dr tonY tAn KEng YAm - NUSS

dr tonY tAn KEng YAm - NUSS

dr tonY tAn KEng YAm - NUSS


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<strong>dr</strong> <strong>tonY</strong><br />

<strong>tAn</strong> <strong>KEng</strong> <strong>YAm</strong><br />

coNferred <strong>NUSS</strong><br />

HoNorary MeMberSHip<br />

New SportS & recreatioNal<br />

facilitieS at KrGH<br />

A hAndY gUidE to oUr gUiLd hoUSES<br />

JULY – SEptEmbEr 2010

preSideNt’S MeSSaGe<br />

Dear Members,<br />

The second quarter of the year was another significant period<br />

for the Society.<br />

On April 8, the Society hosted its inaugural annual<br />

Appreciation Night to recognise and celebrate the<br />

outstanding accomplishments and contributions of some<br />

very distinguished members. Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, a<br />

longstanding member of <strong>NUSS</strong> and former DPM and Vice<br />

Chancellor of NUS, was conferred the Society’s Honorary<br />

Membership in recognition of his many and distinguished<br />

contributions in public service as well as to NUS and <strong>NUSS</strong>.<br />

Two special <strong>NUSS</strong> Awards – the Distinguished Member<br />

Award and the Outstanding Member Award – were launched<br />

at the same event and presented to four outstanding<br />

members, who have selflessly dedicated themselves in<br />

making significant contributions to our Society, alma mater<br />

and the wider community. Long Service Awards were also<br />

presented to 10 of our members who have served in our<br />

Sub-Committees continuously for five or 10 years.<br />

My heartiest congratulations to all the award recipients, and<br />

hope that their achievements will inspire more members to<br />

step forward and serve <strong>NUSS</strong> and the community at large.<br />

Read about the Appreciation Night and the Awards on page<br />

10 of this issue.<br />

The Society held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April<br />

27, with over 200 members turning up. I wish to thank<br />

members who attended the AGM for taking the time to<br />

support the Society’s affairs and to share ideas.<br />

The meeting saw eight members elected to the Management<br />

Committee (MC). We had 13 nominations, including four<br />

outgoing MC members (Chong Hoong Sang, Dr Joshua<br />

Kuma, Mohan Balagopal and Yip Kum Fei) seeking reelection.<br />

The eight successful candidates included the four<br />

MC members, together with Darryl Chong, David Ho, Archie<br />

Ong and Dr Francis Pavri.<br />

As we welcome the new faces onboard, I would like to thank<br />

five of my former MC colleagues, Vincent Rasa Benedict,<br />

Lau Kwong Chung, Dr Keith Alan Liew, Ong Pin Sam and<br />

Edward Tay, who stepped down due to personal and work<br />

commitments. <strong>NUSS</strong> has benefited immensely from their<br />

collective contributions, and I know they will continue to be<br />

involved and contribute in whatever ways they can.<br />

At the end of April, we bid farewell and offered our<br />

appreciation to our outgoing CEO Mr Chao Ye Peng who<br />

helped steer the Society in the past three years, and<br />

welcomed Mr Tong Hsien-Hui as the new CEO on May 1,<br />

2010. Hsien-Hui was Director of Corporate Affairs and New<br />

Media prior to assuming his new position. Please join me in<br />

congratulating him on his well-earned promotion and wishing<br />

him every success.<br />

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility towards the<br />

environment, I am pleased to share that we have embarked<br />

on some green initiatives aimed at increasing awareness<br />

of our environment and reducing our carbon footprint. This<br />

year’s Annual Report, for example, was produced in CD<br />

format and made available to all members.<br />

The Society recently collaborated with the NUS School of<br />

Design & Environment to establish the <strong>NUSS</strong> Scholarship for<br />

the Master of Environment Management. Two scholarships,<br />

valued at $12,000 per year, will be awarded to deserving<br />

NUS students enrolled in the course. We also invited<br />

students from the Programme to conduct studies on our<br />

operations at KRGH and suggest ways to reduce our carbon<br />

footprint. More green initiatives planned by the Society can<br />

be found on page 32 of this issue.<br />

And in our ongoing efforts to reach out to younger graduates<br />

and to develop meaningful and enduring partnerships with<br />

our alma mater, <strong>NUSS</strong> has endowed a sum of $105,000 to<br />

establish the ‘<strong>NUSS</strong> Medal for Outstanding Achievement’.<br />

The Medal is aimed at recognising achievements beyond<br />

academic excellence and will be presented yearly to<br />

outstanding all-round students from the graduating class of<br />

each of the 14 schools/faculties. Besides having to achieve<br />

at least a Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or a CAP of<br />

at least 4.0 for higher degree, the winner must have proven<br />

track records of active participation in student activities and/<br />

or impactful contributions in community service and voluntary<br />

work, preferably in leadership capacities. Each winner will be<br />

presented with a gold medal and a <strong>NUSS</strong> membership with<br />

one-year waiver of monthly subscriptions.<br />

As this issue goes to print, the Society will be celebrating the<br />

official opening of its new Sports and Recreation facilities at<br />

KRGH on 26 June 2010, with Professor Tan Chorh Chuan,<br />

President of NUS, as Guest-of-Honour. The event marks<br />

the completion of the entire redevelopment of KRGH and on<br />

behalf of the Management Committee, I would like to express<br />

my heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved for your<br />

invaluable contributions.<br />

I would also like to thank our fellow members for your<br />

patience and kind understanding during the construction<br />

period. I hope you like our new facilities, and I encourage<br />

you to continue giving us your feedback as our teams work<br />

towards ad<strong>dr</strong>essing the initial teething issues and improving<br />

on the final product.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Johnny Tan<br />

President 01

08<br />

14<br />

<strong>dr</strong> toNy taN<br />

KeNG yaM<br />

conferred nUSS<br />

Honorary MeMberSHip<br />

32<br />

coNteNtS<br />

iNSide Story<br />

04<br />

annual general meeting –<br />

gearing up for anotHer Year<br />

08<br />

new nuss ceo –<br />

mr tong Hsien-Hui<br />

10<br />

annual appreciation nigHt<br />

oUr GUild HoUSeS<br />

14<br />

Kent ridge guild House<br />

22<br />

suntec citY guild House<br />

25<br />

BuKit timaH guild House<br />

28<br />

adam parK guild House<br />

GreeN featUre<br />

32<br />

a studY of tHe carBon<br />

footprint of nuss<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> clUb NewS<br />

