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112. L. mesotropoides NyI. in Flora Iv. 359 (1872).-Thallus<br />

subdeterminate, moderate, verrucose-areolate, grcyish, the areolw<br />

convex (K + yellowish, CaCl -, medulla 1-). Apothecla<br />

small, prominent, blackish, at first plane and thmly margined,<br />

then convex and immarginate; paraphyses slender, more or less<br />

coherent; hypotheeium colourless; spores ellipsoid, 9-11 fI. long,<br />

6-7 fI. thick; hymenial gelatine bluish with iodine.-Cromb. in<br />

Grevillea i. 69; Leight. Lich. FL ed. 3, 282.<br />

Distinguished from L. mesotropa by the thalline reactions, the<br />

thinner apothecia and the shorter spores. The two BrItish specimens<br />

are well fertile. The spermogones, here and there vislble, have the<br />

spermatia 7-10 (.I. long, scarcely 1 (.I. thICk.<br />

Hab. On calcareous and schistose stones of a wall in an upland<br />

situation.-B. IH. Craig Tulloch, Blair Athole, Perthshrre (the only<br />

locality).<br />

113. L. mesotropiza Nyl. in Flora lvi. 20 (1873).-Thallus<br />

indeterminate, moderate, verrucose-rugulose, whitish (K + deep<br />

yellow, CaCI -). Apothecia small or sub moderate, more or leSB<br />

crowded, adnate, black, at first plane and thinly margined, at<br />

length convex, immarginate, sometimes slightly pruinose, bluishgrey<br />

within; paraphyses not very discrete; epithecium darkgreeniRh-blue;<br />

hypothecium colourless; spores ellipsoid, 11-12 (.I.<br />

long, 7 (.I. thick; hymenial gelatine bluish, the asci violet, with<br />

iodine.-Cromb. in Grevillea i. 142; Leight. Lich. Fl. ed. 3, 275.<br />

Externally very similar to the preceding, from which it differs<br />

chiefly in the whitish verrucose thallus and the bluish epithecium.<br />

Hab. On schistose stones of a wall in an upland district.-B. 111.<br />

Hill of Ardo, near Aberdeen (the only locality).<br />

114. L. aggregatula Nyl. in Flora lxvi. 101 (1883).-Thallus<br />

thickish, indetermmate, minutely granulate, the granules aggregate,<br />

grouped in areolw, whitish or greyish-white (K -, CaCI -).<br />

Apothecia small, adnate, plane, subrugulose, at times more or less<br />

congregate, blackish or brownish-black; hypothecium colourless;<br />

paraphyses slender, somewhat clavate and brown at the apices;<br />

spores oblong, 11-15 (.I. long; 5--6 (.I. thick; hymenial gelatine bluish,<br />

then tawny wine-coloured with iodine.-Cromb. in Grevillea<br />

xii. 90.<br />

Exsicc. Larb. Lich. Rb. n. 338 (as LecanoJ"a aggl'egatula).<br />

Considered by Nylander as allied to L. leucophwa. The thallus is<br />

overrun by a blue-green alga. The spermogones have the spermatia<br />

arcuate, 14-18 t+ long, ·5 (.I. thick.<br />

Hab. On rocks.-B. Ill. Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire.<br />

115. L. subkochiana Cromb. in Journ. Bot. ix. 179 (1871).­<br />

Thallus crustaceous, smooth, whitish or greyish, determinate,<br />

cracked-areolate, the areolw plane, contiguous (K + yellowish,<br />

then red, CaCI -). Apothecia black, numerous, innate or sessile

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