.43 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.01 1.15 7.18 -4.25 -0.42 -0.62 0.96 0.71 2.97 A 7.20 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 6.16 0.36 5.84 -35.50 -3.55 -8.69 0.65 3.39 1.01 N 6.05 A N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.65 0.27 7.40 -0.27 -0.03 -0.04 1.00 0.01 0.70 A 7.42 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 13

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 51.9 3.2 6.17 8.12 0.81 1.17 1.08 3.90 8.63 A 6.49 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 60.6 3.4 5.61 8.02 0.80 1.23 1.08 4.50 9.46 A 6.12 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 86.1 5.9 6.85 10.95 1.10 1.32 1.11 8.50 16.57 A 7.59 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 113 14 12.39 -36.37 -3.64 -3.96 0.64 64.60 42.12 N 13.26 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 63.6 3.6 5.66 -0.93 -0.09 -0.15 0.99 0.60 10.47 A 6.37 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 58.4 3.7 6.34 11.03 1.10 1.50 1.11 5.80 9.94 A 6.66 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 41.2 2.7 6.55 -84.12 -8.41 -17.03 0.16 218.30 33.07 N 8.14 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 90.2 7.1 7.87 -6.63 -0.66 -0.84 0.93 6.40 19.67 A 8.38 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1155 73 6.32 9.07 0.91 1.23 1.09 96.00 201.72 A 6.85 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11576 702 6.06 2.26 0.23 0.35 1.02 256.00 1873.00 A 6.28 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.18 0.37 7.14 5.93 0.59 0.78 1.06 0.29 0.96 A 7.15 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.6 0.33 5.89 -3.45 -0.34 -0.60 0.97 0.20 0.86 A 5.93 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.41 0.83 11.20 1.93 0.19 0.17 1.02 0.14 2.15 A 11.25 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 12.2 3.2 26.23 -37.82 -3.78 -2.32 0.62 7.42 8.26 A 26.23 N N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.2 0.7 5.74 -6.37 -0.64 -1.17 0.94 0.83 1.82 A 5.79 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.7 1 5.65 5.86 0.59 0.98 1.06 0.98 2.59 A 5.67 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 4.01 0.45 11.22 -58.01 -5.80 -11.68 0.42 5.54 1.22 N 11.33 A N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 2.8 1.1 39.29 -23.50 -2.35 -0.78 0.77 0.86 2.84 A 39.29 N W<br />

Appendix C, Page 14

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-23, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 45.7 5 10.94 -4.79 -0.48 -0.45 0.95 2.30 13.15 A 11.13 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 58.7 6.6 11.24 4.63 0.46 0.39 1.05 2.60 17.39 A 11.51 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 73.3 9.1 12.41 -5.54 -0.55 -0.46 0.94 4.30 24.38 A 12.84 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 258 39 15.12 45.27 4.53 2.02 1.45 80.40 102.93 A 15.84 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 66.5 7.2 10.83 3.58 0.36 0.31 1.04 2.30 19.19 A 11.21 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 51.5 5.5 10.68 -2.09 -0.21 -0.20 0.98 1.10 14.46 A 10.88 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 191 28 14.66 -26.40 -2.64 -2.23 0.74 68.50 79.14 A 15.43 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 81.6 9.2 11.27 -15.53 -1.55 -1.56 0.84 15.00 24.80 A 11.64 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1060 160 15.09 0.09 0.01 0.01 1.00 1.00 419.07 A 15.32 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11500 1400 12.17 1.59 0.16 0.13 1.02 180.00 3643.40 A 12.28 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.4 0.27 6.14 -10.02 -1.00 -1.81 0.90 0.49 0.70 A 6.15 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.83 0.35 6.00 0.52 0.05 0.09 1.01 0.03 0.91 A 6.04 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.6 0.8 12.12 -9.22 -0.92 -0.83 0.91 0.67 2.07 A 12.17 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 20.5 3.1 15.12 4.49 0.45 0.28 1.04 0.88 8.00 A 15.13 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.2 0.6 4.55 1.30 0.13 0.28 1.01 0.17 1.57 A 4.61 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.3 0.8 4.62 3.47 0.35 0.72 1.03 0.58 2.07 A 4.65 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 13.5 4.4 32.59 41.36 4.14 0.90 1.41 3.95 11.36 A 32.63 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.66 0.5 13.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.29 A 13.68 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 15

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-29<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 49.55 1.12 2.26 3.23 0.32 1.04 1.03 1.55 3.84 A 3.05 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 57.7 1.3 2.25 2.85 0.29 0.85 1.03 1.60 4.87 A 3.32 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 73.44 1.74 2.37 -5.36 -0.54 -1.35 0.95 4.16 7.94 A 4.04 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 225 12 5.33 26.69 2.67 3.24 1.27 47.40 37.79 N 7.13 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 61.14 1.37 2.24 -4.77 -0.48 -1.32 0.95 3.06 5.98 A 3.67 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 53.94 1.27 2.35 2.55 0.25 0.80 1.03 1.34 4.30 A 3.12 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 261 32 12.26 0.58 0.06 0.04 1.01 1.50 88.66 A 13.18 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 104 7 6.73 7.66 0.77 0.98 1.08 7.40 19.43 A 7.32 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1020 35 3.43 -3.68 -0.37 -0.87 0.96 39.00 115.64 A 4.33 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11500 500 4.35 1.59 0.16 0.34 1.02 180.00 1375.47 A 4.64 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.66 0.15 3.22 -4.70 -0.47 -1.52 0.95 0.23 0.39 A 3.24 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.79 0.14 2.42 -0.17 -0.02 -0.07 1.00 0.01 0.38 A 2.51 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.53 0.26 3.98 -10.18 -1.02 -2.73 0.90 0.74 0.70 N 4.11 A W<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 11.4 0.21 1.84 -12.51 -1.25 -7.01 0.87 1.63 0.60 N 2.00 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.46 0.33 2.00 -1.56 -0.16 -0.77 0.98 0.26 0.88 A 2.06 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023<br />

