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23. A. Lilliei B. ue Lesd. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. lvii. 34 (1910).<br />

-Thallus blackish, leprose, very slight. Apothecia black,<br />

minute, about '1-'2 mm. in diam., round, persistently plane;<br />

hypothecium colourless; hymenium colourless or pale-brown;<br />

paraphyses closely coherent, the apices free and capitate, the<br />

epithecium olivaceous; asci ventricose; spores 8 in the ascus,<br />

colourless, oblong or ellipsoid, I-septate, scarcely constricted, the<br />

cells equal, 10-12 (.L long, 4-5 (.L thick; hymenial gelatine wine-red<br />

with iodine.-Lillie in Scott. Bot. Rev. i. 153 (1912); A. L. Sm.<br />

Monogr. i. 481 (1918). Specimen not seen.<br />

Somow hat dIfficult to place in tho lack of information as to the<br />

gonidia; it seems to agree with § Lecideopsis rather than WIth § Euarthoma.<br />

Hab. On siliceous rocks. Collected by D. Lillie at Achastle,<br />

Caithness.<br />

Spores 3-4-septate.<br />

24. A. paralia Nyl. in Flora Ix. 565 (1877).-Thallus darkgreyish<br />

or reddish-brown, thin, rather smooth. Apothecia<br />

dark-brown, roundish, nearly plane; colourless within; spores<br />

elongate-ovate, subconstricted in the middle, 3-4-septate, 18-22 (.L<br />

long, 7 (.L thick; hymenial gelatine wine-red WIth iodine.­<br />

Cromb. in Grevillea vi. 114; LeIght. Lich. Fl. ed. 3, 421.<br />

Exsicc. Larb. Lich. Rb. n. 113.<br />

Hab. On maritime rocks.-B. lIf. Cleghan, Connemara, Galway<br />

(the only locality).<br />

25. A. myriocarpella Nyl. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, xx. 238<br />

(1863).-Thallus pale-ashy-grey, efiuse, thin, subareolate or<br />

subpulverulent, sometimes evanescent. Apothecia minute,<br />

brownish-black, roundish, plane or convex, blackish within;<br />

spores oblong-ovoid, colourless, 3-septate, 10-12 (.L long, 3-4 (.L<br />

thick.-Carroll in Journ. Bot. iii. 292 (1865); Cromb. Lich. Brit.<br />

104; Leight. Lich. Fl. 394; ed. 3, 418. Specimen not seen.<br />

llab. On mica· schist rocks, collected at Aviemore, Inverness·shire,<br />

Parasitic 01! other Lichens.<br />

26. A. varians Ny!. Lich. Scand. 260 (1861).-Thallus none.<br />

Apothecia dull-black, rounded, scattered or confiuent, plane or<br />

somewhat convex, roughish, internally pale-brown; spores<br />

oblong, usually 3-, sometimes 1- or 2-septate, colourless, 12-18 (.L<br />

long, 6-8 (.L thick; hymenial gelatine usually blue then wine-red<br />

with iodine.-Cromb. Lich. Brit. 104; Leight. Lich. Fl. 402;<br />

ed. 3, 426. A. glaucomaria Ny!. in Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherb.<br />

iv. 98 (1856); Leight. in Ann. Mag. Nat. Rist. ser. 2, xviii. 330<br />

(1856); Carroll in Nat. Rist. Rev. vi. 532 (1859). A. parasemoides<br />

Ny!. 1. c. and in Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. eherb. ii. 330 (1854); Mudd<br />

Man.251. Lichen varians DaVIes in Trans. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) ii. 284,

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