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what rare in England, but plentiful where it occurs.-lJ. .Jf. Henham,<br />

Suffolk; Hampstead and near Hendon, MIddlesex; Keston, Kent;<br />

near Reigate. Surrey; Ardingly (saxicolous), Sussex; New Forest,<br />

Hants; TotterIdge and near Elstree, Herts; Hoe Street, Walthamstow,<br />

Gosfield Hall and Brentwood, Essex; near Ampthill, Bedfordshire;<br />

Twycross, Leicestershue; Hay Park, Herefordsp.ue; near Worcester<br />

and LIttle Malvern, Worcestcrshire; Harboro' Magna, ViTarwickshire;<br />

Haughmond Hill, the W rekin and Church Stretton, Shropshire;<br />

Westerdale and Stagdale, Cleveland, Yorkshire.<br />

Var. myrmecina Ny!. Lich. Scand. 243 (1861).-Thallus with<br />

the squamules tawny- or chestnut-brown. Apothecia naked.<br />

-Lectdea scalans var. myrmecina Ach. Meth. 78 (1803).<br />

Differs merely in the colour of the thallus and in the constantly<br />

naked apothecm. In the single BrItIsh speCImen, which is only very<br />

sparingly fertile, the squamules are nearly erect.<br />

Hab. On a decorticated stump of an old oak in a wooded upland<br />

sItuation.-B. M. Bramble HIll, New Forest, Hants.<br />

10. L. acutula Ny!. in Flora lxix. 100 (1886).-Thallus effuse,<br />

thm, granular-squamulose, greyish-green or greyish-brown (K -),<br />

the squamules minute, subimbncate, somewhat convex and<br />

difform. Apothecia small, thin, black, margmed, often angulose<br />

and subplicate, the margin thin, somewhat acute; paraphyses<br />

subdiscrete; epithecium and hypothecium olive-brownish-black;<br />

penthecium dark (K + obsoletely purplish); spores fusiform,<br />

12-15 !l. long, 2·5-3·5 !l. thick; hymenial gelatine not tinged but<br />

the aSCI wine-reddish with iodme.<br />

DIstinguished from L. ostreata by the closely packed gibbous<br />

squamules.<br />

Hab. On bark of pine in upland situations.-B . .Jf. Penrith Beacon,<br />

Cumberland. (SpeCImen also receIved from Bouly de Lesdains, N.<br />

France.)<br />

11. L. decipiens Ach. Meth. 80 (1803).-Thallus indeterminate,<br />

squamulose, appressed, reddish or pale-flesh-coloured, white<br />

beneath; the squamules more or less scattered, subflexllose or<br />

subcrenate, and often whItish at the margins (K -, CaCl -).<br />

Apothecia marginal, adnate, plane or convex, blackish, the<br />

margin thin, entire, at length evanescent; hypothecium palebrown;<br />

paraphyses concrete, brown towards the apices; spores<br />

ovoid or ellipsoid, 12-16 !l. long, 5-6 !l. thick; hymenial gelatine<br />

bluish with iodine.-Cromb. Lich. Brit. 76; Leight. Lich. F!.<br />

249; ed. 3, 240; Hook. F!. Scot. ii. 41. Lichen decipiens Ehrh.<br />

in Hedw. Stirp. Crypt. ii. 7 (1789); Dicks. Crypt. fase. ii. 21;<br />

With. Arr. ed. 3, iv. 26; Eng!. Bot. t. 870. Lepidoma decipiens<br />

S. F. Gray Nat. Arr. i. 462 (1821). Psora decipiens Hook. in<br />

Sm. Eng!. Fl. v. 193 (1833); Mudd Man. 171.<br />

Exsicc. Leight. n. 334.<br />

An earlier designation, Lichen pezizoides, had been given to this<br />

lichen by Swartz (N. Act. Ups. iv. 247 (1784)), but that name had<br />


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