01 from tHe president<br />

29 HigHligHts<br />

37 snapsHots<br />

42 sports scene<br />

48 epicure<br />

54 calendar of eVents<br />

57 directorY

The Graduate is the quarterly publication of<br />

The National University of Singapore Society (<strong>NUSS</strong>)<br />

Kent ridge guild House<br />

9 Kent Ridge Drive<br />

Singapore 119241<br />

T : 6779 1811 F : 6778 8095<br />

Email : secretariat@nuss.org.sg<br />

suntec citY guild House<br />

3 Temasek Boulevard<br />

#05-001 Suntec City Mall<br />

Singapore 038983<br />

T : 6779 1811 F : 6887 3802<br />

BuKit timaH guild House<br />

1F Cluny Road<br />

Singapore 259602<br />

T : 6779 1811 F : 6469 6019<br />

adam parK guild House<br />

7 Adam Park<br />

Singapore 289926<br />

T : 6463 4528 F : 6463 4529<br />

editorial<br />

Managing Editor : Judy Yeo<br />

Project Manager : Au<strong>dr</strong>ey Chong<br />

Art Director : Rendy Aryanto<br />

Designer : Genz Lim<br />

Contributing Writers : Christine Chong<br />

Lim Chung Wei<br />

An<strong>dr</strong>i Tanubrata<br />

Tan Pei Ling<br />

marKeting & operations<br />

Advertising Sales : Diana Teo<br />

Photographers : Rendy Aryanto<br />

San<strong>dr</strong>a Darwis<br />

Amos Ong<br />

Enrico Tanubrata<br />

For advertising enquiries,<br />

Email : diana@lancer.com.sg<br />

The Graduate is produced for <strong>NUSS</strong> by<br />

9B Keong Saik Road<br />

Singapore 089117<br />

T : 6324 3466 F : 6324 3477<br />

all rights reserved. copyright 2009<br />

reproduction in whole or part of the magazine is strictly prohibited without the<br />

expressed permission of the publisher. the views of the contributors are entirely<br />

their own and do not necessarily represent those of nuss, the management<br />

committee and lancer design. nuss does not endorse all products and services<br />

featured in the magazine’s advertisements, except for its own advertisement(s).<br />

printed in singapore by fabulous printers pte ltd<br />

mica (p) 152/03/2009<br />

patron<br />

President S R Nathan<br />

nuss adVisorY panel<br />

Gerard Ee, Professor Tommy Koh, Professor Arthur Lim, Wong Ah Long<br />

nuss management committee 2010/2011<br />


President : Johnny Tan Khoon Hui<br />

Vice President : David Ho Peng Cheong<br />

Honorary Secretary : Lai Kim Seng<br />

Honorary Treasurer : Wong Peng Meng<br />

Honorary Assistant Secretary : Yip Kum Fei<br />

Honorary Assistant Treasurer : Darryl Chong Yi Wey<br />


Mohan Balagopal Chong Hoong Sang Fong Poh Him (Dr)<br />

Rosemary Khoo Ghim Choo (Dr) Joshua VM Kuma (Dr) Chan<strong>dr</strong>a Mohan K Nair<br />

Archie Ong Liang-Gay Francis Pavri (Dr) Siva S Retnam<br />

Toh Yong Soon<br />


Alumni Development & University Relations : Chan<strong>dr</strong>a Mohan K Nair<br />

Community Care : Archie Ong Liang-Gay<br />

Cultural : Fong Poh Him (Dr)<br />

Disciplinary : Chan<strong>dr</strong>a Mohan K Nair<br />

Finance : Wong Peng Meng<br />

House, Food & Beverage : Chong Hoong Sang<br />

Intellectual Pursuit : Joshua VM Kuma (Dr)<br />

Membership : David Ho Peng Cheong<br />

S-Connect : Rosemary Khoo Ghim Choo (Dr)<br />

Sports and Recreation : Siva S Retnam<br />

secretariat management team<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Tong Hsien-Hui<br />

Finance Director<br />

ceo@nuss.org.sg 6586 3700<br />

Ong Cheng Lee (Ms)<br />

Operations Director<br />

chenglee@nuss.org.sg 6586 3702<br />

Sasidharan Pillai<br />

Membership Director<br />

sasi@nuss.org.sg 6586 3755<br />

Jenny Ng (Ms)<br />

Assistant Director,<br />

Corporate Affairs<br />

jennyng@nuss.org.sg 6586 3718<br />

Almeta Chia (Ms) almeta@nuss.org.sg 6586 3766<br />

Membership Manager<br />

Michael Lee<br />

Information Systems Manager<br />

michaellee@nuss.org.sg 6586 3704<br />

Ho Weng Wah<br />

HR & Training Manager<br />

wengwah@nuss.org.sg 6586 3711<br />

George Chua georgechua@nuss.org.sg 6586 3758<br />

Senior Manager, Facilities and<br />

Sports Complex Administration<br />

Richard Chitrakar richardc@nuss.org.sg 6586 3712<br />

Senior Operations Manager<br />

Desmond Lim<br />

Senior Purchasing Manager<br />

desmondlim@nuss.org.sg 6578 9827<br />

Vincent Ng<br />

Maintenance Manager<br />

vincentng@nuss.org.sg 6586 3742<br />

Mike Chan mikechan@nuss.org.sg 6586 3738<br />

Interested in contributing a feature-length article?* We would love to hear out your idea.<br />

Contact us at judy@minteditions.com.sg for more information.<br />

* Please note that the editorial team reserves the right not to publish unsolicited material<br />

and approved articles will be commissioned.

