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Wendland, who for fifty-three years was the head of the Royal Berg-garden of<br />

Herrenhauseu, near Hanover, and who attained the advanced age of seventy-<br />

eight. He was the son of Johann Ctir. Wendland (the coadjutor of Schrader),<br />

and the father of Hermann Wendland, author of several valuable papers<br />

on Palms. Though displaying less literary activity than his father, we have<br />

from his pen a work on the phyllodinous Acacias (' Commentatio de Acaciis<br />

AphyUis,' Hannoverse, 1820), in which he describes and figures a number<br />

of new species of that group, with which he had become acquainted chiefly<br />

during his stay in England ; and, a few years later, in conjunction with<br />

Professor Bartling, of Grottingen, his ' Beitrage zur Botanik ' (Contributions<br />

to Botany), of which two volumes appeared (1824-<strong>25</strong>), the first contain-<br />

ing the well-known monograph on Diosmem, the second, miscellaneous matter.<br />

Subsequently he published merely a few short horticultural and botanical<br />

articles in Grerman periodicals, but to the last he took a vivid interest in all<br />

that relates to botany and gardening. The establishment under his charge<br />

was admirably conducted and pre-eminently rich in fermanently-grown species,<br />

though some of the Continental Botanic G-ardens beat it by counting those<br />

annuals and biennials, grown only at periods varying fi-om two to four years.<br />

Wendland was fond of old garden-plants, and resisted, as far as lay in his<br />

power, the application of the doctrine that selection rather than collection<br />

should be aimed at in these places. His garden though never recognized as<br />

a botanic garden in the limited sense it is understood in Germany (it not being<br />

attached to any University, nor having any professors connected with it), was<br />

always regarded as one of the leading establishments of the country, where a<br />

large collection of well-grown and corrcctly-uamed plants was to be found. It<br />

is generally acknowledged that it was entirely due to Wendland's influence<br />

that Palms and Cycads (of which he cultivated the largest collection) are now<br />

so extensively cultivated on the Continent, and have houses built for their<br />

exclusive reception. Wendland was neat and careful in his habits, and gen-<br />

tlemanly in look and manners.<br />

The public papers contain the following sad news :—On Tuesday, July<br />

I7th, the Steam Navigation Company's boat, the ' Eagle,' took up among her<br />

passengers from the Metropolis to the Isle of Thanet, a gentleman about fifty<br />

years of age, with his son, a youth of about thirteen years. When the boat<br />

got to the Lower Hope, below Gravesend, the gentleman was seen by the mate<br />

suddenly to fall from the sponsons into the river. Tiie alarm was at once<br />

given, the steamer was stopped, and a boat was lowered to recover the unhappy<br />

man, but without success, and after ronaining half an hour search-<br />

ing for him, the steamer proceeded on her journey, carrying with her the<br />

despairing son. It transpired that the unfortunate gentleman was named<br />

William John Salter, A.L.S., and that he resided at St. George's Road, Kil-<br />

burn. He was by profession a geologist and botanical draughtsman.<br />

We regret to have to announce the death of Dr. Cams, of Dresden, President<br />

of the Imperial German Academy Naturae Curiosorum, and ex officio " Comes<br />

Palatinus Csesareus."

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