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yellow centre, and a whitish tube. The roots are fibrous (not catkin-like rhizomes,<br />

as in the Achimenes tribe) ; and in habit the plant resembles the only<br />

other known species of the genus (C. cnipreata, Hanstein), which, however, has<br />

smaller and scarlet flowers, and a hau'y ovary. It was found at the Pavon<br />

end of the Javali Mine, where it grew in only a very small spot—shady groves<br />

on the banks of a rivulet. Although we became afterwards weU acquainted<br />

with the vegetation of the distrir-t, we never met the plant anywhere but<br />

there ; and after we had taken up sixty specimens, and planted them in a<br />

miniature ^Yardian case, fire was set to the very spot where the Cyrtodeira<br />

grew, for the purpose of clearing it. The sixty specimens readdy took root,<br />

and on our departure a boy was engaged to carry them on his saddle before<br />

him to Leon, a distance of about eighty leagues. All went on well, till one<br />

evening darkness overtook us on the immense grassy plains of Tipitapa, and<br />

the boy's mule fell into one of those wide cracks which during the dry season<br />

in the tropics always form where the ground is clayey. Down came the<br />

Wardian case with a heavy crash, and one-half of our plants were lost. The<br />

other half looked well enough tdl within two miles of the port of embarkation,<br />

when the waggon in wliich, for greater safety's sake, they had been placed,<br />

went into a deep hole, and turned right over. This time all but six specimens<br />

were destroyed, and these were so much injured that when we arrived at London,<br />

and handed them to Mr. W. BuU, of Chelsea, the enterprising plant<br />

merchant, only one was found to be in a sound condition ; but that one has<br />

become the progenitor of a numerous race, which now ornaments our hothouses."<br />

In subsequent chapters Dr. Seemann details his second visit to<br />

Nicaragua. About La Merced, on the Lake of Nicaragua, and<br />

" I may add, in many other parts of the country, I noticed a goodly number<br />

of the trees which yield the dyewood known by the name of Fiistic in commerce<br />

{Madura tinctoria) . It belongs to the Slidberry famdy, and is termed<br />

' Moran ' by the natives. The fruit is sweet and edible. The wood might be<br />

profitably collected for export if there were any good ways of commimication,<br />

as it fetches sometimes as much as £5 per ton in Liverpool. At present nobody<br />

notices it."<br />

At p. 196 an ascent of Pena Blanca is described, which is the<br />

highest known peak of Chontales, and may be about <strong>25</strong>00 feet above<br />

the sea-level.<br />

" The vegetation of Peiia Blanca is distinct from that of any other mountain-top<br />

I have seen in Chontales. I found a fine purple Lobelia, a scarlet<br />

caulescent Orchid {Ornithorliynchos) , and a crimson Macleania. Much to my<br />

regret, many of the woody plants had been destroyed by fire. On my last<br />

ascent the gentleman who had kindled the flame was with me, and was somewhat<br />

astonished when, instead of receiving unquahfied praise for having<br />

cleared the view, I told him it was fortunate, standing as we did on the brink<br />

of a yawning precipice, that the enraged botanist within me was somewhat<br />

mollified by my appreciation of the fine landscape which he had, as it were,<br />

unrolled.<br />

"Peua Blanca commands a very fine view. You cannot see any rivers,<br />

though tbey discharge themselves into the Atlantic, the Javali entering the<br />

Mico, and the Mico the Blewfields ; but you can see the Javah lode of auriferous<br />

quartz rocks for several miles, and distinctly trace the various branches<br />

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