inSide<br />

Story<br />

04<br />

for aNotHer year<br />

aNNUal GeNeral MeetiNG<br />

27 april 2010<br />

It was a lively evening for the Society’s members to appraise<br />

the highlights of the past year and engage in high-spirited<br />

discussions while looking forward to the coming year.<br />

This was the <strong>NUSS</strong> Annual General Meeting (AGM) that<br />

took place at Kent Ridge Guild House on April 27 2010.<br />

Attended by over 200 members, the event achieved its<br />

objectives of delivering and adopting the 2009 Annual<br />

Report, electing new Management Committee members,<br />

and voting on resolutions.<br />

Chaired by President Mr Johnny Tan, members who<br />

undoubtedly took their Society’s interests to heart, voiced<br />

their opinions or suggestions on various aspects of the<br />

Society’s operation and future directions. Topics ranging<br />

from the use of Guild Houses, Sports and Recreation<br />

activities, and operational costs, to new member recruitment<br />

strategy were all touched on and discussed passionately.<br />

The atmosphere was relaxed, yet focused where differing<br />

opinions were encouraged and expressed respectfully and all<br />

in good spirit.<br />

This tone was maintained when the meeting moved to<br />

discussing the benefits and downsides of the three proposed<br />

Resolutions pertaining to membership transfer, management

of feedback, selection of Sub-Committee members, and<br />

electronic communication, all of which were carried with the<br />

majority voting for them.<br />

A total of 13 members contested for the eight vacancies<br />

in the Management Committee. Coming from various<br />

backgrounds, the candidates offered their visions, missions<br />

and qualifications to those in attendance in the hope of<br />

wooing their votes. Among them was Dr Francis Pavri,<br />

whose campaign message was about having more diverse<br />

topics for the talks that <strong>NUSS</strong> hold regularly. “There are<br />

so many things happening in the region. We are in a good<br />

position as there are lots of people who work in Science or<br />

History that we can invite,” said the adjunct professor who<br />

will become a new face in the Management Committee<br />

this year. Some members of the outgoing Management<br />

Committee like Mr Chong Hoong Sang also decided to run<br />

again this year. Previously the Chairperson of the House,<br />

Food & Beverage Sub-Committee, Mr Chong shared his<br />

aspiration to complete his work, “I did not have time to<br />

reverse the trend in BTGH (Bukit TImah Guild House). So<br />

my mission in seeking re-election this year is to do so and<br />

make sure we achieve break even at BTGH.” Both Dr Pavri<br />

and Mr Chong were eventually voted into the Management<br />

Committee along with six others.<br />

Although it was all business inside the meeting hall, once<br />

outside, there was a jovial mood all around. Before the<br />

meeting started, members took the opportunity to mingle<br />

over a buffet dinner serving local and international fare, and<br />

then got the chance to do more socialising during two more<br />

well-received breaks where refreshments were also served.<br />

At the close of the meeting shortly after midnight,<br />

Mr Johnny Tan expressed his appreciation to the outgoing<br />

Management Committee members for their excellent work<br />

and contribution, while at the same time extending a warm<br />

welcome to the incoming members of the Committee.<br />

inSide<br />

Story<br />


inSide<br />

Story<br />

06<br />

New MaNaGeMeNt<br />

after tHe exciting electionS, it iS tiMe to Meet SoMe MeMberS of tHe new<br />

ManageMent coMMittee. tHeSe gracioUS MeMberS HaVe taken tiMe off tHeir bUSy<br />

ScHedUleS to introdUce tHeMSelVeS to fellow MeMberS tHroUgH The GraduaTe.<br />

SteppiNG forward<br />

david Ho peNG cHeoNG<br />

Vice-preSident & cHairperSon,<br />

MeMberSHip SUb-coMMittee<br />

Amongst the first generation of local<br />

entrepreneurs, Mr David Ho Peng<br />

Cheong is hardly a stranger to the need<br />

to step up to the plate. An old boy of St<br />

Joseph’s Institution, he had gone on to<br />

pursue a Bachelor of Arts in 1972 and<br />

Bachelor of Sciences (Hons) Economics<br />

1973 at the University of Singapore<br />

before embarking on a career with<br />

Citibank Singapore and establishing his<br />

own company, Windmill International<br />

in 1980. At least one of his sons is a<br />

National University of Singapore (NUS)<br />

alumnus, strengthening the family’s link<br />

to the University.<br />

When asked what led to his running<br />

for the Management Committee, he<br />

recalls loving memories of the four<br />

GiviNG<br />

bacK<br />

darryl cHoNG yi wey<br />

Honorary aSSiStant treaSUrer<br />

years he had at university.<br />

“The friendships made<br />

during campus days have<br />

been enduring and this<br />

is something I cherish<br />

profoundly. I strongly believe <strong>NUSS</strong><br />

can and will contribute to making<br />

such friendships possible for all NUS<br />

alumni,” he said. It is this belief that<br />

sustained his service as Management<br />

Committee member in 2000/2001 and<br />

2003/2004.<br />

In his new term as Chairman,<br />

Membership Sub-Committee, Mr Ho<br />

hopes to make <strong>NUSS</strong> membership<br />

available to most if not all NUS<br />

graduates in one form or another. “At<br />

the core, <strong>NUSS</strong> must take the lead to<br />

After graduating with a Bachelor in<br />

Business Administration from NUS<br />

(Class of 2000), Darryl joined Hewlett<br />

Packard. Starting off in Trade Marketing,<br />

he moved on to Sales Operations<br />

and Regional Sales, and currently<br />

works as a Treasury Consultant with<br />

the company. Mindful of the need<br />

to constantly upgrade, he went on<br />

to obtain a Masters in Business<br />

Administration from the University of<br />

Chicago Booth School of Business. As<br />

part of this personal approach to lifelong<br />

learning and recognising his capacity<br />

to contribute, he decided to run for the<br />

Management Committee.<br />

With a desire to give back to the<br />

community and on the encouragement<br />

of friends and senior members of<br />

rally all the graduates in Singapore to<br />

stand together and march forward,”<br />

he pointed out.<br />

“Mature graduates should join <strong>NUSS</strong><br />

not as a social club but as a form of<br />

commitment and support for their alma<br />

mater. We need them to stand behind<br />

us and to show their support. As for the<br />

younger graduates, this is an excellent<br />

venue to network and appreciate<br />

how much NUS contributes to their<br />

career and family. It is not just about<br />

membership and monthly subscriptions.”<br />

the Society, Darryl looks forward to<br />

making a positive contribution to<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> by forging closer bonds among<br />

