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(parasitic 1) black, partly emergent" slightly depressed above;<br />

perithecial wall black, entire; spores 8 in the ascus, oblongellipsoid,<br />

colourless, simple (or sometimes spuriously I-septate),<br />

7-8 fl.long, 3·5 f.I. thick; paraphyses moderate; hymenial gelatine<br />

not tinged with iodine.-Cromb. in Grevillea vii. 98; Leight.<br />

Lich. Fl. ed. 3, 454. Specimen not seen.<br />

ThE' presence of paraphyses would exclude this speciea from the<br />

genus, but it requires further investigation.<br />

Hab. On quartzose rocks. Kylemore, Connemara, Galway, the<br />

only locality.<br />

50. V. conturmatula Nyl. in Flora lxii. 222 (I879).-Thallus<br />

indicated by greyish spots. Perithecia small, black, depressed,<br />

subconfluent; perithecial wall dimidiate; spores 8 in the ascus,<br />

ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid (sometimes obsoletely I-septate),<br />

11-14 fl. long, 5-6 fl. thick; hymenial gelatine wine-red with<br />

icf.line.-Cromb. in Grevillea viii. 29 (1879). -<br />

Nylander considers that the species is possibly parasitic. The<br />

specimen in the herbarium of the British Museum is too small and<br />

scanty for examination. Larbalestier states that only two small<br />

specimens were met with.<br />

Hab. On quartzose rocks in a stream associated with Lecanora<br />

laclistris.-B. M. Near Glencorbet, Connemara, Galway.<br />

I mperfect Species.<br />

V. niveoatra Borr. in Eng!. Bot. Supp!. t. 2637, fig. 1 (1830);<br />

Hook. in Sm. Eng!. Fl. v. 151. and V. mollis Tay!. in Mackay Fl.<br />

Hib. ii. 97 (1836) recorded respectively as Pyrenothea niveoatra<br />

Leight. Angioc. Lich. 67, t. 29, fig. 1, and P. mollis Leight. l. c.<br />

t. 29, fig. 2, are the spermogonial condition of other lichens.<br />

V. niveoatra has been determined by Nylander (Lich. Env. Paris,<br />

108 (1896)), as the spermogonial state of Opegrapha cinerea, a<br />

species not otherwise recorded in the British Isles. It has arcuate<br />

spermatia measuring 12-16 fl. long, 1 !J. thick, and in this respect<br />

alone differs from p. vulgata, in which the spermatia are 14-16 fl.<br />

long, '5 fl.. thick (fide Ny!. l. c.); the two species are probably<br />

identical. A specimen of V. mollis from Craig Mt., Kerry, has<br />

been determined by Nylander as the spermogonial state of<br />

an Opographa.<br />

V. Iithina Tay!. in Mackay Fl. Rib. ii. 92 (1836) (non Ach.) on<br />

rocks from Dernquin, Kerry, has been determined as Pyrenathea<br />

lithina Leight. Angioc. Lich. 68, t. 29, fig. 3. P. lulea Leight.<br />

1. c. t. 29, fig. 4, collected on trees at Gopsal, Leicestershire, and<br />

P. sulplturea Leight. tom. cit. 69, t. 29, fig. 5, on sandstone rocks,<br />

Niton, I. of Wight, are also, judging from the descriptions and<br />

figures, spermogonial states of hchens not determined. :For other<br />

" Verrucariw" see" Microfungi recorded as British Lichens."

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