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NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. 3<strong>25</strong><br />

of leaf (under surface) very slight and witli difficulty distinguishable,<br />

unless uuder the lens ; best noticed on the young flower-panicles<br />

(flower-pedicels and calyx). Leaf generally 2 in. long and f in. broad,<br />

more or less broadly ovate, sometimes lanceolate or broadly obovate or<br />

obcordate, usually acuminate or mucrouate, sometimes retuse. Margin<br />

more or less entire, but some leaves have a very irregular sinuate<br />

outline : or they exhibit irregular notches, which are a tendency to<br />

the greater sinuosity of outline that characterizes the leaves of rosea.<br />

Midrib distinct on both surfaces, especially lower. Transverse veins in-<br />

distinct on either side and especially on upper surface.<br />

2. P. rosea, Raoul (P. capstilaris, Fl. N. Z.). East Taeri bush,<br />

climbing on Ruhns amlralis ; Christie's Bush, Saddlehill ; November,<br />

in flower, W. L. L. In the climbing form on Rubus australis, the<br />

stem is slender, twining, finely puberulent, the hairs being yellowish<br />

and very fine, as in albiflora. Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, but as<br />

coriaceous as in albiflora, 2-2\ in. long and \ in. broad, broadest at<br />

the roundish turgid base, tapering gradually to a point. Margin iiTe-<br />

gularly sinuate. Upper leaves nearly entire, lanceolate ; all leaves very<br />

shortly petioled.<br />

In the more shrubby form of the plant there is much branching<br />

the branches spreading irregularly, and variously twisting and doubling<br />

on themselves. Stem and main branches glabrous ; ultimate ramuscles<br />

(especially young shoots) puberulent as in albiflora. Leaves vary<br />

greatly in a single specimen, much larger and narrower than in the<br />

climbing forms 3|—4 in. long sometimes, and \ in. broad, always<br />

broader at base and tapering to a point. Margin irregularly sinuate<br />

or notched : or sinuosity or notching is so inconspicuous that the leaf<br />

is almost entire ; all these variations of margin occurring sometimes<br />

on the same branch. Margin also frequently revolute. Leaves as co-<br />

riaceous as in albiflora, drying to the same colour; sometimes twist on<br />

themselves like the branchlets.<br />

Genus IV. PlMELEA.<br />

This is one of many Otago genera (e.g. Coprosma, Gualtheria,<br />

Coriaria, Panax, Wahlenbergia^ etc.) the book- descriptions of whose<br />

species I find it impossible with my limited series of specimens satis-<br />

factorily to follow. I have a strong conviction that certain presently<br />

considered species are possibly mere forms, and that a careful revision<br />

of such genera, with the aid of large suites of specimens, especially in<br />


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