alumni, current students and the wider<br />

graduate community through common<br />

activities, interactions and joint projects<br />

under the umbrella of the Alumni<br />

Development and University Relations<br />

Sub-Committee. As a member of<br />

the Finance Sub-Committee, he<br />

hopes to help maintain the Society’s<br />

practice of strong and prudent financial<br />

governance and to help enhance<br />

the Society’s capabilities in financial<br />

management.<br />

Not one to be all work and no play,<br />

he unwinds by spending time with his<br />

lovely family and indulging in his love for<br />

sports, history and Impressionist Art.

coMMittee<br />

SileNt coNtribUtor<br />

arcHie oNG liaNG-Gay<br />

cHairperSon,<br />

coMMUnity care SUb-coMMittee<br />

Clearly uncomfortable with the idea of<br />

publicising anything about himself,<br />

Mr Ong nonetheless agreed to answer<br />

questions from The Graduate with<br />

that generosity of spirit that <strong>dr</strong>ives his<br />

community service efforts.<br />

Graduating with a degree in Political<br />

Science & Sociology in 1972, he<br />

went on to serve full-time National<br />

Service. Launching thereafter into<br />

the corporate world, he specialised<br />

in consumer marketing at four<br />

multinational companies. Not content<br />

with merely the tried and tested<br />

route, he went on to become an<br />

entrepreneur for six years before<br />

becoming involved in International<br />

Real Estate for seven years. That was<br />

not the last of his adventures, as he<br />

coMMUnity SerVice iS a calling. not all are coMfortable<br />

getting down to Help tHe elderly Sick or Spending tiMe witH<br />

SeVerely pHySically Handicapped cHil<strong>dr</strong>en. in tHiS regard,<br />

people inVolVed in coMMUnity work SHoUld alwayS Maintain<br />

a HUge doSe of HUMility.<br />

has been a Financial Consultant at<br />

Prudential for the last 12 years.<br />

Having started on community service in<br />

Pre-University days, he joined the Lions<br />

Club movement in 1985, seeing it as a<br />

platform for serving the less fortunate<br />

in the community on a larger scale.<br />

Still an active Lion, he has also been<br />

involved in voluntary service with several<br />

voluntary welfare organisations. It was<br />

precisely because of this involvement<br />

in community work over the years<br />

that prompted his fellow members in<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> to encourage and convince him<br />

to serve and contribute in the area of<br />

Community Care.<br />

Looking ahead, he hopes to see fruition<br />

of the <strong>NUSS</strong> Foundation project and<br />

more direct involvement of <strong>NUSS</strong><br />

members in engaging and helping<br />

the less fortunate in the community<br />

through various activities organised by<br />

the Community Care Sub-Committee.<br />

However, he stil manages to make<br />

time for his family despite the weighty<br />

matters that occupy his mind.<br />


<strong>NUSS</strong> MaNaGeMeNt coMMittee<br />

2010/2011<br />


mAnAgEmEnt CommittEE<br />

Johnny Tan Khoon Hui<br />

President<br />

David Ho Peng Cheong<br />

Vice-President<br />

Chairperson, Membership<br />

Lai Kim Seng<br />

Honorary Secretary<br />

Wong Peng Meng<br />

Honorary Treasurer<br />

Chairperson, Finance<br />

Yip Kum Fei<br />

Honorary Assistant Secretary<br />

“<br />

Darryl Chong Yi Wey<br />

Honorary Assistant Treasurer<br />

Chan<strong>dr</strong>a Mohan K Nair<br />

Chairperson, Alumni Development &<br />

University Relations and Disciplinary<br />

Archie Ong Liang-Gay<br />

Chairperson, Community Care<br />

Fong Poh Him (Dr)<br />

Chairperson, Cultural<br />

Joshua VM Kuma (Dr)<br />

Chairperson, Intellectual Pursuit<br />

“<br />

Chong Hoong Sang<br />

Chairperson, House, Food & Beverage<br />

Rosemary Khoo Ghim Choo (Dr)<br />

Chairperson, S-Connect<br />

Siva S Retnam<br />

Chairperson, Sports & Recreation<br />

Mohan Balagopal<br />

Committee Member<br />

Toh Yong Soon<br />

Committee Member<br />

2010/2011<br />

Francis Pavri (Dr)<br />

Committee Member<br />

inSide<br />

Story<br />


UpcloSe<br />

08<br />

Up close:<br />

MR<br />

TONG<br />

HSIEN-<br />

HUI<br />

thE grAdUAtE gEtS<br />

ComfortAbLE with thE<br />

AffAbLE nEw CEo of nUSS,<br />

mr tong hSiEn-hUi.<br />

The Graduate: Congratulations on the promotion! How<br />

has it been thus far?<br />

Mr Tong Hsien-Hui: Thank you. Thus far, it has been an<br />

interesting and varied experience. As the CEO, there is a<br />

wider scope of duties compared to those of the Director of<br />

Corporate Affairs. I have to oversee all functions within the<br />

Society including human resource, finance, F&B, etc…. The<br />

challenge for me is to look at what is happening and make<br />

sure all the pieces fit together and work as a whole.<br />

I am finding out a lot more about <strong>NUSS</strong> and how it works.<br />

In spite of having served on the <strong>NUSS</strong> Management<br />

Committee previously, I realise now that there are a lot<br />

of details that I had not previously been aware of that<br />

enables the Society to function as it has. On top of that,<br />

I am also discovering new things about my colleagues<br />

and how their strengths have contributed to the smooth<br />

running of the Society.<br />

The Graduate: As the new CEO, what is your daily<br />

routine like?<br />

Mr Tong Hsien-Hui: It is hard to answer that question as<br />

my routine varies! We have a lot of exciting and interesting<br />

events in the evening because most of our members are<br />

only free to <strong>dr</strong>op in after work. Hence, during office hours,<br />

