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and I-multi-pseudo-scptatc, 60-115 v- long, 1-2 v- thick.-Cromb.<br />

in Journ. Bot. xiv. 363 (1876); Leight. Lich. Fl. ed. 3, 499.<br />

Verrucaria myriospora Leight. in Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, i. 145,<br />

t. 22, figs. 1-3 (1876).<br />

Exsicc. Larb. Lich. Rh. n. 60.<br />

Distinguished by the smaller stromata and by the acicular, colourless<br />

spores.<br />

Hab. On holly.-B. M. Kylemore, Connemara, Galway (the only<br />

locality).<br />


Thallus crustaceous not corticated, superficial or developed<br />

within the bark (hypophlc£odal). Algal cells Palmella or Trentepohlta.<br />

Perithecia compound, several united in a common outer<br />

dark-coloured wall (peridiwn), but with separate ostioles; spores<br />

6--8 in the ascus, variously septate, colourless or coloured.<br />

A small Family represented in Great Britain by two genera ;­<br />

Algal cells Palmella........................ 128. Mycoporum.<br />

Algal cells Trentepohlia ............... 129. Mycoporellum.<br />

128. MYCOPORUM Flot. ex Nyl. in Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat.<br />

Cherb. iil. 186 (1855). (PI. 6l.)<br />

Thallus thin or obsolete. Algal cells Palmella. Perithecia<br />

compound with a dark-coloured outer wall (peridium) , the<br />

different hymenia not distinctly separated; asci elongate or<br />

pyriform-ellipsoid; paraphyses entangled or disappearing; spores<br />

6--8 in the ascus, colourless or becoming dark-coloured, variously<br />

septate or muriform.<br />

The generic name Derma!ina Almq. m K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad.<br />

Hand!. xvii. n. 6, 8, note (1880) has been substitutcd by Zahlbruckner<br />

(Catal. Lich. Univ. i. 547 (1922». The established name lllycoporum<br />

has been retamed here, on account of long usage and also of Its<br />

association with llIycoporellum.<br />

l. M. Quercus Muell. Arg. in Flora lxv. 402 (1882).-Thallus<br />

very thin, indicated by a pale spot, or obsolete. Perithecia<br />

2-{i-compound; the outer peridium small, black, nodulose with<br />

the ostlOles of the enclosed perithecia; pcnthecial walls dark<br />

below, indistinct laterally; paraphyses crushed, almost disappearmg;<br />

asci broadly ellipsoid; spores 8 in the ascus, oblong,<br />

3-5-septate with 1 or 2 longitudinal divisions, colourless, becoming<br />

brOWnIsh, 15-18 v- long, 5--8 v- thick.-lIf. miserrimum Nyl. in<br />

Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherb. v. 145 (1857); Carroll in Journ. Bot.<br />

iii. 292 (1865); Cromb. Lich. Brit. 106; Leight. Lich. Fl. 406,<br />

485; ed. 3, 438. A. L. Sm. Monogr. Lich. Part. ii. 349. Arthopyrenia<br />

Quercus MassaI. Ric. Lich. 169, fig. 337 (1852). Dermatina<br />

Quercus Zahlbr. tom Ctt. 551.<br />

Exsicc. Mudd n. 231 (as Arthonia punctiformts).

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