Appendix C, Page 16

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-27<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 53 4 7.55 10.42 1.04 1.21 1.10 5.00 10.63 A 7.82 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 59 4 6.78 5.17 0.52 0.69 1.05 2.90 10.91 A 7.21 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 79 6 7.59 1.80 0.18 0.21 1.02 1.40 16.81 A 8.27 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 190 20 10.53 6.98 0.70 0.57 1.07 12.40 55.97 A 11.54 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 68 5 7.35 5.92 0.59 0.71 1.06 3.80 13.77 A 7.91 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 57 4 7.02 8.37 0.84 1.06 1.08 4.40 10.69 A 7.31 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 290 30 10.34 11.75 1.18 0.94 1.12 30.50 83.88 A 11.42 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 101 11 10.89 4.55 0.46 0.39 1.05 4.40 29.27 A 11.26 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1060 80 7.55 0.09 0.01 0.01 1.00 1.00 218.68 A 8.00 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11800 800 6.78 4.24 0.42 0.58 1.04 480.00 2118.47 A 6.97 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.6 0.3 6.52 -5.93 -0.59 -0.97 0.94 0.29 0.78 A 6.53 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6 0.4 6.67 3.45 0.34 0.50 1.03 0.20 1.04 A 6.70 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7 0.5 7.14 -3.71 -0.37 -0.53 0.96 0.27 1.30 A 7.22 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 24.5 1.6 6.53 24.87 2.49 3.04 1.25 4.88 4.14 N 6.55 A N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.5 0.7 5.19 3.61 0.36 0.66 1.04 0.47 1.82 A 5.24 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.6 0.9 5.42 -0.72 -0.07 -0.13 0.99 0.12 2.33 A 5.44 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 9 2 22.22 -5.76 -0.58 -0.27 0.94 0.55 5.17 A 22.28 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.8 0.3 7.89 3.83 0.38 0.47 1.04 0.14 0.78 A 7.92 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 17

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-23, results submitted on 2006-06-27<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 48.3 0.9 1.86 0.62 0.06 0.23 1.01 0.30 3.43 A 2.76 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 54.7 1.4 2.56 -2.50 -0.25 -0.71 0.98 1.40 5.05 A 3.54 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 75.9 1.6 2.11 -2.19 -0.22 -0.57 0.98 1.70 7.74 A 3.89 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 280 10 3.57 57.66 5.77 7.84 1.58 102.40 33.69 N 5.93 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 61.7 1.6 2.59 -3.89 -0.39 -1.02 0.96 2.50 6.35 A 3.90 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 55.8 1.1 1.97 6.08 0.61 2.08 1.06 3.20 3.98 A 2.85 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 187 6 3.21 -27.94 -2.79 -5.22 0.72 72.50 35.84 N 5.80 A W<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 75.1 1.5 2.00 -22.26 -2.23 -6.81 0.78 21.50 8.15 N 3.50 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 990 30 3.03 -6.52 -0.65 -1.68 0.93 69.00 105.87 A 4.02 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11300 300 2.65 -0.18 -0.02 -0.06 1.00 20.00 909.34 A 3.12 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.73 0.14 2.96 -3.27 -0.33 -1.13 0.97 0.16 0.36 A 2.98 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.93 0.16 2.70 2.24 0.22 0.79 1.02 0.13 0.43 A 2.78 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.63 0.24 3.62 -8.80 -0.88 -2.55 0.91 0.64 0.65 A 3.76 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 26.4 1.5 5.68 34.56 3.46 4.51 1.35 6.78 3.88 N 5.70 A N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 11.3 0.4 3.54 -13.28 -1.33 -4.20 0.87 1.73 1.06 N 3.62 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.6 0.3 1.81 -0.72 -0.07 -0.39 0.99 0.12 0.80 A 1.87 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.49 0.27 7.74 -4.64 -0.46 -0.63 0.95 0.17 0.70 A 7.76 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 18

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 49.2 1.3 2.64 2.50 0.25 0.74 1.03 1.20 4.20 A 3.34 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 60.1 1.1 1.83 7.13 0.71 2.28 1.07 4.00 4.53 A 3.05 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 74.1 2.4 3.24 -4.51 -0.45 -1.00 0.95 3.50 9.02 A 4.60 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 60.7 8.6 14.17 -65.82 -6.58 -9.72 0.34 116.90 31.02 N 14.94 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 67.3 1 1.49 4.83 0.48 1.46 1.05 3.10 5.47 A 3.27 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 56.7 1.5 2.65 7.79 0.78 2.22 1.08 4.10 4.77 A 3.35 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 209.1 20 9.56 -19.42 -1.94 -2.14 0.81 50.40 60.89 A 10.71 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 95.1 2.6 2.73 -1.55 -0.16 -0.39 0.98 1.50 9.82 A 3.97 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1195 42 3.51 12.84 1.28 2.69 1.13 136.00 130.23 N 4.40 A W<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11757 277 2.36 3.86 0.39 1.31 1.04 437.00 859.39 A 2.87 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.8 0.2 4.17 -1.84 -0.18 -0.45 0.98 0.09 0.52 A 4.18 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.9 0.2 3.39 1.72 0.17 0.49 1.02 0.10 0.53 A 3.46 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.8 0.3 4.41 -6.46 -0.65 -1.52 0.94 0.47 0.80 A 4.53 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 41.3 3.8 9.20 110.50 11.05 5.70 2.10 21.68 9.81 N 9.22 A N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.3 0.2 1.50 2.07 0.21 1.21 1.02 0.27 0.58 A 1.69 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17 0.5 2.94 1.67 0.17 0.55 1.02 0.28 1.31 A 2.98 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 8.7 3.9 44.83 -8.90 -0.89 -0.22 0.91 0.85 10.07 A 44.86 N W<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 7.4 0.4 5.41 102.19 10.22 9.33 2.02 3.74 1.03 N 5.44 A N<br />

Appendix C, Page 19

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 55.4 2.1 3.79 15.42 1.54 3.19 1.15 7.40 5.98 N 4.31 A W<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 62.3 3.1 4.98 11.05 1.11 1.83 1.11 6.20 8.74 A 5.54 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 83.2 3.1 3.73 7.22 0.72 1.40 1.07 5.60 10.34 A 4.96 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 254.1 18.2 7.16 43.07 4.31 3.82 1.43 76.50 51.72 N 8.58 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 73.3 3.5 4.77 14.17 1.42 2.29 1.14 9.10 10.24 A 5.59 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 60.8 2.3 3.78 15.59 1.56 3.23 1.16 8.20 6.56 N 4.30 A W<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 212.1 21.5 10.14 -18.27 -1.83 -1.90 0.82 47.40 64.20 A 11.23 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 93.3 7.9 8.47 -3.42 -0.34 -0.39 0.97 3.30 21.61 A 8.94 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1276.5 37.2 2.91 20.54 2.05 4.67 1.21 217.50 120.12 N 3.93 A W<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12170.1 230.8 1.90 7.51 0.75 2.87 1.08 850.10 763.15 N 2.50 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.5 0.2 3.64 12.47 1.25 3.04 1.12 0.61 0.52 N 3.65 A W<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.3 0.3 4.76 8.62 0.86 1.65 1.09 0.50 0.78 A 4.81 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.6 0.3 3.95 4.54 0.45 1.07 1.05 0.33 0.80 A 4.08 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 20.3 1.9 9.36 3.47 0.35 0.36 1.03 0.68 4.91 A 9.37 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.7 0.6 4.72 -2.53 -0.25 -0.54 0.97 0.33 1.57 A 4.79 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.7 0.5 2.82 5.86 0.59 1.94 1.06 0.98 1.31 A 2.87 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 10.9 1.5 13.76 14.14 1.41 0.90 1.14 1.35 3.89 A 13.85 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.8 0.2 5.26 3.83 0.38 0.70 1.04 0.14 0.52 A 5.30 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 20