I tidy up any administrative loose ends. When I come into<br />

the office in the morning, other than reading through various<br />

status reports and clearing emails, I also prioritise the<br />

various tasks and handle the most urgent items immediately

while scheduling the rest for attention later in the day. I also<br />

oversee ongoing projects to make sure they are on track<br />

and that the progress is smooth.<br />

Other than daily operations, on a strategic front, I am also<br />

trying to build linkages and enhance existing collaborations<br />

with NUS as well as other key stakeholders of <strong>NUSS</strong>.<br />

The Graduate: You mentioned collaborations with<br />

external partners. Could you elaborate further?<br />

Mr Tong Hsien-Hui: We seek out partnerships and<br />

work with organisations whose charter might add value<br />

to our members. For example, we collaborated with the<br />

National Youth Council, and set up the NYC-<strong>NUSS</strong> Young<br />

ChangeMakers Grant late last year. This grant enabled<br />

us to engage our younger members either through the<br />

sponsorship of projects or by serving on the decision-making<br />

panel. This grant also enabled us to reach out to the Halls<br />

of Residence on campus to garner support from students<br />

and younger members to work on projects aimed at raising<br />

awareness for the upcoming Youth Olympic Games. A recent<br />

example of such a project was “Chillax on the Green”.<br />

We also seek to build stronger ties with the Council for Third<br />

Age (C3A) whose charter is to develop active ageing within<br />

the community. This collaboration allows us to keep current<br />

with initiatives that may benefit <strong>NUSS</strong> members aged 50<br />

and above. There is active participation on the part of our<br />

S-Connect Sub-Committee in C3A projects and we hope<br />

that in time other <strong>NUSS</strong> members will also become involved.<br />

Contributions by our members need not be through direct<br />

involvement with <strong>NUSS</strong>. We actively seek partnerships<br />

within the community by building ties with Voluntary Welfare<br />

Organisations (VWOs). VWOs provide a platform for our<br />

members to volunteer towards worthy causes within the<br />

community, which is also one of the missions of our Society.<br />

The Graduate: Will engaging members be the main<br />

strategy moving forward during your tenure at <strong>NUSS</strong>?<br />

Mr Tong Hsien-Hui: Indeed. We hope to build up strong ties<br />

with students so that they will not only begin to contribute as<br />

students, but also, upon graduation, view <strong>NUSS</strong> favourably<br />

and join us as members. We hope our younger members will<br />

come back to <strong>NUSS</strong> to volunteer and contribute their time,<br />

knowledge and expertise.<br />

But beyond that, we also wish to engage our older members<br />

as well. One of S-Connect’s key projects is a VWO Tea where<br />

we invite VWOs to present their organisations and what they<br />

do. Members may then choose to sign up as volunteers.<br />

Through their participation, not only do these members<br />

widen their social circle, they also contribute meaningfully to<br />

the community.<br />

Age aside, there are also many other interest groups and<br />

sections, and it would take too long to go through them<br />

all. Basically <strong>NUSS</strong> provides a platform for interaction and<br />

socialising with the aim of building an even more vibrant<br />

and active Society.<br />

The Graduate: How would you describe your<br />

leadership style?<br />

Mr Tong Hsien-Hui: I tailor my leadership style according to<br />

the character and skill set of the person or department I am<br />

working with. I prefer to adopt a more personal leadership<br />

style and feel that it is important to relate to staff so that they<br />

can in turn, relate well to <strong>NUSS</strong> members.<br />

I have an advantage as I was already volunteering with<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> and had the privilege of interacting with the staff<br />

previously. Hence, in a way, I already know most of them<br />

before my appointment.<br />

The Graduate: What do you hope to achieve during<br />

your tenure as CEO?<br />

Mr Tong Hsien-Hui: Operationally, I hope to build a more<br />

flexible and resilient Secretariat framework. Given how<br />

the world is constantly changing around us, we need a<br />

Secretariat that can adjust quickly to accommodate and<br />

respond to changes. At the same time, the framework will<br />

need to have its own system of checks and balances to<br />

ensure it does not become too “flexible”!<br />

Strategically, I also hope to be able to grow the current<br />

membership base. With the introduction of younger<br />

members, will come a fresh injection of new ideas and ways<br />

of doing things. At the same time, there is a continual need<br />

to engage all 15,500 members. I hope our members will<br />

begin to using the new facilities at Kent Ridge and participate<br />

in our events as well. My vision is for all our members to<br />

become a true “Society”.<br />

UpcloSe<br />


inSide<br />

Story<br />

10<br />

AnnUAL<br />


NIGHT 8 april 2010<br />

A spirit of good cheer and camaraderie marked the<br />

inaugural <strong>NUSS</strong> Appreciation Night. Compered by NUS<br />

alumnus, Ms Serene Chen, wit and humour radiated<br />

throughout the evening. Fifty-six years of history came alive<br />

in this lively gathering of friends.<br />

It was perhaps this very spirit of camaraderie that attracted<br />

a record number of new members for the Society in recent<br />

years. In looking to the future, <strong>NUSS</strong> has not forgotten its<br />

past and how members have contributed to its progress.<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> President, Mr Johnny Tan, paid tribute to committee<br />

and Sub-Committee members and all who have helped<br />

make <strong>NUSS</strong> what it is today in his opening ad<strong>dr</strong>ess.<br />

