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32<br />

Contributed by Louise Lane, SRC<br />


a particular part of the coast that had a<br />

reputation for fierce and unpredictable<br />

weather, was constantly advertising<br />

for hired hands. Many were reluctant<br />

to work on his farm since they dreaded the awful<br />

storms that raged across the sea, wreaking havoc<br />

to the buildings and crops, and making working<br />

there arduous at the best of times.<br />

Predictably, as the farmer was interviewing<br />

applicants for the job, he received a steady stream<br />

of refusals once he had outlined the position to<br />

them. Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle<br />

age, approached the farmer; “Are you a good farm<br />

hand?” the farmer asked him. “well, I can sleep<br />

when the wind blows” answered the little man.<br />

Although puzzled by this answer, and since the<br />

man was willing to accept the job despite the<br />

conditions, the farmer, desperate for help, hired<br />

him. The little man worked well around the<br />

farm, busy from dawn to dusk and the farmer felt<br />

satisfied with his work.<br />

Then one night the wind began to howling<br />

in from the sea. As it gained momentum the<br />

farmer jumped out of bed and grabbing a lantern,<br />

The Rosicrucian Beacon -- September 2006<br />

rushed next door to the hired hand’s sleeping<br />

quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, “Get<br />

up quickly! A storm is coming! Tie things down before<br />

they blow away!” The little man rolled over in bed<br />

and said firmly, “There’s no need. I told you, I can<br />

sleep when the wind blows?”<br />

Enraged by this response, the farmer was<br />

tempted to throw him out on the spot but there<br />

was no time, so he hurried outside to prepare for<br />

the storm. To his amazement he found that all of<br />

the haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins,<br />

the cows were in the barn, the chickens were in<br />

the coops and the doors were barred. The shutters<br />

were tightly secured. Everything was tied down.<br />

Nothing could blow away.<br />

It then dawned on the farmer what his hired<br />

hand had meant with his intriguing statement, so<br />

he returned to his bed to also sleep while the<br />

wind blew.<br />

One word sums up the subject of this<br />

tale and that is preparedness. Being prepared<br />

spiritually, mentally and physically, allows us to<br />

meet all of life’s adversities with nothing to fear.<br />

Can you sleep when the wind blows through<br />

your life?

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