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 55.4 1.8 3.25 15.42 1.54 3.61 1.15 7.40 5.29 N 3.84 A W<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 58.5 1.7 2.91 4.28 0.43 1.10 1.04 2.40 5.63 A 3.80 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 78.5 2.9 3.69 1.16 0.12 0.23 1.01 0.90 9.95 A 4.94 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 166.6 12.1 7.26 -6.19 -0.62 -0.75 0.94 11.00 38.00 A 8.67 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 67.7 1.9 2.81 5.45 0.55 1.31 1.05 3.50 6.88 A 4.04 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 59.2 2 3.38 12.55 1.25 2.90 1.13 6.60 5.86 N 3.95 A W<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 160 80.3 50.19 -38.34 -3.83 -1.22 0.62 99.50 209.68 A 50.42 N N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 87.4 3.5 4.00 -9.52 -0.95 -2.06 0.90 9.20 11.53 A 4.93 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1703 70 4.11 60.81 6.08 8.54 1.61 644.00 194.51 N 4.89 A N<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12807 351 2.74 13.14 1.31 3.75 1.13 1487.00 1023.67 N 3.19 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.9 0.3 5.08 20.65 2.07 3.36 1.21 1.01 0.78 N 5.10 A N<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.7 0.2 3.51 -1.72 -0.17 -0.49 0.98 0.10 0.53 A 3.58 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.9 0.4 5.80 -5.09 -0.51 -0.91 0.95 0.37 1.05 A 5.89 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 24.7 5.5 22.27 25.89 2.59 0.92 1.26 5.08 14.19 A 22.27 N N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.2 0.4 3.03 1.30 0.13 0.41 1.01 0.17 1.06 A 3.13 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 19.4 0.6 3.09 16.03 1.60 4.43 1.16 2.68 1.56 N 3.13 A W<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 29.7 15.2 51.18 210.99 21.10 1.33 3.11 20.15 39.22 A 51.20 N N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 4.1 0.4 9.76 12.02 1.20 1.10 1.12 0.44 1.03 A 9.78 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 21

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-29<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 47.26 1.11 2.35 -1.54 -0.15 -0.50 0.98 0.74 3.82 A 3.11 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 43.16 1.35 3.13 -23.07 -2.31 -6.73 0.77 12.94 4.96 N 3.97 A W<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 69.17 1.75 2.53 -10.86 -1.09 -2.73 0.89 8.43 7.96 N 4.14 A W<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 283 8 2.83 59.35 5.93 9.09 1.59 105.40 29.93 N 5.51 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 58.48 1.35 2.31 -8.91 -0.89 -2.48 0.91 5.72 5.95 A 3.72 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 51.89 1.2 2.31 -1.35 -0.13 -0.44 0.99 0.71 4.17 A 3.09 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 416 31 7.45 60.31 6.03 4.68 1.60 156.50 86.27 N 8.88 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 96.1 2.5 2.60 -0.52 -0.05 -0.13 0.99 0.50 9.65 A 3.88 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 984 40 4.07 -7.08 -0.71 -1.54 0.93 75.00 125.97 A 4.85 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12111 244 2.01 6.99 0.70 2.58 1.07 791.00 790.01 N 2.59 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.61 0.17 3.03 14.72 1.47 4.21 1.15 0.72 0.44 N 3.05 A W<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.93 0.19 3.20 2.24 0.22 0.67 1.02 0.13 0.50 A 3.28 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 8.69 0.32 3.68 19.53 1.95 4.32 1.20 1.42 0.85 N 3.82 A W<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 18.4 1.3 7.07 -6.22 -0.62 -0.94 0.94 1.22 3.36 A 7.08 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.85 0.32 2.49 -1.38 -0.14 -0.54 0.99 0.18 0.86 A 2.61 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 19.56 0.45 2.30 16.99 1.70 6.21 1.17 2.84 1.18 N 2.35 A W<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 11.53 4.42 38.33 20.73 2.07 0.45 1.21 1.98 11.41 A 38.37 N W<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.43 0.22 6.41 -6.28 -0.63 -1.04 0.94 0.23 0.57 A 6.44 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 22

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-25<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 53.3 2 3.75 11.04 1.10 2.38 1.11 5.30 5.75 A 4.27 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 61.4 1.6 2.61 9.45 0.94 2.52 1.09 5.30 5.43 A 3.57 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 82.7 3.3 3.99 6.57 0.66 1.22 1.07 5.10 10.74 A 5.16 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 280 14 5.00 57.66 5.77 6.27 1.58 102.40 42.12 N 6.88 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 65.4 1.5 2.29 1.87 0.19 0.50 1.02 1.20 6.18 A 3.71 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 54.2 2 3.69 3.04 0.30 0.70 1.03 1.60 5.86 A 4.22 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 47.1 12.6 26.75 -81.85 -8.18 -11.95 0.18 212.40 45.85 N 27.18 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 112 5 4.46 15.94 1.59 2.69 1.16 15.40 14.76 N 5.31 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1139 62 5.44 7.55 0.76 1.18 1.08 80.00 175.52 A 6.05 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 10847 406 3.74 -4.18 -0.42 -1.06 0.96 473.00 1151.10 A 4.08 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.09 0.22 4.32 4.09 0.41 0.91 1.04 0.20 0.57 A 4.34 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.16 0.26 4.22 6.21 0.62 1.37 1.06 0.36 0.68 A 4.28 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.56 0.38 5.03 3.99 0.40 0.75 1.04 0.29 1.00 A 5.13 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 16.7 2.3 13.77 -14.88 -1.49 -1.27 0.85 2.92 5.94 A 13.78 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12 0.3 2.50 -7.90 -0.79 -3.26 0.92 1.03 0.82 N 2.62 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.8 0.6 3.37 6.46 0.65 1.78 1.06 1.08 1.56 A 3.40 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 0.34 0.1 29.41 -96.44 -9.64 -51.09 0.04 9.21 0.47 N 29.45 A N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.75 0.53 14.13 2.46 0.25 0.17 1.02 0.09 1.37 A 14.15 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 23

