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Genus II. Senecio. Like Olearia, includes some of the most<br />

ornamental, arboreous, and sliuubby Comj)odlce of Otago, beautiful<br />

alike in foliage and blossom. Some species abound on the ranges of<br />

the south-eastern districts, at elevations of between 1000 and 2000<br />

feet (Buchanan) ; while forms of certain common lowland species \_e.g.<br />

S. helUdioides] ascend as high as 7000 feet, on the western alps. In<br />

Nelson, on the mountains of the west coast, species of Senecio com-<br />

monly attain an elevation of 3000 to 4000 feet (Haast).<br />

1. S. lautus, Forst. (var. y. macrocephaltis, Hook. f. in raj"- herba-<br />

rium). Greenisland Peninsula; and sand dunes about mouth of the<br />

Kaikorai ; November, in flower, W. L. L. Has much the appearance<br />

of our S. vulgaris, L., and S. viscosus, L., which it may be held here so<br />

far to represent.<br />

Plant glabrous. Dries to a leathery brown in some specimens ; while<br />

others retain somewhat their greenness of leaf. So infinitely variable<br />

is the leaf in its characters that it is equally impossible and unneces-<br />

sary to describe all its forms. Its most prominent variations relate to<br />

its general form, and to the nature and degree of its divisions. Some-<br />

times the leaf is 4 in. long and 1 in. broad ; tapering below into a petiole,<br />

which is occasionally 3 in. long ; most frequently obovate ; very irregu-<br />

larly runcinate-pinnatifid ; sometimes 3- or more-pinnate, the pinnae<br />

being again subdivided like the more simple leaves. No leaves are<br />

entire ; many resemble those of Ereclitilea arguta, than which they are<br />

generally larger. • Auricles scarcely amplexicaul.<br />

Tarndale specimens in my herbarium more resemble Erechtites arguta<br />

than do Otago ones. Heads about as long as those of E. arguta ; the<br />

broader corymb more resembles the panicle of E. quadridentata.<br />

2. S. helUdioides, Hook. f. Among "scrub," base of Stoneyhill;<br />

December, in flower, W. L. L. My plant apparently corresponds to<br />

var. y of the ' Handbook' (p. 1.59). It appears to me unnecessary to<br />

place on record such varieties or forms as the three there given. Scape<br />

in my plant glabrous 3-4 in. long ; 1-flowered. Hairs brown, chafty,<br />

coarse ; most distinct and abundant in the young leaf-shoots, and<br />

especially in tlie young leaf-petioles. Leaf becomes blackish-green in<br />

herbarium ; 1| in. long and f in. broad ; broadly lanceolate or ovate,<br />

tapering into a short petiole {\ in. long). Apex subacute or rounded<br />

margin entire, or subcrenulate and subundulate ; rugose reticulation<br />

of surface most distinct in the older leaves.<br />


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