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is doubtfully identical with Verrucaria microspora. There is no record<br />

of a specific name" littoralis" in Taylor's FL Hib. 91-92, as quoted by<br />

Arnold; the species there recorded V. muralis is, however, quoted by<br />

Leighton under V. litoralis.<br />

Hab. On shells or on rocks by the sea.-Dislr. Rare in S. England,<br />

Wales and S.E. and N. Ireland.-B. ]Jl. Penzance, Cornwall; between<br />

Seaton and Beer and Mudstone Bay, Brixham, Devon; Goodwick<br />

Bay, Fishguard, 1\'Ianorbeer and Tenby, Pembrokeshire; Robin Hood's<br />

Bay, Yorkshire; Ballinahassig, Cork; Glenarm, Antrim.<br />

23. A. foveolata A. L. Sm. in Journ. Bot. xlix. 43 (1911).­<br />

Thallus thin, faintly yellOWIsh-green or evanescent. Perithecia<br />

minute, black, almost completely immersed, leaving distinct<br />

small pits in the substratum; pcrithecial wall subentire, black<br />

above, brown below; paraphyses very scanty or wanting, not<br />

mucilaginous; asci cylindrical-clavate, 70-80 f1. long, 17 f1. thick,<br />

8-spored; spores I-septate, colourless, oblong-ovate, thinner at<br />

the ends, 15-18 mm. long, 6-7 f1. thick.<br />

Very near the preceding species in habitat and form of spores, but<br />

differing in size and degree of immersion of perithecia and in the less<br />

distinct paraphyses.<br />

Hab. On shells by the sea-shore.-B. ill. Plymouth, Devon; Robin<br />

Hood's Bay, Yorkshire (collected by 1\'Ir. E. 1\1. Holmes).<br />

24. A. leptotera Arn. in Flora liii. 485 (1870).-Thallus darkolivaceous-grecn,<br />

somewhat gelatinous, smooth or cracked in<br />

drying, subdcterminate. Perithecia black, minute, subinnate;<br />

perithecial wall dimidlate; paraphyses breaking up or obsolete;<br />

asci oblong, ovate; spores oblong-clavate, I-septate, the upper<br />

cell rather thicker, colourless, 16-18 !1.long, 5 !1. thick.-Verrucaria<br />

leptotera Nyl. in Flora xlviii. 212 (1865).<br />

Distinguished from A. litoralis by the sub gelatinous thallus and<br />

immersed apothecia. M. C. Knowles in Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc.<br />

XIV. 140 (1913) notes the minute dimidiatc perithecia thickly scattered<br />

on the surface, and the narrow spores of an almost uniform width,<br />

in the species found by her associated with Verrucaria aquatilis on rocks<br />

over which fresh water frequently flows; she records it also on rocks<br />

associated with Lichina pygmrea and Verrucarta striatula.<br />

Hab. On maritime rocks with a fairly wide range.-Distr. Rare in<br />

the Channel Islands, S. England and E. Ireland.-B. ]Jl. Greve-au­<br />

Lalll;,on, Jersey; Mudstone Bay, Devon; Clevedon, Somerset;<br />

Talsarnau, Menoneth; Lough Gill, Sligo.<br />

25. A. balodytes Am. Lichenenflora :Munchen in Ber. Bayr.<br />

Bot. Gcs. i. Anhang 1891, 121; Olivo Exp. Syst. Lich. France ii.<br />

2, 261 (1901).-Thallus olivaceous-brown or blackish, thin,<br />

continuous or sparsely cracked, somewhat gelatinous. Perithecia<br />

very small, black, slightly prominent, becoming impressed above,<br />

numerous and somewhat congregate, intermixed with spcrmo·<br />

gones; perithecial wall dimldiate; paraphyses few, slonder,

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