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 53.4 3.07 5.75 11.25 1.12 1.68 1.11 5.40 8.31 A 6.10 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 55.33 3.23 5.84 -1.37 -0.14 -0.22 0.99 0.77 9.05 A 6.33 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 86.32 5.05 5.85 11.24 1.12 1.54 1.11 8.72 14.58 A 6.70 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 65.59 3.85 5.87 2.17 0.22 0.32 1.02 1.39 11.04 A 6.55 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 57.76 3.41 5.90 9.81 0.98 1.44 1.10 5.16 9.23 A 6.25 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1160 82 7.07 9.54 0.95 1.17 1.10 101.00 223.55 A 7.55 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12600 853 6.77 11.31 1.13 1.47 1.11 1280.00 2251.90 A 6.96 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.08 0.19 3.74 3.89 0.39 1.00 1.04 0.19 0.49 A 3.76 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.7 0.22 3.86 -1.72 -0.17 -0.45 0.98 0.10 0.58 A 3.92 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.48 0.32 4.28 2.89 0.29 0.64 1.03 0.21 0.85 A 4.40 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.82 0.44 3.43 -1.61 -0.16 -0.47 0.98 0.21 1.16 A 3.52 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 18 0.59 3.28 7.66 0.77 2.15 1.08 1.28 1.54 A 3.31 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023<br />

Appendix C, Page 24

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 51.5 2.3 4.47 7.29 0.73 1.40 1.07 3.50 6.45 A 4.91 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 56.6 1.6 2.83 0.89 0.09 0.24 1.01 0.50 5.43 A 3.74 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 77.2 3.3 4.27 -0.52 -0.05 -0.10 0.99 0.40 10.74 A 5.38 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 74.2 22.1 29.78 -58.22 -5.82 -4.37 0.42 103.40 61.00 N 30.16 N N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 69.5 2.1 3.02 8.26 0.83 1.88 1.08 5.30 7.25 A 4.20 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 57.3 2.5 4.36 8.94 0.89 1.73 1.09 4.70 7.03 A 4.82 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 213.5 10.1 4.73 -17.73 -1.77 -2.86 0.82 46.00 41.52 N 6.76 A W<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 92.9 21.6 23.25 -3.83 -0.38 -0.17 0.96 3.70 56.19 A 23.43 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 958 45 4.70 -9.54 -0.95 -1.91 0.90 101.00 136.74 A 5.39 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 10500 212 2.02 -7.24 -0.72 -2.91 0.93 820.00 725.93 N 2.60 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.85 0.26 5.36 -0.82 -0.08 -0.15 0.99 0.04 0.67 A 5.37 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.55 0.19 3.42 -4.31 -0.43 -1.29 0.96 0.25 0.50 A 3.49 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.09 0.4 5.64 -2.48 -0.25 -0.44 0.98 0.18 1.05 A 5.74 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 17.4 1.57 9.02 -11.31 -1.13 -1.41 0.89 2.22 4.06 A 9.04 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.2 0.36 2.73 1.30 0.13 0.45 1.01 0.17 0.96 A 2.83 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.4 0.7 4.02 4.07 0.41 0.97 1.04 0.68 1.82 A 4.05 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 7.9 12.9 163.29 -17.28 -1.73 -0.13 0.83 1.65 33.28 A 163.30 N W<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.57 1.02 28.57 -2.46 -0.25 -0.09 0.98 0.09 2.63 A 28.58 N W<br />

Appendix C, Page 25

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-30, results submitted on 2006-07-03<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 46.1 1.1 2.39 -3.96 -0.40 -1.29 0.96 1.90 3.80 A 3.14 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 51.1 0.7 1.37 -8.91 -0.89 -3.25 0.91 5.00 3.97 N 2.80 A W<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 74 1.5 2.03 -4.64 -0.46 -1.22 0.95 3.60 7.61 A 3.85 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 195 20 10.26 9.80 0.98 0.80 1.10 17.40 55.97 A 11.29 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 54.2 0.7 1.29 -15.58 -1.56 -5.01 0.84 10.00 5.15 N 3.19 A W<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 49.1 0.7 1.43 -6.65 -0.67 -2.72 0.93 3.50 3.32 N 2.50 A W<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 207 21 10.14 -20.23 -2.02 -2.15 0.80 52.50 63.09 A 11.24 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 75.5 2.4 3.18 -21.84 -2.18 -5.75 0.78 21.10 9.48 N 4.29 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 885 17 1.92 -16.43 -1.64 -5.31 0.84 174.00 84.51 N 3.27 A W<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 9713 13 0.13 -14.20 -1.42 -8.67 0.86 1607.00 478.48 N 1.64 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.3 0.2 3.77 8.38 0.84 2.04 1.08 0.41 0.52 A 3.79 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.6 0.2 3.57 -3.45 -0.34 -0.98 0.97 0.20 0.53 A 3.64 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.5 0.3 4.00 3.16 0.32 0.74 1.03 0.23 0.80 A 4.13 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 20.5 2 9.76 4.49 0.45 0.44 1.04 0.88 5.17 A 9.77 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 11.6 0.2 1.72 -10.97 -1.10 -6.40 0.89 1.43 0.58 N 1.89 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.9 0.3 1.78 1.08 0.11 0.58 1.01 0.18 0.80 A 1.84 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 18.6 1.9 10.22 94.76 9.48 4.75 1.95 9.05 4.92 N 10.34 A N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.7 0.5 13.51 1.09 0.11 0.08 1.01 0.04 1.29 A 13.53 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 26

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 46.9 4.5 9.59 -2.29 -0.23 -0.24 0.98 1.10 11.88 A 9.81 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 55.3 4 7.23 -1.43 -0.14 -0.19 0.99 0.80 10.91 A 7.63 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 77.3 8 10.35 -0.39 -0.04 -0.04 1.00 0.30 21.66 A 10.85 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 59.7 4.5 7.54 -7.01 -0.70 -0.92 0.93 4.50 12.57 A 8.08 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 47.7 4.5 9.43 -9.32 -0.93 -1.06 0.91 4.90 11.94 A 9.65 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 811 136 16.77 212.52 21.25 4.04 3.13 551.50 352.37 N 17.45 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1040 90 8.65 -1.79 -0.18 -0.20 0.98 19.00 243.18 A 9.05 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 6910 1040 15.05 -38.96 -3.90 -4.17 0.61 4410.00 2725.32 N 15.14 A N<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 47.5 2.45 5.16 871.37 87.14 17.39 9.71 42.61 6.32 N 5.17 A N<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.39 0.5 9.28 -7.07 -0.71 -0.82 0.93 0.41 1.29 A 9.30 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.05 0.5 7.09 -3.03 -0.30 -0.44 0.97 0.22 1.30 A 7.17 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 11.7 0.5 4.27 -10.21 -1.02 -2.61 0.90 1.33 1.32 N 4.34 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.1 1 5.85 2.27 0.23 0.38 1.02 0.38 2.59 A 5.87 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 18.5 8.5 45.95 93.72 9.37 1.05 1.94 8.95 21.93 A 45.97 N N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023<br />

