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276 G itAPIi:mINElE PttJEOGRAl>ttIS<br />

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distinguished from other British members of the genus by the dis·<br />

tmetly dimidlate apotheem, the· carbonaceous walls being developed<br />

at the sidcs only.<br />

Hab. On the bark of various trees.-Distr. Rather rare in the<br />

Channel Islands, S. and Central England, and S. and W. Ireland, not<br />

yet recorded from Scotland.-B. M. Beaumont, St. Lawrence, Jersey;<br />

Withiel, Cornwall; Chudleigh, Lustleigh and near Lidford, Devon;<br />

ncar Lyndhurst, New Forest, Hants; St. Leonard's Forest, Sussex;<br />

Epping Forest, Hockley Woods, Hadleigh Woods, and Gosfield Hall,<br />

Essex; Hollybush Hill, Malvern, Worcestershire; Glenbower Wood,<br />

Cork; Clonmel, Tipperary; Louisburgh, Mayo.<br />

Form divaricata A. L. Sm.-Thallus similar to that of the<br />

species. Apothecia more elongate and scattered, occasionally<br />

branching at right angles.-Graphis Smithii vars. elongata and<br />

divaricata Leight. in Ann. & Mag. tom. mt. 279. G. inusta vars.<br />

elongata and divaricata Mudd Man. 240 (1861); if. elongata and<br />

divaricata Leight. Lich. FI. 369; ed. 3, 432.<br />

Exsicc. Johns. n. 469.<br />

Differs chiefly in the more elongate apothecia which are often acute<br />

at the ends.<br />

Hab. On the bark of various trees.-Distr. Rare in S., E. and N.<br />

England.-B. M. Hurst, Balcombe and Newtimber Downs, Sussex;<br />

Gosfield Hall and Codham Hall, Bockmg, Essex; Asby, Cumberland.<br />

Var. macularis A. L. Sm.-Thallus whitish, usually forming<br />

rather large determinate spots on the bark. Apothecia short,<br />

rarely furcate, straight or curved, densely scattered over the<br />

thallus.-Graphis Smithii vars. macularis and simpliciuscula<br />

Leight. in Ann. & Mag. tom. cit. 279. G. inusta vars. macularis .<br />

and simpliciuscula Mudd Man. 240 (1861); if. macularis and<br />

simpliciuscula Leight. Lich. FI. 369; ed. 3, 432.<br />

Exsicc. Larb. Lich. Coosar. n. 90; Leight. n. 285.<br />

JIab. On the bark of varIOUS trees.-Distr. More frequent than<br />

the species in the same localitIes and also in Wales.-B. M. Rozel,<br />

.Jersey; Withiel, Cornwall; Torquay and Bovey Tracey, Dcvon;<br />

I. of Wight; New Forest, Hants; St. Leonard's Forest and Glynde,<br />

Sussex; Penshurst, Kent; Braydon Forest, Wilts; Epping Forest,<br />

Hadleigh Woods, Codham Hall, Messmg, and Barking. Essex; Malvern.<br />

Worcestershire; near Barmouth, Merioneth; Bettws·y·Coed, Car·<br />

narvonshire; Glenmire and near Cork; Killarney, Kerry; Loughcooter,<br />

Galway.<br />

2. Ph. dendritica Muell. Arg. in Flora lxv. 382 (1882).­<br />

Thallus white or greyish, thin or rather thick, more or less<br />

wrinkled (K + yellow, then red). Apothecia somewhat variable,<br />

long or short, acute at the ends, or almost round, brownish-black,<br />

immersed, scattered, curved or straight and sparingly branched<br />

towards the centre of the thallus, usually branched and radiating<br />

at the Clrcumference; disc rather broad and flat, pruinose, with

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