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218 ON THE GENUS SY<strong>MB</strong>OLANTHUS.<br />

long ; pedicels 6 lines long ; sepals 1 in. long, ^ in. broad ; tube of<br />

corolla 2f in. long, 10 lines diameter above the middle, contracted to<br />

6 lines in the mouth; segments of border 1 inch long, 10 lines broad;<br />

capsule 2^ in. long, 1 in. in diameter, enveloped by the enlarged<br />

calyx.<br />

2. Symbolanthus snperhus, n. sp. ; glaberrimus, ramulis 4-gonis,<br />

fistulosis, annulato-nodosis ; foliis late ellipticis vel oblongis, imo<br />

acutis, apice breviter acute attenuatis, utrinque Isete viribus, pauci-<br />

nerviis, nervis reniotis vix prominentibus, eveniis ; petiolis compressis,<br />

canalieulatis, imo dilatatis, et in annulum circa caulem coalitis ; iloribus<br />

terminalibus, axillaribus, ternato-verticellatis ;<br />

pedicellis erectis, calyce<br />

longioribus, imo bracteis 3 parvis acutis membranaceis munitis; sepalis<br />

5, imbricatis, oblongis, obtusis, marginibus membranaceis et integris,<br />

medio nervo crasso carinatis ; corolla speciosissima, tube rubro-roseo,<br />

campanulato-infundibuliformi, sepalis plusquam 2-plo longiore, ore<br />

amplo subobliquo, limbi segmentis orbicularibus, apice subito acumi-<br />

Tiatis, imo late auriculato-expansis, et imbricatis, subreflexis ; stamini-<br />

bus parnm inclusis, imo dilatato-compressis, in annulum fere basalem<br />

conriatis, apice filiformibus et circa antheras circinatim contortis, an-<br />

theris imo divaricatis, arcuatim curvatis ; ovario conico-oblongo, disco<br />

annulari insito ;<br />

stylo subulato, stigraate 2-lamellato, faucem attingente.<br />

—In Nova Granada, v. s. Rio Magdalena (Weir, 95).<br />

A beautiful plant, apparently of more herbaceous growth than the<br />

preceding species, from which it also differs in its larger leaves, upon<br />

a longer petiole, its more campanular corolla, and its stamens spirally<br />

convoluted around the arcuated anthers. The axils are about If in.<br />

apart ; the leaves are 3^-4^ in. long, lf-2f in. broad, on a petiole<br />

•5— f- in. long; the pedicels are 1^^ in. long; the sepals 1 in. long, 5<br />

lines broad ; the tube of the corolla is 2 in. long, 1 in. in diameter at<br />

the mouth, the segments of the border arc 1 in. long, 1 in. broad, the<br />

stamens scarcely extend beyond the mouth, being spirally curved for<br />

more than a revolution around the anthers ; the stigmata are spathu-<br />

lately oblong, 2 lines long, li line broad.<br />

Explanation of Plate XCIV., representing Symbolanthus superbus,<br />

Miers, from specimens collected by Mr. Weir.—Fig. 1, an entire branch. Fig.<br />

2, corolla laid open. Fig. 3, a stamen.—Figs. 2 and 3 slightly magnified.

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