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A small family represented in the British Isles by a single genus<br />

and speCIes. It IS classified under Graphidinero on account both of<br />

thalline and apotheeial characters, and is nearly allied to Roccellacero,<br />

as was pointed out by Crombie in Monogr. i. 491 (1894).<br />

Spores fusiform, 3.septate .. colourless ............ 83. Dirina.<br />

83. DIRINA Fr. Syst. Orb. Veg. 244 (1825). (PI. 17.)<br />

Thallus crustaceous, continuous or cracked. Apothecia<br />

discoid or somewhat irregular or elongate, subimmersed in the<br />

areolro or superficial, with a distinct thalline margin; hypothecium<br />

thickish, black; spores 8 in the ascus, elongate-fusiform,<br />

4-8-septate, colourless.<br />

A maritime genus of few spccies but of wide distribution in warm<br />

of subtropical regions.<br />

1. D. repanda Fr. l. c.; NyI. in Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. eherb.<br />

ii. 313 (1854).-Thallus determinate and subeffigurate, thick,<br />

continuous or areolate, generally unequal and coarsely wartedgranulate,<br />

greyish-white with a soft farinose surface and a white<br />

hypothallus (Kf + yellow, CaCI + rose-red). Apothecia moderate<br />

in size (up to 2 mm. across), at first closed then plane, black,<br />

covered generally with a white pruina, the thalline margin thick,<br />

obtuse, more or less infiexed; hypothecium thick, black; paraphyses<br />

simple, slightly widened or irregular upwards; spores<br />

fusiform, often slightly bent, 3-septate, generally about 22 !L<br />

long, 5 !L thick, but sometimes smaller or larger; hymenial<br />

gelatine wine-red with iodine.-Cromb. in Journ. Bot. ix. 178<br />

(1871) & Monogr. i. 491, fig. 69; Leight. Lich. FI. 235; ed. 3,<br />

226. Parmelia repanda Fr. Lich. Eur. 177 (1831).<br />

Exsicc. Johns. n. 421.<br />

A Mediterranean plant chiefly. The apothecia are often crowded<br />

and become difform, with the margin flexuose. Spermogones are<br />

abundant.<br />

Hab. On rocks in maritime districts.-Di8tr. Rare in the Channel<br />

Islands, S.W. England and N. Wales.-B. M. La Coupe and Rozel,<br />

Jersey; Portland Island, Dorset; Great Orme's Head, Carnarvonshiro.<br />


Thallus mostly fruticose, of strap-shaped or rounded branching<br />

fronds, attached to the substratum by a basal sheath, corticate,<br />

with a central medulla generally of loosely interwoven hyphre.<br />

Algal cells Trentepohlia. Apothecia discoid or somewhat elongate,<br />

usually with proper and thalline margins; spores 8 in the<br />

ascus, colourless or rarely brownish, .elongate, septate. Spermoganes<br />

with simple or sparingly branched sterigmata and straight<br />

or curved aerogenous spermatia.

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