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boge-yellow. The plant is microphvUine ; leaf under j in. long and<br />

yV<br />

in. broad, linear-oblong, obtuse, shining above.<br />

2. C. Vaiivllliersii, Hook. f. Signal Hill, N.E. valley, Dunedin<br />

December, in flower, W. L. L. Larger-leaved and with handsomer<br />

white flower than /wfoi^/a. Ascends to elevations of 3.500 feet, e.g.<br />

on Mount Egmont (Buchanan).<br />

All the three species of Cassinia above named are more or less orna-<br />

mental, especially in cultivation, being hardy evergreens, with coriace-<br />

ous leaves (Heath-like in leptojj/ii/Ua) , the fiovfevs supplying "an abun-<br />

dant nectar for bees" (Buchanan).<br />

Genus IV. Celmisia.<br />

1. C. corlacea, Hook. f. The " Cotton-plant," according to Bu-<br />

chanan ; the " Leather-plant," according to Hector, of Otago ; the<br />

" Cotton-grass" or " plant," or " Leather-plant," of Nelson and other<br />

provinces ; terms, hoAvever, applied apparently also to other species of<br />

Celmisia. The " Tikumu" of the North Island Maori (Colenso).<br />

The leaves are covered with a down similar in its character and uses<br />

to that of the " Kaha-Kaha"* [genus Astelia, N. 0. Liliacece]. Spe-<br />

cimens of the " dressed fibre" of the leaf and of native cloth manufac-<br />

tured therefrom were shown in the N. Z. Exhibition of 186.5.<br />

Of a total of 24 New Zealand species of Celmisia, at least 14 occur<br />

in Otago ; that is, more than one-half of the whole.<br />

Genus Y. Microsbris.<br />

1. M. Forsteri, Hook. f. In moist shady places about Fairfield,<br />

Saddlehill; marshes, Abbott's creek, Greenisland; October to Decem-<br />

ber, in flower, W. L. L.<br />

Leaves apt to be infested by the parasitic ^cidium Otagense, Lind.<br />

(Observ. Otago Lichens and Fungi, Trans. Royal Society of Edin., vol.<br />

xxiv. p. 432, plate xxx. figs. 71-4).<br />

Genus YI. Craspedia.<br />

1. C.fimhriata,T)Q. Uplands about base of Saddlehill ; December,<br />

in flower, W. L, L. \<br />

A slender plant. Tomentura very sparing on any part of it ; fringe<br />

of white tomeutum on leaf either very slight or absent. Leaf generally<br />

under 3 in. long and f in. broad, tapering into a slender petiole about<br />

or under 1 in. long ; lamina broadly spathulate, glabrous ; tendency to<br />

irregular sUbcreimlation of margin ; dries to a blackish-green. Head<br />

under 2 in. in diameter.<br />

* 'Jurors' Reports,' N. Z. Exhib. 1865, p. 126.<br />


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