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house named Powislaud ; also on a bank close to where the South<br />

Devon Railway crosses the lane leading from the higher part of R'dgeway<br />

to Newnham.<br />

R. ramosus, Blox. Common in open spots in woods, and in bushy<br />

places in their neighbourhood. This plant varies but little, and seems<br />

very distinct from all our other species. The remarkably glossy upper<br />

surface of its frequently convex leaves, its lax, branched, abrupt panicle,<br />

and small, irregularly-formed fruit, are characteristic features. The<br />

Rev. A. Bloxam says of it, " Not uncommon in Warwickshire and<br />

Leicestershire ; I think closely allied to, if at all distinct from,<br />

ScJiUkumi, Wirtg., though my specimens vary a little ;" and Mr.<br />

Baker, *' No doubt ramosus, Blox., probably = ScJdikumi, Wirtg."<br />

By the Plymouth and Dartmoor "tramway," near the Leigham tunnel,<br />

at Maidstone, Fancy, and Wombwell ; in a bushy spot below the<br />

elvan quarry on Demford estate, and at Bircham, Egg Buckland ; in<br />

a hedge near Dedham Bridge, and in the neighbourhood of Beer<br />

Alstone; between Knackersknowle and Tamerton Foliott ; in the lane<br />

between Elfordleigh and Newnham Park ;<br />

mon Wood, near Plym Bridge, and about Rumple ; also at Blaxtcn ;<br />

near Inchers, etc.<br />

in the Plyra valley at Com-<br />

R. dlscolo7; W. and N., inclusive of R. fi-uticosiis, Sm. The plant<br />

now usually called R. discolor h\ British botanists, the R. fn/ticosiis of<br />

Smith, is probably the commonest hedgerow bramble of the neigh-<br />

bourhood of Plymouth, and often occurs in very exposed situations.<br />

Sometimes the petals are of a very bright pink. It continues to pro-<br />

duce its hard, regularly-formed, but poorly-flavoured fruit until frost<br />

sets in. With reference to specimens of this from Wembury and<br />

from Fursdon, Egg Buckland, the Rev. A. Bloxam observes "the<br />

common form of what is called discolor in this country ;" and Mr.<br />

Baker, " the common form of discolor all over England. Genevier and<br />

Mercier call it rust icons. ^'<br />

Respecting a more robust plant, with larger and broader leaves, and<br />

a few aciculi on the barren stem and panicle, gathered by the Ply-<br />

mouth and Ivybridge road, the latter say?, " probably what those who<br />

call the last ruslicans would regard as true discolor ;" Mr. Bloxam,<br />

" the true discolor of Weihe and Nees, as I believe." Forms occur in<br />

a waste spot by a quarry near Ford, Devonport, and l)y tlie tramway<br />

near Marsh House, Crabtree, etc. A curious plant, with very deeply-<br />

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