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There is yet a third Part to be expected, treating of the segregate<br />

species, and the '• aliens " and " casuals." We trust Mr. Watson will<br />

have health and leisure to complete it.<br />


Professor Belin, of Hamburg, has been elected, by the majority of the<br />

Council of President Adjuncts, President of the Imperial German Academy<br />

Naturas Curiosorum, and has accepted the office.<br />

Mr. Kurz, of Calcutta, sends us a reprint of his ' Supplementary Remarks '<br />

to his ' Revision of Indian Screw-pines ' (Seem. Journ. Bot. Vol. V. p. 93), wliich<br />

he has published in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and we also<br />

receive a translation of this, made by Dr. Hasskarl, and recently pubhshed<br />

in the Ratisbon Flora. Mr. Kurz does not seem to have noticed the remarks<br />

on Sandwich Island Fandanem, made by the late Horace Mann in his * Enu-<br />

meration of Hawaiian Plants ' (Proceedings of American Academy) . The fol-<br />

lowing errors and omissions, wliich crept into his paper in our Journal, are thus<br />

corrected: Typha elephantina, p. 95, read folia .... basi triquetra, lateribus<br />

concavis, supra plana ; instead of " excavato-trigona." II. Pandanece, p. 91,<br />

add Ovarium superum. III. CyclanthecB, p. 94, add Ovarium inferum. The<br />

FreycinetiecB are to be transferred to II. Pandaneca. Pandanus furcatus, var.<br />

Indica, p. 102, read drupse valde convexse, for " concavae." Pandanus Icevis,<br />

p. 127, read spadix masc, etc., sed hae Isevissimse, instead of " brevissimse."<br />

Mr. Kurz has also printed in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal<br />

a paper on Pandanophyllum and allied genera, among them Scirpodendron, the<br />

most gigantic of all CyperacecB, the leaves being 6-9 feet long.<br />

Professor Alexander Braun has recently read before the Berlin Academy<br />

papers on Isoetes Kirhi, of New Zealand, a malformation of Podocarpus Chi-<br />

nensis, and some Oaks struck by lightning which, as well as all that proceeds<br />

from the pen of that thoughtful and conscientious botanist, will be studied with<br />

interest and profit.<br />

The last published part of De Candolle's ' Prodromus ' contains the follow-<br />

ing Natural Orders :<br />

—<br />

Laphniphyllacece and Buxacece, by Miiller Arg. ;<br />

Empe<br />

trecB and CannabinecE, by Alph. de Candolle ; Urticea, by WeddeU ; Piperacece,<br />

by Casim. de Candolle ; Chloranthacea, by Solms ; and Oarryacece, by Alph<br />

de Candolle. Ths next part is to complete this great work, but we hope and<br />

trust that the editor may be induced to reconsider his resolve, and not exclude<br />

the Monocotyledons, as he now means to do. Indeed, the extension of the<br />

' Prodromus ' is of such vital importjince, that all our academies and natural<br />

history societies ought to assist, by all means in their power, even largely,<br />

pecuniarily, if it should be required, to promote it.<br />

Professor OUver has published a most acceptable handbook, entitled, ' First<br />

Book of Indian Botany' (Macmillan and Co)., an adaptation of the author's<br />

* Lessons in Elementai-y Botany,' for use in India.<br />

VOL. VII. [DECE<strong>MB</strong>ER 1, 1869.<br />

J<br />

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