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ABRADED (Lat abrado, to rub away), rubbed or scraped off.<br />

ACERVULATE (Lat. acervlUI, a heap), heaped Up-ACERVULI.<br />

ACICULAR (Lat. acus, a needle), slender, needle·shaped.<br />

ACUMINATE (Lat. acumen, a point), coming gradually to a point.<br />

ADNATE (Lat. adnascor, to grow to), adhering to anything.<br />

ADPRESSED (Lat. ad, to, pre88lU1, kept under), lying flat.<br />

ADSPERSED (Lat. adspersu8), scattered.<br />

,ERUGINOSE (Lat mrugo, the rust of brass), blue.green colour of verdigris.<br />

AFFIXED, fixed to or upon.<br />

AGGLUTINATE (Lat. agglutino, to glue on to), glued together.<br />

AGGREGATE (Lat. augregatlUl, assembled), crowdcd, not confluent<br />

ALEcTomoID, like the genus Alectona.<br />

ALGOID, similar to algro.<br />

AMPHITlIECImr (Gr. amphi, around, theke, a case), the thallino margin of<br />

the apothecium, cl. thalloid exciple.<br />

AMYLACEOUS (Gr. amylon, fine flour), starchy.<br />

ANAPIIYSES (Gr ana, up, phusis, growth), peculiar stmigmatoid filamcnts<br />

ill the apothecium of li.'phebew.<br />

ApICULATE (Lat. apex, the end or point), terminating in a smll,!l point.<br />

ApICULUS (Lat , a little point), a sharp, short point.<br />

ApOTHECIUM (Gr. apo, up, theke, a case) open disc·shaped fructification.<br />

ApPENDICULATE (Lat ), With small appendages<br />

ApPLANATE (Lat. ad, to, planatu8, made flat), flattened or horizontally<br />

expanded.<br />

ApPRESSED, cl. adpressed.<br />

ARACHNOID (Gr. arachne, a spider), like a spIder's web.<br />

ARCUATE (Lat arcus, a bow), bent hke a bow, curved.<br />

ARDELLlE (Gr. ardo, to sprinkle), spot-hke apothecia of Arthoniac(m.<br />

AREOLA (Lat. area, a space), a small space marked out on the surface of<br />

crustaceous hchcns.<br />

ARTIIONIOID, applied to apothecia like those of the genus Arthonia.<br />

ARTlInOSTERIGMA (Gr arthron, a Joint, sterigma, a prop), soptate sterigmata.<br />

ARTICULATE (Lat. artIculus, a joint), septate.<br />

Ascus (Gr asko8, a wine skID), an enlarged cell in which the spores alO<br />

developed, usually the terminal end of a hypha.<br />

ASCYPHOUS (Gr a, WIthout, skupho8, a cup), without scyphi, q t'.<br />

ASPERSED, cl adspersed.<br />

AXIL (Lat. aXIlla, the arm-pit), the angle bctween the axis and any organ<br />

ansing from it.<br />

AXIS (Lat., an axle), the central strand of tissue or main stalk lOund which<br />

the organs are developed.<br />

BACILLAR (Lat. bacillum, a staff), rod- or club-shaped.<br />

BADIO-, BADIOUS (Lat.), chestnut-bro\m.<br />

BlEOMYCETOID, like the genus Bwomyces.<br />

BIATORINE, with soft or waxy apothcoia, oftcn brightly coloured, without<br />

a thalline margin, as in BlUtora.<br />

BIFID (Lat. bis, twice, {indo, fldi, findere, to cut), divided in two.<br />


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