“This is our Society, this is where we belong,” he pointed out.<br />

“We should be proud of what we have collectively built.”<br />

Guest-of-Honour for the evening, Dr Tony Tan, was<br />

conferred the <strong>NUSS</strong> Honorary Membership, in recognition<br />

of his outstanding contributions to NUS, <strong>NUSS</strong> and in<br />

public service. Others who had previously received the<br />

Honorary Membership include Prime Minister Lee Hsien<br />

Loong and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.<br />

In his acceptance speech, Dr Tony Tan expressed his<br />

gratitude to <strong>NUSS</strong> and congratulated the Society on its<br />

successful membership <strong>dr</strong>ive before reflecting on his long<br />

and active association with NUS. “Over the years, I have<br />

been involved with NUS in different capacities: first as a<br />

student, then as a faculty member, Vice-Chancellor and<br />

Minister for Education,” he reminisced.<br />

“NUS is the jewel in the educational crown of Singapore,” he<br />

noted. “The various changes which NUS has undertaken in<br />

its curriculum, teaching and research, have been in response<br />

to the economic, social and political developments that have<br />

taken place in Singapore over the last 30 years.”<br />

Touching on the challenges that his alma mater faced, he<br />

offered some advice for the university. “It is, in my view,<br />

timely for NUS to undertake a review of undergraduate<br />

education to ensure that NUS graduates have the skills<br />

and capabilities to cope with a longer working life and work<br />

productively in a fast changing Singapore.”<br />

Suggesting a combination of a liberal arts programme<br />

with a professional course, he argued that such an

arrangement could help students to develop a more<br />

flexible frame of mind, give them the confidence to pursue<br />

new fields and strike out in new areas as they progress<br />

in their working lives. “With a liberal arts programme<br />

possibly combined with a professional course, NUS<br />

would be in a better position to attract some of our very<br />

brightest students to undertake their university studies<br />

in Singapore as an alternative to studying in universities<br />

overseas,” said Dr Tan.<br />

“Having a core of bright Singapore students who have<br />

undertaken their undergraduate studies in NUS interacting in<br />

their working lives with students educated in the most highly<br />

regarded universities in Europe, America or China will greatly<br />

benefit our nation,” he concluded.<br />

Preceding the presentation of the other awards, Mr Gerard<br />

Ee, Chairperson of the Judging Panel and <strong>NUSS</strong> Advisory<br />

Panel member, said “<strong>NUSS</strong> is no ordinary club.” Rather,<br />

as he pointed out, it boasts of many members who go<br />

on to contribute to nation and society to the betterment<br />

of everyone. Honouring that spirit, <strong>NUSS</strong> presented the<br />

inaugural Distinguished Member Award to Mr Herman<br />

Honoured That Evening<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> Honorary Membership<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> Honorary Membership is conferred on individuals<br />

who have either distinguished themselves in public life<br />

or made significant contributions by service to NUS, its<br />

predecessor institutions or to <strong>NUSS</strong>.<br />

Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam<br />

Distinguished and Outstanding Member Awards<br />

Distinguished and Outstanding Member Awards recognise<br />

members who have selflessly dedicated themselves in<br />

making significant, commendable and long-standing<br />

contributions to <strong>NUSS</strong>, NUS and the wider community.<br />

Distinguished Award<br />

Mr Herman Ronald Hochstadt<br />

Outstanding Award<br />

Mr Tan Siang Chik<br />

Mr David Ho Peng Cheong<br />

Dr Chee Phui Hung (posthumous)<br />

Long Service Award<br />

Long Service Award recognises members who have<br />

volunteered their service in the various Sub-Committees<br />

continuously for at least five years.<br />

5-YEAR<br />

Dr Fong Poh Him<br />

Joanne Kam Huey Jiuan<br />

Dr Rosemary Khoo Ghim Choo<br />

Dr Keith Alan Liew<br />

Edmund Lim Tiong Joo<br />

Dennis Lin Wai Man<br />

Daniel Ong Chon Tui<br />

Yap Ning Jee<br />

10-YEAR<br />

Lim Bee Lum<br />

Wong Peng Meng<br />

inSide<br />

Story<br />


inSide<br />

Story<br />

12<br />

Hochstadt and three Outstanding Member Awards to<br />

the the late Dr Chee Phui Hung (accepted by his widow,<br />

Mrs Chee), Mr David Ho Peng Cheong and Mr Tan Siang<br />

Chik. Long service awards were also presented to Sub-<br />

Committee members who have served for five or 10 years<br />

consecutively. Going beyond expressions of gratitude of<br />

other recipients, Mr David Ho commented that “<strong>NUSS</strong><br />

has an illustrious history and there are many more worthy<br />

members who deserve the recognition, having served<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> and NUS over the years as ‘unsung alumni’.” He<br />

hopes that the award will “continue to inspire members to<br />

serve and support <strong>NUSS</strong> and NUS”.<br />

Against the back<strong>dr</strong>op of the ambient ballroom, the night was<br />

made all the more unforgettable by the exquisite cuisine and<br />

great entertainment provided by rising jazz pianist, Norman<br />

Seck, and Richard Tang Dat Hanh, winner of SPARKZ – NUS<br />

Got Talent – a fact attested to by the numerous camera<br />

flashes as everyone tried to capture the golden moments of<br />

the evening. Till next year!

The redevelopment of Kent Ridge Guild House<br />

is now complete with the opening of the new<br />

sports and recreational facilities for members’<br />

use on 30 April 2010. Members can now enjoy<br />

a slew of F&B and sporting and recreational<br />

facilities over at our four Guild Houses.<br />

We bring you a preview of all the exciting<br />

activities and gastronomical experience that<br />

await you at <strong>NUSS</strong>!<br />

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />


oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

14<br />

The largest of all our clubhouses, Kent<br />

Ridge Guild House offers excellent facilities<br />

such as restaurants and bars, karaoke<br />

rooms, billiard and function rooms... a<br />

place where the needs of both the young<br />

and old are met in a single clubhouse.<br />

The Kent Ridge Guild House is part of the<br />

Alumni Complex which is the realisation<br />

of a collective vision shared between NUS<br />

and <strong>NUSS</strong> to foster a greater sense of<br />

belonging among alumni, engaging them<br />

in a range of activities and programmes<br />

and providing alumni with a ‘Home on<br />


F&B/entertainment<br />

tHe ScHolar<br />

Elegant and sophisticated, this Chinese restaurant serves<br />

quintessentially Chinese cuisine in a modern setting. The<br />

Scholar features three private dining rooms that afford<br />

members an intimate dining experience.<br />

Menu highlights include Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Peking<br />

Duck, Exquisite Dim Sum Lunch and Succulent Live Seafood.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Lunch<br />

