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The specimens in the British Museum were collected by W. Joshua<br />

and labelled by him A. saxicola var.<br />

Hab. On calcareous rocks.-B. M. Sapperton, GIoucestershire.<br />

Form octospora Wats. in Journ. Bot. lxiii. (1925).-Similar<br />

to the species, but with 8 spores in the ascus.<br />

Hab. On calcareous rocks, Cheltenham (H. H. Knight).<br />

4. M. exerrans A. L. Sm.-Thallus thin, blackish, scattered.<br />

Perithecia minute, black; perithecial waH entire; spores 8 in the<br />

ascus, blackish, oblong, I-septate, 10-15 {L long, 3-5 {L thick;<br />

hymenial gelatine wine-red with iodme.-Endococcus exerrans<br />

Ny!. in Flora lxii. 360 (1879); Cromb. in GreviHea viii. 114 (1880).<br />

Distinguished by the narrow spores. Nylander notes the rather<br />

thick colourless chroolepoid gonidia with cells 18-23 [1. thick.<br />

Hab. On quartzose stones.-B. M. Ben-y-GIoe, Blair Athole,<br />

Pcrthshire.<br />

5. M. dissepta A. L. Sm.-Thallus whitish-grey, sometimes<br />

faintly yellowish, tartareous, thm, slightly cracked-areolate, subdeterminate<br />

(probably not proper). Perithecia black, numerous,<br />

somewhat prominent, the upper part convex, the ostiole a minute<br />

pore; perithecial wall entire, paraphyses indistinct; spores 8 in<br />

the ascus, eUipsoid, brown, 3-septate, 18-22 {Llong, 7-10 [1. thick;<br />

hymenial gelatine not tinged with iodine.-Verrucaria dissepta<br />

NyI. in Flora lix. 576 (1876); Cromb. in Grevil1ea v. 107 (1877);<br />

Leight. Lich. FI. ed. 3, 480.<br />

Nylander (l. c.) suggests that possibly the perithecia may be<br />

parasitic on the thallus of some other lichen. The specimen from<br />

Achill lsI. is on Rhizocarpon conJervotdes.<br />

lIab. On mica-schist rocks.-Dis!r. W. Ireland.-B. M. Dooega<br />

Road, Achill lsI., Mayo.<br />

121. PORINA Ach. Lich. Dniv. 60 (1810) pro parte, emend.<br />

MueH. Arg. in Flora lxvi. 320 (1883).-Segestrella Fr. Lich. Eur.<br />

460 (1831) (Segestria tom. Cit. 429); Mudd Man. 283. (PI. 55.)<br />

Thallus variously crustaceous, not corticated, sometimes<br />

developed within the substratum. Peri the cia simple, superficial<br />

or semi-immersed; perithecial wall light-coloured, becoming<br />

darker towards the ostiole, entirely dark-coloured, entire or<br />

dimidiate; paraphyses persistent, sImple; asci elongate, 6--8spored;<br />

spores elongate-fusiform or clavate, colourless, 2- to multiseptate,<br />

rarely wIth longItudinal septa. Spermogones small,<br />

globose wIth simple or branched sterigmata and rod-hke or<br />

elongate-fusiform spermatia.<br />

Distinguished from Arlhopyrenia by the character of the paraphyses<br />

and spores. The texture of the peritheClal wall is also more<br />

variable; it is usually softer iu texture, and in some species waxy and<br />

light-coloured (Segestrella).

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