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Leighton (1. c.) records f. 'chlorotica on Thymus, Ulex, Oalluna,<br />

and Ulmus. According to Zahlbruckner, .Pyrenothea furcella, which is<br />

occasionally present, is the spermogonial form, with spermatia 6·5 f.t<br />

long, 1·5-2 (J. thick. .<br />

Hab. On trunks of trees, birch, ash, maple, etc., also on leather, in<br />

maritime and upland wooded situations.-Distr. Not uncommon in England<br />

and S. and W. Ireland, rare in S. Wales and the Channel Islands, not<br />

recorded from Scotland.-B. M. St. Ann Port, Jersey; Newlyn Cliff,<br />

Penzance, Cornwall; Shanklin, I. of Wight; near Bovey Tracey,<br />

Devon; New Forest, Hants; Glynde, Sussex; Maidstone, Kent;<br />

Ultmg and Gosfield Hall, Essex; WImp ole Park and near Newmarket,<br />

CambridgeshIre; near Brandon, Suffolk; Deerhurst, GloucestorshIre;<br />

near Worcester; Charnwood Forest, Leicestershrre; Fort<br />

HIll, FIshguard, Pem brokeshire ; near Yarm, Cleveland, Yorkshire;<br />

Leven's Park, Westmorland; Dunscombe's Wood, Cork; Tervoe and<br />

Castleconnel, Limerick; Dinish, Killarney, Kerry.<br />

7. B. fuscorubella Am. in Flora liv. 55 (1871).-Thallus<br />

effuse, thin, dark-grey or whitish. Apothecia brown (containing<br />

Bacidia-brown), sessile or adnate, large, at first plane and thinly<br />

margined, then convex and immarginate; hypothecium brownishyellow<br />

(K + carmine-red); paraphyses slender, loosely coherent,<br />

yellowish at the apices; spores straight, rather stout, attenuate<br />

towards the base, 4-16-septate, 60-75 f.t long, 3-5 f.t thick;<br />

hymenial gelatme deep-purple-violet with iodine.-Verrucarw<br />

fuscorubella Roffm. Deutschl. Fl. ii. 175 (1795). Lecidea fuscorubella<br />

Cromb. in Grevillea xxii. 58 (1893).<br />

A rare lichen. Arnold gives as the chief distinction between it<br />

and allied lichens the reaction of the hypothecium with potash, probably<br />

indicating the presence of parietin.<br />

Hab. On the bark of trees.-Dist. Rare in S. and Central England.<br />

--B. M. Near Stoney Cross, New Forest, Hants; Malvern. Worcestershire.<br />

8. B. herb arum Am. in Flora xlviii. 596 (1865).-Thallus<br />

effuse, very thin, granulose, greyish-white (K - , CaCI-), often<br />

obsolete. ApotheCla moderate in size, sessile, at first promment<br />

and almost closed, with a shining margin, at length convex and<br />

immarginate, reddish or 'dark-red; hypothecium brownish- or<br />

reddish-yellow; paraphyses coherent, slightly clavate at the<br />

apices; epithecium colourless; spores acicular, straight or somewhat<br />

flexuose, narrower at the apICes, 3-5- or usually 5-7-septate,<br />

38-56 f.t long, 1-2 f.t thick; hymenial gelatine blue then sordidwine-red<br />

with iodine.-Secoltga herbarum Stiz. in Acad. Cres.­<br />

Leop. Nov. AC,t. xxx. 3, 46 (1863). Lectdea herbarum Cromb. in<br />

Joum. Bot. xii. 148 (1874); Leight. Lich. Fl. ed. 3, 372.<br />

Ilzsicc. Larb. Lich. Rb. n. 350.<br />

Stizenberger considered this plant to be intermediate between<br />

B. effusa or B. fuscorubella and B. muscorum, agreemg with the<br />

latter ill habitat and colour of the older apothecia, but approaching

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