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plant, to which he knew no parallel, and not nearly related to A. dimi-<br />

diatum. Mr. Baker (litt. Feb. 1868) says it quite agrees with the<br />

African specimens refen-ed to A. dimidiattm in the ' Synopsis Filicum.'<br />

Finally, Dr. Kuhn, who has recAitly redescribed it, under the impres-<br />

sion that my name was only in manuscript, remarks (Botan. Zeit. 1869,<br />

p. 132) :<br />

"<br />

Diese Art ist nahe verwandt mit J. macrophyllim, Sw.,<br />

jedoch durch so wesentliche Merkmale von ihm verschieden, dass wir<br />

gegen eine Vereinigung gerechte Bedenken tragen wiirden." To me<br />

this Fern appears distinct from either of the species named, but, of the<br />

two, nearer A .macro'pliyllum.<br />

Asplenimn incisnm, Thbg., to which A. eleganttdim, Hook., is re-<br />

duced by Mettenius (in Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. ii. 234), Baker<br />

and Kuhn, is stated by Milde (Fil. Eur. 63) to be merely A. TricJio-<br />

manes, L.<br />

My Asplenium Pekinense is regarded as a good species by both<br />

Mettenius and Kuhn, but is referred by Baker (in litt.) to A. sepul-<br />

dirale. Hook., which both Milde and Kuhn consider the same as A.<br />

varians, Hook, and Grev. The only specimen of A. sepulchrale I have<br />

seen, gathered by Oldham, and sent me under that name from Kew,<br />

but which exceeds the dimensions given in the ' Synopsis,' appears to<br />

me altogether distinct, by its habit (not unlike that of BavalUa teimi-<br />

folia, Sw.) and very long stipes, and is apparently referable, or at least<br />

very close, to A. solidum, Kze. ; and my. Ceylon specimens of A. vari-<br />

ans do not look at all as if belonging to the same species as either the<br />

Japanese or North Chinese Fern. I have, however, a small Jehol Fern<br />

fi-om Fere Pa\'id, which I have no hesitation in referring to A. variajis.<br />

Probably more plants than one have been confused under the name of<br />

A. sepulcJirale. A. Pekinense is much like the American A. montamim,<br />

Willd.<br />

Of Asplenium Niponicvm, Mett., I possess Fokien specimens from<br />

De Grijs, and others gathered in the Filoitsz woods, along the North<br />

Eiver, province of Kwangtung, by Sampson ;<br />

those from Japan.<br />

they agree perfectly with<br />

Mr. Swinhoe gathered the Japanese Asplenhim Goemigiaimm, Mett.,<br />

at Talienwan ;<br />

and M. David has sent from Jehol a Fern which I can-<br />

not distinguish from A. Hohenackerianum, Kze.<br />

Mr. J. G. Veitch gave me a Japanese specimen of Asplenium<br />

Uiwaitesii, A. Br., which accords in the most perfect manner with those

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