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simple the plant has ,cry much the external aspect of a Hysterium.<br />

Zahlbruckner 1. c. considers that species wIth many· spored asC! should<br />

be classified under Biatorella.<br />

Hab. On the trunks of old trees in maritime and upland tracts.­<br />

Distr. Rathcr local and scarce in S. and S. W. England.-B. M. Colrinick<br />

Park, Cornwall; near Sidmouth, Cockmgton, near Torquay and the<br />

Dart, Devon; Swanage, Dorset; WhItefield, I. of Wight; New Forest,<br />

Rants.<br />

5. L. petrrea Nyl. in Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. ser. 3, i. 393<br />

(1856).-Thallus obsolete. Apothecia linear, simple, black,<br />

slightly shining, gregarious, often somewhat flexuose; margins<br />

tumid; disc narrow; hypothecium thick, black; paraphyses<br />

very slender, somewhat branched; ascus many-spored; spores<br />

very minute, 3-4 ,_. long, 1 ,_. thick; hymemal gelatine palebluish,<br />

then. wine-red with iodine.-Cromb. Lich. Brit. 95;<br />

Leight. Lich. Fl. 360; ed. 3, 393. Opegrapha petraJu Dur. Expl.<br />

Sci. Alger. 278 (1846) (excl. syn.) (non Ach.).<br />

Exsicc. Larb. Cresar. n. 40.<br />

Not to be confounded wIth Bwtorella simplex, to states of which<br />

it bears consIderable resemblance, but differs in the lirelliform, congregate<br />

apothecia and the black hypothecium. The thallus is indicated<br />

merely by a rudImentary dark hypo thallus.<br />

Hab. On rocks, in maritime dlstricts.-Di61r. Found only in tho<br />

Channel Islands and W. Ireland; no doubt to be detected elsewhere.<br />

-B. M. Le Fret, Noirmont and La Moye, Jersey; near Kylemol'e and<br />

Lettel'more, Galway.<br />

90. XYLOGRAPHA Fr. Summa Veg. Scand. 372 (1849) pro<br />

parte; Nyl. in Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherb. iii. 187 (1855); Massee<br />

Fungus-Flora iv. 64 (as fungus). (Stletis § Xylographa Fr. Syst.<br />

1\1yc. ii. 197 (1823) emend.) (Pl. 24.)<br />

Thallus developed under the bark (hypophlreodal). Algal<br />

cells Palmella. Apothecia innate or erumpent, lirelliform, not<br />

carbonaceous, roundish-oblong or irregular; the disc plane or<br />

concave; hypothecium usually pale; paraphyses slender; spores<br />

8 in the ascus, simple, colourless; spermogones with simple<br />

sterigmata and acicular curved spermatia.<br />

Differs from Lithor;rapha in the plane or concave apothecia and in<br />

the colourless or pale hypothecium.<br />

1. X. parallela Fr. Summa Vcg. Scand. 372 (1849).-Thallus<br />

forming elongate whitish spots or httle visible (Ie -, CaCl-).<br />

Apothecia innate, erumpent, black, narrowly linear, straight,<br />

developed in parallel rows, at first concave with slightly elevated<br />

margin, becoming plane and immarginate; hypothecium colourless;<br />

paraphyses discrete, brownish at the apices; spores ellipsoid,<br />

11-16 fJ. long, 5-7 fJ. thick; hymenial gelatine bluish then vlOletcoloured<br />

with iodine.-Cromb. Lich. Brit. 95; Leight. Lich. Fl.

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