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a tliorough revision, be found untenable, the characters relied on being<br />

either inconstant, or at most of merely sectional value, and the so-called<br />

genera being linked with each other by all kinds of gradations. Par-<br />

latore, who is by no means indisposed to recognize genera based on<br />

comparatively slight characters, provided these are constant, writing of<br />

those employed for the dismemberment of Scirpus, well observes,—<br />

" Geneve immeritamente diviso in molti, fondati sopra caratteri falsi<br />

della presenza o mancanza delle sete del perigonio, dello stilo bifido o<br />

trifido, deir achenio triangolare o schiacciato, caratteri tutti variabili<br />

in questa faraiglia, non solo nelle specie di uno stesso genere, ma an-<br />

cora negl' individui di una stessa specie, e fino nelle spighette di uno<br />

stesso individuo."<br />


By r. A. W. MiQUEL.<br />

{Translated hy W. Thiselton-Dyer, Xj^., B.A.,/rom the author's French edi-<br />

tion of the paper puhlished in the '<strong>Archive</strong>s Neerlandaises,^ t. iii. 1868.)<br />

In 1845, when I published some researches on the ovules, em-<br />

bryos, and male organs of the Cycadacffje (Ann. des Sciences Nat.<br />

3me serie, t, iii. et iv.), Gottsche published in the ' Botanische<br />

Zeitung' an important investigation of the same subject. The results<br />

of these wholly independent researches were, in many points, identical<br />

but Gottsche had taken a more comprehensive point of view by in-<br />

cluding the Coniferce as well. At that time I had already completely<br />

abandoned the morphological views which I liad previously published<br />

(' Monographia Cycadearum ') on the axial nature of leaves, as well as<br />

llichard's theory of the ovule. Eobert Brown, by his investigations of<br />

the genus Plnus (" On the Plurality and Development of the Embryos<br />

in the Seed of the Coniferce," Annals of Nat. Hist., May, 1844), had<br />

ensured still more suppo;i't for his theory of gyranospermous ovules<br />

first stated in 1826 (Appendix to Captain King's ' Voyage ').*<br />

It is well known how much the labours of Mirbel, Spach, Schleiden,<br />

* Previously read at the British Association Meeting at Edinburgh. Robert<br />

Brown afterwards added a note, to the etrect tliat the credit of the first idea of<br />

tiiis theory does not belong to Mirbel; and he states that Aiibert du Petit-<br />

Thouar.s had already noticed various points in the structure of the ovules of<br />

Cycas, without deducing from them the notion of gymnospermous ovules.<br />

(Histoire des Vcget. des lies d'Afrique.)<br />

; •

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