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Mr. Baker's mention of this country was, I believe, in reference to ray<br />

own specimen.<br />

I may take this opportunity of remarking, in connection with my former<br />

observations on the coalescence of tribes (Journ. Bot. Vol. III. p. 342),<br />

that a very marked transition is effected between the genera Asplenium<br />

and Aspidium, by such species as Asplenium yymnogrammoides, Kl.,<br />

and A. puncticaide, var. bipinnatisecta, Mett. {= A. m,acrocarpmn, Bl.)<br />

on the one hand, and Aspidium splendens, Wall., and A. ohtusissimum,<br />

Mett. ! (=<br />

A. sparsum, /S. latum, Thw. n. 1369 !) on the other; and,<br />

again, through Asplenium Goerinc/ianum, Mett., A. Hohenackerianuni,<br />

Kze,, and their allies, and Aspidium (smulum., Sw. I think it is diffi-<br />

cult to look at these representatives of their respective genera without<br />

believing them to be really allied, not merely somewhat alike. The<br />

true position of Athyrinm, in so far at least as regards some of the<br />

species, seems to me still veiy much open to question ; and Milde<br />

insists strongly on its distinctness as a genus.<br />

Dr. Wells Wdliams gathered at Ku-pei-kau, in the summer of 1865,<br />

from fissures in the bricks' of the Great Wall, a curious dwarf variety<br />

of Polypodium lingua, Sw., with oblong fronds f to 1 inch long only,<br />

borne on stipites of nearly equal length.<br />

With respect to Polypodium Cldnense, Mett., separated from F. nor-<br />

iuale, Don, mainly on account of a more complicated venation, and the<br />

absence of paraphyses, I may remark that P. normale is placed by<br />

Mettenius himself, in his monograph of Polypodium (' Dispositio Spe-<br />

cienim,' p. 24), in a section to which he ascribes " sori paraphysibus<br />

destituti;" nor are any figured in Hooker and Greville's plate of P.<br />

longifro7is, Wall. (Ic. Fil. i. t. 65). The only Indian (Khasia) specimen<br />

of P. normale, to which I have at present access, has the sori too<br />

much rubbed and defaced, from careless drying, to be trustworthy on<br />

this point ; but, so far as concerns the venation, I can see no appre-<br />

ciable difference between it and the Chinese Fern (Macao, Hance !<br />

Fokien, De Grijs!), the number of free thickened veinlets in the<br />

areolae being subject to a good deal of variation in the fronds of each.<br />

The late Mr. Oldham sent me, from Formosa, a fine specimen of<br />

Polypodium lomarioides, Kze., quite accordant with those from the<br />


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