Appendix C, Page 27

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 53.8 1.7 3.16 12.08 1.21 2.96 1.12 5.80 5.06 N 3.76 A W<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 59.1 1.3 2.20 5.35 0.53 1.59 1.05 3.00 4.87 A 3.29 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 89.3 2.8 3.14 15.08 1.51 3.09 1.15 11.70 9.75 N 4.53 A W<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 188.9 7 3.71 6.36 0.64 1.03 1.06 11.30 28.21 A 6.01 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 54.7 3.5 6.40 -14.80 -1.48 -2.39 0.85 9.50 10.24 A 7.03 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 53.6 1.8 3.36 1.90 0.19 0.48 1.02 1.00 5.42 A 3.94 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 176.5 6 3.40 -31.98 -3.20 -5.97 0.68 83.00 35.84 N 5.91 A W<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 82.2 2.7 3.28 -14.91 -1.49 -3.72 0.85 14.40 10.00 N 4.37 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1093 48 4.39 3.21 0.32 0.61 1.03 34.00 143.37 A 5.13 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11710 366 3.13 3.45 0.34 0.95 1.03 390.00 1058.05 A 3.53 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.13 0.21 4.09 4.91 0.49 1.14 1.05 0.24 0.54 A 4.11 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.49 0.17 3.10 -5.34 -0.53 -1.78 0.95 0.31 0.45 A 3.17 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.38 0.37 5.01 1.51 0.15 0.29 1.02 0.11 0.97 A 5.12 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 20.6 1.1 5.34 4.99 0.50 0.89 1.05 0.98 2.85 A 5.36 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 10.62 0.24 2.26 -18.50 -1.85 -9.27 0.82 2.41 0.67 N 2.39 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.14 0.55 3.41 -3.47 -0.35 -1.04 0.97 0.58 1.43 A 3.44 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 7.6 0.68 8.95 -20.42 -2.04 -2.80 0.80 1.95 1.80 N 9.08 A W<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.43 0.14 4.08 -6.28 -0.63 -1.62 0.94 0.23 0.37 A 4.13 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 28

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 51 2 3.92 6.25 0.62 1.35 1.06 3.00 5.75 A 4.42 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 59 2 3.39 5.17 0.52 1.20 1.05 2.90 6.25 A 4.18 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 88 5 5.68 13.40 1.34 1.85 1.13 10.40 14.47 A 6.56 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 123 55 44.72 -30.74 -3.07 -0.98 0.69 54.60 143.55 A 44.96 N N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 63 4 6.35 -1.87 -0.19 -0.27 0.98 1.20 11.39 A 6.99 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 55 2 3.64 4.56 0.46 1.06 1.05 2.40 5.86 A 4.18 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 238 17 7.14 -8.29 -0.83 -1.02 0.92 21.50 54.49 A 8.62 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 102 3 2.94 5.59 0.56 1.32 1.06 5.40 10.55 A 4.11 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1210 40 3.31 14.26 1.43 3.09 1.14 151.00 125.97 N 4.23 A W<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12500 400 3.20 10.42 1.04 2.68 1.10 1180.00 1137.03 N 3.59 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.9 0.3 6.12 0.20 0.02 0.03 1.00 0.01 0.78 A 6.13 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.8 0.3 5.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.78 A 5.22 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.6 0.6 7.89 4.54 0.45 0.55 1.05 0.33 1.56 A 7.96 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 21 3 14.29 7.03 0.70 0.46 1.07 1.38 7.74 A 14.29 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12 1 8.33 -7.90 -0.79 -1.02 0.92 1.03 2.59 A 8.37 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16 1 6.25 -4.31 -0.43 -0.72 0.96 0.72 2.59 A 6.27 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 4.7 0.7 14.89 -50.79 -5.08 -6.77 0.49 4.85 1.85 N 14.98 A N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.5 0.3 8.57 -4.37 -0.44 -0.53 0.96 0.16 0.78 A 8.59 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 29

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 66 1.3 1.97 37.50 3.75 11.06 1.38 18.00 4.20 N 2.84 A N<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 59.2 1.1 1.86 5.53 0.55 1.76 1.06 3.10 4.53 A 3.07 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 78.1 2.2 2.82 0.64 0.06 0.15 1.01 0.50 8.67 A 4.32 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 147.8 14.3 9.68 -16.78 -1.68 -1.80 0.83 29.80 42.79 A 10.77 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 88.2 1.6 1.81 37.38 3.74 9.75 1.37 24.00 6.35 N 3.43 A N<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 68.6 1.3 1.90 30.42 3.04 9.47 1.30 16.00 4.36 N 2.79 A N<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1028.5 14 1.36 -2.88 -0.29 -0.97 0.97 30.50 80.77 A 2.97 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12597.5 17.6 0.14 11.29 1.13 6.87 1.11 1277.50 479.46 N 1.64 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.1 0.5 9.80 4.29 0.43 0.42 1.04 0.21 1.29 A 9.81 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.4 0.5 9.26 -6.90 -0.69 -0.80 0.93 0.40 1.29 A 9.28 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.6 0.9 13.64 -9.22 -0.92 -0.74 0.91 0.67 2.33 A 13.68 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 22.2 5.3 23.87 13.15 1.31 0.49 1.13 2.58 13.68 A 23.88 N W<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.2 0.7 5.30 1.30 0.13 0.24 1.01 0.17 1.82 A 5.36 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16.9 0.6 3.55 1.08 0.11 0.30 1.01 0.18 1.56 A 3.58 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023<br />

