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312<br />


dress in silence, or using terms in speaking of the rendering which might<br />

offend tliose with wliom we have every wish to stand we'l.<br />

On the 14th of September, the centenai'y of Humboldt's birthday was cele-<br />

brated in many parts of Germany, thougli it was much to be regretted tliat so<br />

great a name was here and there made the watchword of political and re-<br />

ligious parties. But it could iiardly be expected that all should cordially join<br />

in celebrating the birthday of a man who has oniy just passed away, who<br />

held such advanced views as Humboldt did, and wlio was so fond of indulg-<br />

ing in criticisms. A whole generation should have been born and buried be-<br />

fore any celebration of the kind ought to have been attempted.<br />

Of Von Krempelhuber's ' History and Literature of Lichenology, from the<br />

Oldest Time to the year 1865,' the second and concluding volume has appeared.<br />

It may be ordered from the author (3, Anialien Strasse, Munich ; or througli<br />

Williams and Norgate). The work has been printed at the author's risk and<br />

expense, and is the result of much careful research and labour.<br />

From Vienna we receive an acceptable reprint of Dr. A. Engler's ' Index<br />

Criticus Specierum atque Synonymorum Generis Saxifragse,' which first ap-<br />

peared in the ' Transactions ' of the Zoologico-Botanical Society of that place.<br />

It fills forty-four closely printed pages, and cannot fail to be highly useful to<br />

the working, systematic botanist. Tlie author accepts 167 species of tiie genus,<br />

distributed under 17 sections.<br />

A scrap of botanical news, published in our August number, that " we had<br />

received full and authentic particulars respecting the share which Dr. Hooker<br />

is alleged to have had in preventing certain honorary distinctions being con-<br />

ferred upon some Englishmen who visited the great Horticidtural Exhibition at<br />

St. Petersburg," has, we regret to learn, been misinterpreted. So far from<br />

wishing to imply censure, we held (though tliis may appear a gratuitous remark)<br />

that the illustrious botanist acted in a manner of which all right-minded<br />

men could not help ajjproving.<br />

We have to welcome the appearance of Trimen and Dyer's long-expected<br />

* Flora of Middlesex ' (Hardwicke), and Dyer and Church's edition of S. W.<br />

Jonson's ' How Crops Grow ' (Macmillan)<br />

Dr. Arthur Schott we have to thank for sending us a set of his ' Phytographical<br />

Glimpses of the Tropics of America,' illustrating the vegetation ol Yucatan<br />

and New Granada.<br />

Next year will see the production of an illustrated work on new and rare<br />

British Hymenomycetous Fcingi from the pen of W. Wilson Saunders, F.E.S.,<br />

and Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. It will consist of descriptions and figures<br />

of some 200-300 species. 100 coloured plates (super-royal in size) are being<br />

drawn on stone by Mr. Smith, partly from original drawings by Mr. Saunders<br />

and partly from his own. Many of the species ai-e xnipublished, and others<br />

new to science. Subscribers may send their names to Mr. Van Voorst. The<br />

book will appear in four parts, each containing five Plates, price 10s. Any<br />

rare species would be thankfully received by Mr. W. G. Smith, 12, North<br />

Grovt> West, Mildmay Park, London, N.<br />

The next number of this Journal w ill contain a double Plate ; no illustration<br />

is issued witli this.<br />


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