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simple or branched, disc narrow or dilated and often whitishpruinose,<br />

tapering towards the ends.-Opegrapha pulverulenta Sm.<br />

Eng!. Bot. t. 1754 (1807) 1 (excl syn.) (non Pers.). Graphis scripta<br />

vars. flexuosa and dwaricata Leight. in Ann. Mag. Nat. Rist.<br />

ser. 2, xiii. 265, 266 (1854). G. pulverulenta Leight. tom. cit.<br />

268, t. 6, f. 18. G. sophistica ff. flexuosa and divaricata, and var.<br />

pulverulenta Leight. Lich. F!. 371 (1871); ed. 3, 434; var.<br />

dendriticoides Leight. l. c. 435 (1879). Stenographa anguina<br />

vars. jlexuosa and pulverulenta Mudd Man. 236 (1861).<br />

Exsicc. Johns. n. 471; Leight. n. 18 (as Graphis scripta var.<br />

jlexllosa), n. 19 pro parte (as G. scnpta var. divancata), n. 20 (as<br />

G. pttlverulenta),. Larb. Lich. Rb. n. 236.<br />

Differs from the species, more partICularly III the character of the<br />

thallus, wInch IS often very pulverulent. The apothecia are usually<br />

narrow, as in the species, but frequently become dilated and pruinose.<br />

Smith's figure of Opegrapha pulverulenta in Eng!. Bot. closely resembles<br />

the outward aspect of the plant, but I have been unable to find a<br />

specimen III his herb anum to verIfy the internal structure.<br />

Hab. On twes III wooded reglOns.-Dislr. Somewhat frequent in<br />

the S. of England and in S. and W. Ireland, rarer in N. England and<br />

Wales, eVIdently not yet found in Scotland.-B. 111. Lyndhurst. New<br />

Forest, and 1. of Wight, Hants; Mldhurst, Tllgate, Ardlllgly and<br />

Balcombe, Suss!.'f'; Hadleigh and Hockley Woods, Messmg, Stansted<br />

Mountfitchet and Epping Forest, Essex; Gloddaeth, near Conway and<br />

Gwydir Woods, Bettws.y-Cocd, Carnarvonshlre; Holly Park. near<br />

Stokesay, Shropshire; Newton Wood and Ayton, Cleveland, Yorkshire;<br />

WhItehaven, Cumberland; Crosshaven, Cork; Castleconnel, Limerick;<br />

K.illaloe, Clare; KIllarney, Kerry; near Clifden, Connemara, Galway;<br />

Malaranny, Achill, Mayo.<br />

2. Gr. inustula A. L. Sm.-Thallus thin, white, slightly<br />

warted and wrinkled, subdeterminate (K + orange-yellow).<br />

Apothecia immersed, thinly scattered, short, obtuse, simple or<br />

branched; disc broad, plane, whltish-pruinose, proper margins<br />

thin, elevated; hypothecium colourless, the apothecial walls<br />

lateral only; paraphyses slender, sub discrete ; epithecium<br />

blackish-brown; spores muriform, colourless, 35-48 [l- long,<br />

12-20 [l- thick.-Graphis inusttda Ny!. in Flora Ix. 566 (1877);<br />

Cromb. in Grevillea vi. 114; Leight. Lich. F!. ed. 3, 435.<br />

Exsicc. Larb. Lich. Rb. without a number.<br />

DIffers from the preceding spccies in the flat short pruinose apo·<br />

the cia which somewhat resemble those of Phroograph!8 inusla.<br />

Hab. On holly.-B. lIr Westport, Mayo.<br />

3. Gr:Ruiziana Muel!. Arg. in Flora lxiii. 20 (1880).-Thallus<br />

greyish-cream-coloured, thin, smooth, determmate or effuse,<br />

sometimes limited by a black line. Apothecia black, prominent,<br />

sessile or slightly immersed at the base, linear-oblong, rather short,<br />

straight or subflexuose; usually simple; disc narrow, sometimes<br />

slightly dilated; proper margins tumid, connivent; hypotheciu

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