Appendix C, Page 30

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-21, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 53.61 0.92 1.72 11.69 1.17 4.17 1.12 5.61 3.47 N 2.67 A W<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 58.29 1.18 2.02 3.90 0.39 1.21 1.04 2.19 4.66 A 3.17 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 88.38 1.89 2.14 13.89 1.39 3.40 1.14 10.78 8.17 N 3.91 A W<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 59.85 0.97 1.62 -6.78 -0.68 -2.06 0.93 4.35 5.44 A 3.33 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 56.03 1.14 2.03 6.52 0.65 2.18 1.07 3.43 4.05 A 2.89 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 102.7 3.5 3.41 6.31 0.63 1.36 1.06 6.10 11.53 A 4.46 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1082 103 9.52 2.17 0.22 0.22 1.02 23.00 275.38 A 9.88 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11324 204 1.80 0.04 0.00 0.01 1.00 4.00 710.51 A 2.43 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.64 0.14 3.02 -5.11 -0.51 -1.77 0.95 0.25 0.36 A 3.04 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.57 0.16 2.87 -3.97 -0.40 -1.39 0.96 0.23 0.43 A 2.95 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.47 0.27 3.61 2.75 0.28 0.71 1.03 0.20 0.72 A 3.76 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 19.98 2 10.01 1.83 0.18 0.18 1.02 0.36 5.17 A 10.02 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.29 0.24 1.95 -5.68 -0.57 -2.85 0.94 0.74 0.67 N 2.10 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.06 0.32 1.88 2.03 0.20 1.03 1.02 0.34 0.85 A 1.94 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023<br />

Appendix C, Page 31

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-26<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 54.352 1.046 1.92 13.23 1.32 4.43 1.13 6.35 3.70 N 2.81 A W<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 57.255 0.82 1.43 2.06 0.21 0.72 1.02 1.16 4.12 A 2.83 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 84.455 1.785 2.11 8.83 0.88 2.21 1.09 6.86 8.01 A 3.90 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 284.8 12.273 4.31 60.36 6.04 7.21 1.60 107.20 38.37 N 6.40 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 64.799 0.778 1.20 0.93 0.09 0.30 1.01 0.60 5.23 A 3.15 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 57.064 1.097 1.92 8.49 0.85 2.90 1.08 4.46 3.97 N 2.81 A W<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 1411.9 294.13 20.83 444.08 44.41 3.91 5.44 1152.40 759.54 N 21.38 A N<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 152.75 3.815 2.50 58.13 5.81 11.90 1.58 56.15 12.18 N 3.81 A N<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1428.4 33.54 2.35 34.88 3.49 8.45 1.35 369.40 112.72 N 3.54 A N<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 14247 131.71 0.92 25.86 2.59 12.89 1.26 2927.00 585.91 N 1.88 A N<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 6.343 0.588 9.27 29.71 2.97 2.47 1.30 1.45 1.52 A 9.28 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.437 0.344 5.34 10.98 1.10 1.84 1.11 0.64 0.89 A 5.39 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.512 0.608 8.09 3.33 0.33 0.40 1.03 0.24 1.58 A 8.16 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 32.312 4.989 15.44 64.69 6.47 2.54 1.65 12.69 12.87 A 15.45 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 12.321 0.288 2.34 -5.44 -0.54 -2.33 0.95 0.71 0.79 A 2.46 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.065 0.596 3.49 2.06 0.21 0.57 1.02 0.35 1.55 A 3.53 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 91.8 48.8 53.16 861.26 86.13 1.69 9.61 82.25 125.90 A 53.18 N N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 5.81 1.049 18.06 58.74 5.87 2.05 1.59 2.15 2.71 A 18.07 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 34

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-26<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 49.6 1.6 3.23 3.33 0.33 0.85 1.03 1.60 4.84 A 3.82 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 55.5 2.1 3.78 -1.07 -0.11 -0.24 0.99 0.60 6.47 A 4.50 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 75.2 2.8 3.72 -3.09 -0.31 -0.63 0.97 2.40 9.75 A 4.96 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 87.3 17.8 20.39 -50.84 -5.08 -4.59 0.49 90.30 50.78 N 20.93 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 62.5 1.6 2.56 -2.65 -0.26 -0.69 0.97 1.70 6.35 A 3.88 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 55.3 2.1 3.80 5.13 0.51 1.14 1.05 2.70 6.09 A 4.32 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 275 22 8.00 5.97 0.60 0.61 1.06 15.50 65.32 A 9.34 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 102 6 5.88 5.59 0.56 0.82 1.06 5.40 17.06 A 6.55 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 983 55 5.60 -7.18 -0.72 -1.23 0.93 76.00 159.23 A 6.19 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11850 370 3.12 4.68 0.47 1.28 1.05 530.00 1067.28 A 3.52 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.24 0.2 3.82 7.16 0.72 1.74 1.07 0.35 0.52 A 3.83 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.05 0.26 4.30 4.31 0.43 0.95 1.04 0.25 0.68 A 4.35 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.37 0.34 4.61 1.38 0.14 0.29 1.01 0.10 0.90 A 4.73 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 29.8 2.5 8.39 51.89 5.19 4.07 1.52 10.18 6.46 N 8.40 A N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.3 0.5 3.76 2.07 0.21 0.53 1.02 0.27 1.32 A 3.84 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 18.5 0.6 3.24 10.65 1.06 2.94 1.11 1.78 1.56 N 3.28 A W<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 9.7 0.7 7.22 1.57 0.16 0.21 1.02 0.15 1.85 A 7.39 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.5 0.19 5.43 -4.37 -0.44 -0.84 0.96 0.16 0.49 A 5.46 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 35

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 50 2.5 5.00 4.17 0.42 0.74 1.04 2.00 6.93 A 5.40 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 58 2.9 5.00 3.39 0.34 0.59 1.03 1.90 8.27 A 5.56 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 80 4 5.00 3.09 0.31 0.51 1.03 2.40 12.22 A 5.98 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 245 12 4.90 37.95 3.80 4.60 1.38 67.40 37.79 N 6.81 A N<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 66 3 4.55 2.80 0.28 0.51 1.03 1.80 9.12 A 5.40 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 54 3 5.56 2.66 0.27 0.44 1.03 1.40 8.23 A 5.92 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 78 5 6.41 -19.25 -1.93 -3.25 0.81 18.60 14.76 N 7.03 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1100 60 5.45 3.87 0.39 0.62 1.04 41.00 170.83 A 6.06 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11800 600 5.08 4.24 0.42 0.76 1.04 480.00 1619.91 A 5.34 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.5 0.23 5.11 -7.98 -0.80 -1.69 0.92 0.39 0.60 A 5.12 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.2 0.31 5.00 6.90 0.69 1.28 1.07 0.40 0.81 A 5.05 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 8.1 0.41 5.06 11.42 1.14 1.99 1.11 0.83 1.08 A 5.17 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 1.4 0.34 24.29 -92.86 -9.29 -51.41 0.07 18.22 0.91 N 24.29 N N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 14 0.7 5.00 7.44 0.74 1.37 1.07 0.97 1.82 A 5.06 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 18 0.9 5.00 7.66 0.77 1.42 1.08 1.28 2.33 A 5.02 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.9 0.5 12.82 6.56 0.66 0.48 1.07 0.24 1.29 A 12.84 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 36

