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one lane and the adjacent field-hedges, where, however, there is plenty of<br />

it over an area of a few acres. Mr. Baker says of these specimens that<br />

they are unusually typical for the north of England. (2.) On Morrey's<br />

farm, Bexton (in the Ordnance and Cassell's maps, " Black Hill<br />

Farm "), near Knutsford. I suspect local in Cheshire.<br />

19. R. Reuteri, Mercier.— (2.) White House Farm and the Grange<br />

Farm, Plumbley ; plentiful in company with R. rudls on Black Hill<br />

Farm, Bexton ; thinly but generally scattered over all this immediate<br />

neighbourhood. Like Hypericum, jmlchrum, seldom much of it in one<br />

place, but nearly everywhere sparsely. An enormous bush, however,<br />

on the Grange Farm, near the Waterless Brook. This is a coarse radu-<br />

lesque form, evidently to be placed between R. rudis and R. Radula.<br />

A year or two ago I named it R. saxlcohis, Miill., from a Continental<br />

specimen in Mr. Baker's collection. I have lately found that M. Ge-<br />

nevier, in his ' Rnhus du Bassin de la Loire,' states that Mr. Baker's<br />

coarse Yorkshire Radula, which I hold identical with the Cestrian, is<br />

thus. to be named. His description sufficiently fits, and he notices the<br />

alliance to R. saxlcolus, Miill. Mr. Bloxam seems inclined to put this<br />

form to R. Radula, /B. Leighto)di, Lees.<br />

20. R. Radula, Weihe.—Rather a local Rubus, in Mid-Cheshire, and<br />

seldom typical. (2.) Laneside, towards Arley, in Plumbley, near<br />

Trout Hall, Plumbley. (7.) Rudheath, in company with the R.fissus,<br />

in an exposed heathy spot. These specimens are, according to Mr.<br />

Baker, " excellent typical Radula,'' and, indeed, the only quite typical<br />

Radula I ever got in Cheshire.<br />

21. R. KceUeri, Weihe.— Local. (2.) In the hedge by the laneside,<br />

one hundred yards south of Flitto Gate Farm, where it grows very<br />

densely for thirty or forty yards.<br />

22. R. infeslus, Bab.— Rather local. (2.) Sparse bushes, in<br />

Tabley Hill Lane. Finest bushes by the road which crosses the Cheshire<br />

Midland line, beyond Mc^n-ey's Farm, or Black Hill Farm, Bexton.<br />

(7.) Roadside, between Bradshaw Brook and Rudheath.<br />

23. R. pallidus, Weihe.—Very common ; the general undergrowth<br />

of plantations in Cheshire ; the weak forms puzzling and easily mis-<br />

taken for Bellardine Brambles. (1.) Disley and Whaley Bridge. (2.)<br />

Very coinmon. (4.) Near Eastham. (6.) Near Crewe station. (7.)<br />

Lower Peover, Rudheath, etc., general.<br />

24. R. divenifolius, Lindl. = dmnelonm, h.ferox, Lees.— (1.) Dis-

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