Mondays to Fridays & eve of public holidays – 12pm to 3pm<br />

Saturdays, Sundays & public holidays – 11.30am to 4pm<br />

Dinner<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 6pm to 10pm<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 6pm to 10.30pm<br />

Tel: 6586 3710<br />

F&B/entertainment<br />

café oN tHe ridGe<br />

Bathed in bright, chic colours and filled with natural light, this<br />

café serves the best international and local fare all-day.<br />

Tuck into a wide variety of Eastern and Western fare including<br />

signature dishes such as The Ridge Chicken Rice, Grilled Beef<br />

Tenderloin and Spaghetti Aglio Olio. Be delighted with BBQ by<br />

the Pool on weekends and exciting weekday buffets.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 12pm to 10pm<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve public holidays – 12pm to 10.30pm<br />

Tel: 6586 3722<br />

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />


oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

16<br />

F&B/entertainment<br />

tHe ridGe bar<br />

Relax in the cushy ambience of The Ridge Bar as you take<br />

in the melodious entertainment provided by our resident<br />

crooners. The ultimate chill out place on this side of the island,<br />

make it a night out with friends to remember!<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 11am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays and eve of public holidays – 11am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6586 3721<br />

F&B/entertainment<br />

SportS bar<br />

A new addition to our F&B outlets at KRGH, the Sports Bar is<br />

the perfect spot for a night out with the mates for a beer and<br />

a rousing soccer match showing on one of the big screens<br />

at the outlet. Or <strong>dr</strong>op in for a quick visit to quench your thirst<br />

after a workout or a game of badminton.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 11am to 10pm<br />

Tel: 6586 7048

F&B/entertainment<br />

tHe riGHt Note<br />

Whether the plan is to socialise or simply have a good time,<br />

The Right Note is the perfect place for members to come<br />

together. Featuring a spacious hall and four cosy private<br />

rooms, this is the place for a big karaoke bash or a private,<br />

intimate gathering with friends.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday and public holidays – 11am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays and eve of public holidays – 11am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6586 3724<br />

F&B/entertainment<br />

JacKpot rooM<br />

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

Check out our new fruit machines and take your pick from<br />

a variety of exciting jackpot themes. Experience the exciting<br />

Western Adventure machine available at only a few places in<br />

Singapore! Who knows, you might get lucky and strike the<br />

jackpot at this very Guild House.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 11am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 11am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6586 3603<br />


oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

18<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

SwiMMiNG pool<br />

Have a refreshing dip or burn off those calories with energising<br />

laps in our new 50 metre swimming pool. Make it a family<br />

outing over the weekend as there is also a chil<strong>dr</strong>en’s pool for<br />

the little ones.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 7am to 10pm<br />

Tel: 6586 7046<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

billiard rooM<br />

Join the Billiard section to meet other Billiard enthusiasts and<br />

play a round or two with other members. The Billiard Room<br />

is located just next to the Sports Bar, providing refreshments<br />

and snacks before you embark on your next game.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 9am to 10pm

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

fitNeSS ceNtre<br />

Work up a sweat at our state-of-the-art 5,000 sq ft Fitness<br />

Centre equipped with the latest machines and free weights<br />

for all levels of fitness. Need a personal trainer to refine your<br />

workout? No problem. We also provide personal training<br />

sessions at a fee for those who feel their workouts have<br />

plateaued and need that extra push.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 7am to 10pm<br />

Tel: 6586 3723<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

aerobicS rooM<br />

Not really into working out alone? How about taking part in<br />

our group classes such as Yoga, Pilates and Body Sculpting<br />

at the Aerobics Room located inside the Fitness Center.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 7am to 10pm<br />

Tel: 6586 3723<br />

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />


oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

20<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

MUlti-pUrpoSe Hall<br />

Accommodating up to four badminton courts, the multipurpose<br />

hall, as the name suggests, is meant for various<br />

sporting activities which the other rooms do not cater for.<br />

The hall is currently equipped with facilities for badminton<br />

and table-tennis with provisions made for other sports.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 9am to 10pm<br />

For bookings<br />

Tel: 6586 3723 or log on to www.nuss.org.sg<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

teNNiS coUrtS<br />

Our rooftop tennis courts provide a breathtaking view of the<br />

Kent Ridge campus while you practise on your serve with<br />

your sparring partner. Enjoy the cool night breeze playing<br />

under the lights as the courts are open till 10pm.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 9am to 10pm<br />

For bookings<br />

Tel: 6586 3723 or log on to www.nuss.org.sg<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

table teNNiS rooM<br />

Practise your backhand and chops at the Table Tennis Room,<br />

located inside the Multi-Purpose Hall. Start training your child<br />

at table tennis and who knows, he or she could be the next<br />

Jing Jun Hong representing Singapore at the next Olympics!<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 9am to 10pm<br />

For bookings<br />

Tel: 6586 3723 or log on to www.nuss.org.sg<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

SqUaSH coUrtS<br />

Our two squash courts provide the perfect back<strong>dr</strong>op for a<br />

leisurely game of squash or competitions with friends with<br />

your fans cheering you from the spectators’ seats. Join the<br />

Squash section to improve your game and participate in<br />

tournaments!<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 9am to 10pm<br />

For bookings<br />

Tel: 6586 3723 or log on to www.nuss.org.sg

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

cHil<strong>dr</strong>eN’S playrooM<br />

Specially catered for the little tikes aged 10 and below, the<br />

Chil<strong>dr</strong>en’s Playroom is their ultimate <strong>dr</strong>eam come true. Be<br />

immersed in a world of adorable farm animals, play on the<br />

slide and be entertained by programmes shown on the<br />

television. It will keeping your child happy and occupied.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 9am to 10pm<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

activity rooMS<br />

Two activity rooms are available to cater to members’ various<br />

interests. Section members from Balut, Band, Choir and Darts<br />

conduct their activities on various days and times of the week.<br />

For more information on joining any of these sections, contact<br />

Sports & Recreation Department at 6586 3744.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 9am to 10pm<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

ridGe readiNG rooM<br />

Catch up on the latest magazines or borrow a book or two<br />

from our new Ridge Reading Room. Need quick information<br />

online? Log onto one of the four computer terminals in the<br />

room and you are connected to the World Wide Web.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Mondays to Fridays – 11am to 7pm<br />

Saturdays, Sundays & public holidays – 11am to 5pm<br />

Tel: 6586 7047<br />

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />


oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

22<br />

A modern city home away from home, our Suntec City Guild House is<br />

replete with facilities to satisfy the needs of our members. Sophisticated<br />

dining, superbly-appointed function rooms, modern entertainment and<br />

leisure facilities, coupled with the attentiveness of our staff, make the<br />

Suntec City Guild House a great place to entertain and be entertained in.