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-20, results submitted on 2006-06-23<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 48.9 2.8 5.73 1.87 0.19 0.30 1.02 0.90 7.65 A 6.08 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 57.1 2.7 4.73 1.78 0.18 0.33 1.02 1.00 7.81 A 5.32 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 77.8 4.9 6.30 0.26 0.03 0.04 1.00 0.20 14.24 A 7.10 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 218 21.6 9.91 22.75 2.27 1.74 1.23 40.40 59.79 A 10.98 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 57.7 2.6 4.51 -10.12 -1.01 -2.03 0.90 6.50 8.26 A 5.37 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 50.8 3 5.91 -3.42 -0.34 -0.56 0.97 1.80 8.23 A 6.25 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 221 54.7 24.75 -14.84 -1.48 -0.69 0.85 38.50 144.78 A 25.22 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 81.9 1.4 1.71 -15.22 -1.52 -4.72 0.85 14.70 8.03 N 3.35 A W<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1090 161 14.77 2.93 0.29 0.19 1.03 31.00 421.61 A 15.01 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 12750 545 4.27 12.63 1.26 2.48 1.13 1430.00 1484.90 A 4.58 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.5 0.4 7.27 12.47 1.25 1.52 1.12 0.61 1.03 A 7.28 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 6.3 0.3 4.76 8.62 0.86 1.65 1.09 0.50 0.78 A 4.81 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 8 0.7 8.75 10.04 1.00 1.04 1.10 0.73 1.82 A 8.81 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 20.2 2 9.90 2.96 0.30 0.29 1.03 0.58 5.17 A 9.91 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.3 0.5 3.76 2.07 0.21 0.53 1.02 0.27 1.32 A 3.84 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 18.8 0.9 4.79 12.44 1.24 2.30 1.12 2.08 2.33 A 4.81 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 18.2 2.1 11.54 90.58 9.06 4.11 1.91 8.65 5.43 N 11.64 A N<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.3 0.5 15.15 -9.84 -0.98 -0.72 0.90 0.36 1.29 A 15.16 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 37

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-26, results submitted on 2006-06-29<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 45.9 3.05 6.64 -4.38 -0.44 -0.66 0.96 2.10 8.27 A 6.95 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 48.7 3.13 6.43 -13.19 -1.32 -2.17 0.87 7.40 8.82 A 6.88 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 70.5 5.49 7.79 -9.15 -0.91 -1.17 0.91 7.10 15.61 A 8.45 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 179 36.09 20.16 0.79 0.08 0.04 1.01 1.40 95.60 A 20.71 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 51.9 3.86 7.44 -19.16 -1.92 -2.87 0.81 12.30 11.07 N 7.99 A W<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 49.9 3.34 6.69 -5.13 -0.51 -0.77 0.95 2.70 9.06 A 7.00 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 227.5 24.98 10.98 -12.33 -1.23 -1.15 0.88 32.00 72.10 A 11.99 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 87.2 7.25 8.31 -9.73 -0.97 -1.21 0.90 9.40 20.03 A 8.80 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1036.6 119.2 11.50 -2.12 -0.21 -0.18 0.98 22.40 315.91 A 11.80 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 11488.2 645.8 5.62 1.49 0.15 0.25 1.01 168.20 1733.18 A 5.85 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.1 0.52 10.20 4.29 0.43 0.40 1.04 0.21 1.34 A 10.20 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.3 0.46 8.68 -8.62 -0.86 -1.08 0.91 0.50 1.19 A 8.71 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 7.2 0.96 13.33 -0.96 -0.10 -0.07 0.99 0.07 2.48 A 13.37 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 20.3 5.09 25.07 3.47 0.35 0.13 1.03 0.68 13.13 A 25.08 N W<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 11.4 0.94 8.25 -12.51 -1.25 -1.72 0.87 1.63 2.44 A 8.28 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 16 1.09 6.81 -4.31 -0.43 -0.66 0.96 0.72 2.82 A 6.83 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 11.5 2.89 25.13 20.42 2.04 0.67 1.20 1.95 7.47 A 25.18 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.6 0.46 12.78 -1.64 -0.16 -0.13 0.98 0.06 1.19 A 12.79 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 38

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-22, results submitted on 2006-06-26<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 47.83 3.35 7.00 -0.35 -0.04 -0.05 1.00 0.17 9.01 A 7.30 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 52.44 4.21 8.03 -6.52 -0.65 -0.83 0.93 3.66 11.42 A 8.39 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 71.32 6.14 8.61 -8.09 -0.81 -0.95 0.92 6.28 17.14 A 9.21 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 258.42 30.25 11.71 45.51 4.55 2.57 1.46 80.82 81.00 A 12.63 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 64.14 3.94 6.14 -0.09 -0.01 -0.01 1.00 0.06 11.25 A 6.80 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 55.17 3.38 6.13 4.89 0.49 0.72 1.05 2.57 9.15 A 6.46 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 63.11 9.46 14.99 -34.67 -3.47 -3.40 0.65 33.49 25.44 N 15.26 A N<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 1378.53 115.26 8.36 30.17 3.02 2.69 1.30 319.53 306.02 N 8.77 A N<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 14619.47 730.32 5.00 29.15 2.91 4.38 1.29 3299.47 1943.74 N 5.26 A N<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 4.41 0.31 7.03 -9.82 -0.98 -1.55 0.90 0.48 0.80 A 7.04 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.56 0.41 7.37 -4.14 -0.41 -0.58 0.96 0.24 1.06 A 7.41 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 6.12 0.51 8.33 -15.82 -1.58 -2.23 0.84 1.15 1.33 A 8.40 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 10.51 1.33 12.65 -46.43 -4.64 -6.83 0.54 9.11 3.44 N 12.66 A N<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 10.71 0.75 7.00 -17.81 -1.78 -3.07 0.82 2.32 1.95 N 7.04 A W<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 14.68 1.02 6.95 -12.20 -1.22 -1.99 0.88 2.04 2.64 A 6.96 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.15 0.52 16.51 -13.93 -1.39 -0.98 0.86 0.51 1.34 A 16.52 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 39

The <strong>IAEA</strong>-CU-2006-04 ALMERA open proficiency test on the determination of gamma emitting radionuclides<br />


Samples received on 2006-06-23, results submitted on 2006-06-28<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 1, Soil Reference Date: 01-June-2006<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 48 0.98 49.9 3.7 7.41 3.96 0.40 0.50 1.04 1.90 9.88 A 7.69 A A<br />

Co-60 56.1 1.37 53 4.5 8.49 -5.53 -0.55 -0.66 0.94 3.10 12.14 A 8.83 A A<br />

Zn-65 77.6 2.54 69.8 5.3 7.59 -10.05 -1.01 -1.33 0.90 7.80 15.16 A 8.27 A A<br />

