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Differs from L. latypea in the reaction with CaCI, in the much<br />

thinner, more furfuraceous thallus, and in the usually almost colourless<br />

hypothecium. Acharius' species L. enteroleuca (Lieh. Univ. 177 (1810»<br />

grows on trees and is included under L. parasema var. elceochroma.<br />

Nylander has drawn a distinction between L. goniophila and L. entero·<br />

[euca in that the spermatia of the former are straight, while those of<br />

L. enteroleuca are arcuate 20-30 [J. X 1 [J.. (See Lich. Env. Paris, 90<br />

(1896».<br />

Hab. On rocks mostly siliceous and on stones.-Distr. Frequent in<br />

all parts of the British Isles.-B. M. St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight;<br />

Ardingly Rocks, St. Leonard's Forest, Sussex; illtihg, Essex; Llmpley<br />

Stoke, Wilts; Cirencester, Gloucestershire; Llandyssll, Cardigans hire ;<br />

Knighton, Radnorshire; near Oswestry and Tong Priory, Shropshire;<br />

Barmouth and Dolgelly, Merioneth; Capel Curig, Carnarvonshire;<br />

Shawswell, Gloucestershire; Ayton, Cleveland Dent, and near Battersby,<br />

Yorkshire; Mallerstrang, Staveley and ncar Plumgarths, Westmor.<br />

land; Barnard Castle, Teesdale, Durham; near Berwick; Lamplugh,<br />

Cockermouth, Cumberland; Glen Tilt, Craig Calhach and Cralg Tulloch,<br />

Blair Athole, Perthshire; Barcaldine, Argyll; neat Kylemore, Conne.<br />

mara and Lough Cooter, Galway; Clare Island, Mayo.<br />

Var. acervata Mudd Man. 202 (1861).-Thallus effuse,<br />

greyish-white, granular, the granules becoming more or less<br />

pulverulent and greenish-yellow. Apothecia small, aggregated<br />

into clusters of 4 to 20, at first plane and marginate, becoming<br />

convex and immarginate; paraphyses lax, black at the tips.<br />

Exsico. Mudd n. 173.<br />

Bab. On rocks and stones in mountainous districts.-B. M. Fre·<br />

quent at Highcliff, Cleveland, Yorkshire (the only locality).<br />

89. L. inserena Ny!. in Flora, Iii. 84 (1869).-Thallus thickish,<br />

cinereous, glaucous grey, rimose-areolate or areolate-granulose,<br />

the areolal plane, often occurring as scattered granules on a black<br />

hypothallus. Apothecia black, plane or slightly convex; hypothecium<br />

colourless, with an opaque white stratum in the lower<br />

portion; paraphyses indistinct, bluish-black at the tips; spores<br />

ellipsoid, oblong, 14-17 [J. long, 6-8 [J. thick; hymenial gelatine<br />

sordid-blue, the asci becoming violet-coloured with iodine.­<br />

Cromb. in Journ. Linn. 80£. (Bot.) xv. 487 (187]) & Lich. Brit. 85;<br />

Leight. Lich FJ. 278; ed. 3, 280.<br />

Resembling somewhat tumid forms of L. griseoatra, but well clis·<br />

tinguished by the colourless hypotheciulll.<br />

Hab. On granite rocks.-Distr. Very rare 011 the Grampians,<br />

Scotland.-B. M. Ben Lawers, Perthshrre; Craig auio and Morrone,<br />

13raemar, Aberdeenshire.<br />

90. L. vitidans Leight. Lich. Fl. ed. 3, 271 (1879).-Thallus<br />

effuse, thin, minutely granulose, yellowish-green or sordidgreenish<br />

(Kf + yellowish, CaCI - K(CaCI) + orange-red); hypothallus<br />

evanescent. Apothecia small, innate-sessile, at first<br />

plane, and thickly margined, at length convex and Bubmarginate,

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