F&B/entertainment<br />

tHe biStro<br />

Enjoy an eclectic spread of food that is sure to tantalise your<br />

tastebuds. The Eastern and Western delights are as tastefully<br />

varied as our members are diverse. Take your pick… there’s<br />

always something for everyone.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 11.30am to 10pm<br />

Tel: 6578 9805<br />

F&B/entertainment<br />

tHe bar & tHe terrace<br />

Relax, kick back with a <strong>dr</strong>ink while our resident band and<br />

crooners entertain you with tuneful renditions of classics and<br />

popular hits.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 11.30am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 11.30am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6578 9806<br />

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />


oUr<br />

gUild HoUSe<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

tHe K rooM<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

JacKpot rooM<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

tHe iportal<br />

Afficionados of karaoke, gather and be heard at The K Room.<br />

Share the mic at the Main Lounge or enjoy the privacy of three<br />

cosy private rooms K1, K2 and K3 where you can sing to your<br />

heart’s content.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 11.30am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 11.30am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6578 9810<br />

Come see if Lady Luck is on your side at SCGH’s Jackpot<br />

Room! You will never experience a dull moment trying to<br />

pull that winning bonanza. Our new fruit machines will<br />

further spice up your game. Enjoy complimentary snacks<br />

and beverages only for jackpot players!<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursdays & public holidays – 10am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 10am to 2am<br />

Ride the virtual wave at The iPortal. The Internet, with its<br />

wide array of information, is right at your fingertips. Click<br />

away and surf from sun up to sundown! Or browse through<br />

the latest issues of magazines and periodicals at your own<br />

leisure.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 8am to 11pm

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

Steeped in heritage and history and nestled amidst the lush foliage of the<br />

Singapore Botanic Gardens, BTGH boasts a relaxed tranquil atmosphere<br />

with an enchanting garden offering members respite from the bustling city.<br />

The architect for BTGH won the Urban Redevelopment Authority<br />

Architectural Heritage Award for carrying out restoration and conservation<br />

projects and an Honourable Mention Award from the Singapore Institute of<br />

Architects for architectural excellence and innovative architectural solutions.<br />


oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

26<br />

F&B/entertainment<br />

tHe dUNearN<br />

Tantalise your senses at The Dunearn restaurant and terrace.<br />

Savour contemporary Western fusion cuisine as you relax in<br />

the peaceful surroundings and lush greenery, a short distance<br />

away from the bustling city.<br />

Be it an intimate dinner affair or a celebration party, The<br />

Dunearn offers a unique dining experience amidst tropical<br />

foliage to rejuvenate your tastebuds.<br />

Private dining at The Raffles and The Eusoff dining rooms is<br />

also available for your special occasion.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 11.30am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 11.30am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6586 3263<br />

F&B/entertainment<br />

tHe Upper qUad<br />

The Upper Quad bar and lounge is stylishly decorated yet<br />

accentuated with the charm and grandeur of the good ol’<br />

days. Whether you are looking to have a cup of coffee, relax<br />

over post-dinner <strong>dr</strong>inks, or simply a place to chill out with<br />

friends, The Upper Quad’s <strong>dr</strong>inks and finger food menu is<br />

bound to satisfy your cravings.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public<br />

holidays – 11.30am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public<br />

holidays – 11.30am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6586 3265

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

card & GaMeS rooM<br />

While the afternoon or weekend away at our Card & Games<br />

Room. Here is also where our Bridge section conducts their<br />

regular section nights.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 11.30am to 12am<br />

Fridays. Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 11.30am to 2am<br />

Tel: 6586 3260<br />

<strong>NUSS</strong> Bukit Timah Guildhouse garnered an honourable<br />

mention at the recent Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA)<br />

Architectural Design Awards 2010. The Judges noted that<br />

the building had undergone many renovations over the years<br />

which concealed or damaged parts of it. When restoring the<br />

building to its former glory, the architect sought to restore the<br />

meaning of its spaces. The conservation has given a fresh<br />

breath to the old building through the careful restoration of<br />

various facets with their original architectural features. The<br />

final result was a building that combined contemporary feel<br />

with subtle reminders of its historical heritage.<br />

sports & recreation Facilities<br />

JacKpot rooM<br />

oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

Come by our BTGH Jackpot Room and try your luck at any of<br />

our nine exciting machines. And while you are there, why not<br />

<strong>dr</strong>op by our restaurant and bar for a quick bite?<br />

Operating hours<br />

Sundays to Thursday & public holidays – 11am to 12am<br />

Fridays, Saturdays & eve of public holidays – 11am to 2am<br />

bUKit tiMaH GUild HoUSe<br />



oUr<br />

gUild HoUSeS<br />

28<br />

A rustic retreat tucked away on the slopes of a grassy knoll, Adam Park<br />

Guild House is a quaint colonial bungalow located at Adam Park. It has a<br />

warm and convivial environment that brings you back to the halcyon days of<br />

old when life moved at a leisurely pace.<br />

Operated by Honjin 7, members can<br />

enjoy Japanese cuisine and sake.<br />

Operating hours<br />

Daily – 11.00am to 2.30pm; 6pm to 10.30pm<br />

Tel: 6463 4528<br />

* Please note that <strong>NUSS</strong> F&B credits cannot be<br />

used and F&B spending at Honjin 7 @ APGH is<br />

not included in F&B Rewards Programme.

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