Cd-109 177.6 8.4 220.7 16.3 7.39 24.27 2.43 2.35 1.24 43.10 47.31 A 8.77 A A<br />

Cs-134 64.2 1.87 64.9 5.1 7.86 1.09 0.11 0.13 1.01 0.70 14.01 A 8.38 A A<br />

Cs-137 52.6 1.08 51.4 3.5 6.81 -2.28 -0.23 -0.33 0.98 1.20 9.45 A 7.11 A A<br />

Pb-210 259.5 12.53 253.3 18.6 7.34 -2.39 -0.24 -0.28 0.98 6.20 57.86 A 8.79 A A<br />

Am-241 96.6 2.78 90.2 6.6 7.32 -6.63 -0.66 -0.89 0.93 6.40 18.48 A 7.86 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 2, Grass<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg d.m.]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

K-40 1059 28 897 110 12.26 -15.30 -1.53 -1.43 0.85 162.00 292.85 A 12.54 A A<br />

Cs-137 11320 185 10930 610 5.58 -3.45 -0.34 -0.61 0.97 390.00 1644.59 A 5.82 A A<br />

Evaluation on Sample No. 3, Water<br />

Analyte <strong>IAEA</strong> Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

<strong>IAEA</strong> Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Value<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

[Bq/kg]<br />

Lab Unc<br />

%<br />

Rel. Bias<br />

%<br />

z-Score u-Test Ratio<br />

Lab/<strong>IAEA</strong><br />

A1 A2 Trueness P(%) Precision Final Score<br />

Mn-54 4.89 0.017 5.01 0.38 7.58 2.45 0.25 0.32 1.02 0.12 0.98 A 7.59 A A<br />

Co-60 5.8 0.04 5.94 0.38 6.40 2.41 0.24 0.37 1.02 0.14 0.99 A 6.43 A A<br />

Zn-65 7.27 0.075 8.31 0.61 7.34 14.31 1.43 1.69 1.14 1.04 1.59 A 7.41 A A<br />

Cd-109 19.62 0.1 20.1 1.4 6.97 2.45 0.24 0.34 1.02 0.48 3.62 A 6.98 A A<br />

Cs-134 13.03 0.1 13.3 1.12 8.42 2.07 0.21 0.24 1.02 0.27 2.90 A 8.46 A A<br />

Cs-137 16.72 0.08 17.2 1.21 7.03 2.87 0.29 0.40 1.03 0.48 3.13 A 7.05 A A<br />

Pb-210 9.55 0.15 9.1 0.71 7.80 -4.71 -0.47 -0.62 0.95 0.45 1.87 A 7.96 A A<br />

Am-241 3.66 0.023 3.29 0.21 6.38 -10.11 -1.01 -1.75 0.90 0.37 0.55 A 6.41 A A<br />

Appendix C, Page 40

Appendix D: List of participating laboratories


LAB CODE 297<br />








LAB CODE 294<br />




BOERETANG 200<br />

B-2400, MOL<br />


BRAZIL<br />

LAB CODE 348<br />






BR-37701-000, POCOS DE CALDAS, MG<br />

BRAZIL<br />


LAB CODE 338<br />




KOZLODUY, 3321<br />


CHILE<br />

LAB CODE 336<br />





CASILLA 188-D<br />

6500687, SANTIAGO<br />

CHILE<br />


LAB CODE 292<br />




DK-4000, ROSKILDE<br />


Appendix D, Page 1<br />

Appendix D: List of participants


LAB CODE 291<br />




D-38116, BRAUNSCHWEIG<br />


GREECE<br />

LAB CODE 335<br />








15780, ATHENS<br />

GREECE<br />


LAB CODE 304<br />



FOGOLY U. 13 - 15<br />

H-1182, BUDAPEST<br />


INDIA<br />

LAB CODE 321<br />







TARAPUR, 401 504<br />


INDIA<br />


LAB CODE 349<br />



NORTH KAREGAR ST, 14155 - 4494<br />

P.O. BOX 14155-1339<br />

14374, TEHRAN<br />


ITALY<br />

LAB CODE 305<br />





13039, TRINO<br />


ITALY<br />

Appendix D, Page 2<br />

LAB CODE 327<br />




POSTFACH 3640<br />

D-76021, KARLSRUHE<br />


LAB CODE 319<br />




00128, ROME<br />


LAB CODE 341<br />




29012, CAORSO<br />


ITALY<br />

LAB CODE 311<br />





I-13040, SALUGGIA (VERCELLI)<br />

ITALY<br />

JORDAN<br />

LAB CODE 318<br />



AMMAN, 11934<br />

JORDAN<br />


LAB CODE 325<br />



RIAD EL SOHL 1107 2260<br />

P.O. BOX 11-8281<br />

BEIRUT<br />



LAB CODE 332<br />



RUDNIOS 6, 504KB<br />

LT-09300, VILNIUS<br />



LAB CODE 308<br />




BANGI, 43000, KAJANG, SELANGOR D.E.,<br />



LAB CODE 314<br />


RIVM<br />


NL-3720 BA, BILTHOVEN<br />


Appendix D, Page 3<br />

LAB CODE 331<br />

ENEA<br />




I-75026, ROTONDELLA<br />

MATERA<br />

ITALY<br />

LAB CODE 347<br />

ENEA<br />





ROMA<br />


NORWAY<br />

LAB CODE 303<br />




N-2027, KJELLER<br />

NORWAY<br />


LAB CODE 300<br />


108 VICTORIA ST.<br />




LAB CODE 334<br />



E.N. 10, APARTADO 21<br />

2686-953 SACAV?M<br />



LAB CODE 347<br />







R-115400, PITESTI<br />



LAB CODE 342<br />



7TH ROSTOVSKY LN., 2/14<br />

119121, MOSCOW<br />



LAB CODE 306<br />




JAMOVA 39<br />

SI-1000, LJUBLJANA<br />


Appendix D, Page 4<br />

LAB CODE 344<br />




P.O.BOX 55<br />

N-1332, OSTERAS<br />



LAB CODE 307<br />





SK-935 23, LEVICE<br />



LAB CODE 313<br />






LAB CODE 298<br />









LAB CODE 351<br />








KIEV-28, 03028<br />



LAB CODE 315<br />




BUILDING 773-A<br />

P.O. BOX 616<br />

AIKEN, SC 29808<br />



LAB CODE 322<br />






YU-81000, PODGORICA<br />


Appendix D, Page 5<br />

LAB CODE 310<br />





LAB CODE 296<br />







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