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Martius, Carl Friedrich Phillipp von.<br />

Decease of, 17.<br />

Masters, Dr., On the genus Fremontia,<br />

297.<br />

On Vegetable Teratologv,<br />

309.<br />

Masters", M. T., and H. J. Veitch,<br />

Appointment of, as English Representatives<br />

of Horticiiltxiral Society<br />

of Russia, 31.<br />

Maundia, 230.<br />

Medicago denticulata, 318.<br />

Meehan, Thomas, on Variations in<br />

Epigaea repens, 78.<br />

Melastoma repens, Note on, by H.<br />

F. Hance, 296.<br />

Meller, Dr., Death of, 212.<br />

Mentha Mouletiana, 141.<br />

Microseris, 260.<br />

iliers, J., On the genus SvTnbolanthus,<br />

(Plate XCIV.) 217.<br />

Miquel, F. A. W., On the Sexual<br />

Organs of the Cycadacece, (Plates<br />

XCI. and XCII.) 64, 93.<br />

Mistletoe, A moncBcious, Exhibition<br />

of a Specimen of, 87.<br />

Monopanax Ghiesbreghtii, 351.<br />

Moore, C, Vegetation of Lord Howe's<br />

Island, 299.<br />

Moran (a dye-stuff), 277.<br />

Morchella crassipes, 346.<br />

More, A, G., On the Discovery of<br />

Aira uliginosa in Galway, 265.<br />

Museum, British, Appointment of<br />

H. Trimen as Assistant in Botanical<br />

Department, 215 ; Official Report<br />

on the Botanical Department of<br />

the, 266.<br />

Myosotis, 328.<br />

Names, Local, Collection of, 32.<br />

Names, Vernacular, On, by B. See-<br />

by J. Collins, 360.<br />

mann, 333 ;<br />

Narcissus biflorus, 320.<br />

New Zealand Flax, Economical Value<br />

and Applications of the Leaf-fibre<br />

of, by W. L. Lindsay, 22, 43.<br />

Nomenclature, Laws of, 311.<br />

Nostoc caladarium. Discovery of, by<br />

H. C. Wood, 86.<br />

Nylander. Dr., Remarks on Dr. Lindsay's<br />

Paper •' On Chemical Reaction<br />

asa Specific Cliaracter in Lichens,"<br />

214.<br />

Oblique Leaves, 60.<br />

Olearia, <strong>25</strong>3.<br />

"<br />

INDEX. 375<br />

Oliver, Professor, his First Book of<br />

Lidian Bottmy, 369.<br />

Oreopanax, On a New Species from<br />

Chontales, Nicaragua, by B. Seemann,<br />

350.<br />

Oreopanax destructor, 351 ; capitatum,<br />

351 ; Xalapense, 351.<br />

Omithogalum, 230.<br />

Otago, Notes on some Plants of, by<br />

W. L. Lindsay, 320.<br />

Ottelia, 2<strong>25</strong>.<br />

Oxalis stricta, 138.<br />

Oxycoccus, 298.<br />

Panama, Flora o^ 271.<br />

Pandaneae, Supplement to, bv Kurz,<br />

369.<br />

Pandanophyllum, 369.<br />

Panicum Mandshuricum, Note on, by<br />

H. F. Hance, 41 ;<br />

Williamsii, 41.<br />

Parmeha lanata, var. subciliata, 50.<br />

Parson-sia, 324.<br />

Periodicals, New Popular, devoted to<br />

Science. 370.<br />

Peyssonelia abyssicola, 152.<br />

Peziza (Discina) macrocalyx, ,Riess,<br />

a New British Fungus, by "W. G.<br />

Smith, (PlatesXCVIIT. and XCIX.)<br />

345 ; lanuginosa, 3"46 ; onotica,346<br />

radiciilata, 346.<br />

Pharmaceutical Congress, 216.<br />

Phegopteris plumosa, 146.<br />

Phoenix farinifera, 16 pumila, 16.<br />

;<br />

Phoenix of the Hongkong Flora, On<br />

the, by H. F. Hance, 15.<br />

Phormiimi tenax, On the economical<br />

value of, 22, 43.<br />

PhyUophora Brodiaei, 151.<br />

Physospermmn Comubiense, 318.<br />

Phytolacca Pekinensis, 166.<br />

PiUaea geraniifolia, 236.<br />

Pilularia globulifera, 146.<br />

Pim, B. and B. Seemann, Dottings<br />

on the Roadside in Nicaragua, Panama,<br />

and Mosquito, 271.<br />

Pimelia, 3<strong>25</strong>.<br />

Pinus Banksiana, 59 ;<br />

rubra, 59.<br />

Pithecolobium Saman, 275.<br />

Plant and Flower Life, Echoes in, by<br />

li. H. Grindon, 279.<br />

Plant, New British, Discovery of, 337.<br />

Plymouth Plants, Notes respecting<br />

some, by T. R. A. Briggs, 317.<br />

Poeppig, Edward, Death of, 31.<br />

Poisoning Solution, On a, for Botanical<br />

Specimens, 343.<br />

Polygonatum officinale, 142.<br />


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