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—<br />


was at Dr. Hooker's advice those Englishmen who attended the St. Petersburg<br />

Exhibition were not decorated.<br />

The tenth and conchiding part of Seemann's 'Flora Vitiensis' is now in the<br />

course of preparation, all the plates (100) having already been printed.<br />

Dr. F. Mueller's able ' Official Report on tlie Melbourne Botanical Garden for<br />

1869 ' has just come to hand, and will be found in another part of tliis Journal.<br />

A Pharmaceutical Congress, to which all civilized nations are invited to send<br />

representatives, is to take place at Vienna in September.<br />

The ' Portland (Maine) Advertiser ' was recently printed on paper made of<br />

a kind of material said to have been never before used m the manufacture of<br />

paper Zizania aquatica, or Water Rice. It grows in great abundance in<br />

many places in the north-west of America.<br />

Mr. Collins, wliose paper on India-rubber appeared in this Journal last year,<br />

is now working up the subject of Gutta Percha, and would be glad if any of our<br />

correspondents could communicate any authentic specimens, etc. of any of tlie<br />

Guttas, as Gutta Mutah, Tuban, Percha Claison, etc., addressing them to the<br />

Museum of the Pharmaceutical Society, Bloomsbury Square, London.<br />

Edinbuegh Botanical Society.—Thirty-third Session, Fifth Meeting.—<br />

The Society met on the 11th of March, Dr. Cleghorn, President, in the chair.<br />

The following communications were read :— I. Notes of a Twelve Days' Visit<br />

to Sicily, in February, 1868. By Dr. H. Cleghorn. Dr. Cleghorn described<br />

the present state of the Botanical Gardens at Syracuse, Catania, and Palermo,<br />

and enumerated the principal plants observed in Hower at the time of his<br />

visit. He described the scenery of the island, and drew attention to the<br />

increased facilities of travelling afforded by two railway's now open. The<br />

Agricultural Institution at Castelnviovo, with its model farm, under the able<br />

management of Professor Inzenga, was mentioned, as furnishing a good<br />

example of the successful training of youths in rural pursuits. From the dry-<br />

ness of the climate, the seeds I'ipeued at Palermo iiave been very suitable for<br />

the agri-horticultural societies of North India. II. Report on the Cultivation of<br />

Chinchona in Bengal for the year 1867-68. By Thomas Andei-son, M.D., Su-<br />

perintendent, Botanical Gardens, and in charge of Cinchona Cultivation in<br />

Bengal {vide p. 155). III. Notes on a Visit to the Hot Springs of Junuiotri in<br />

1860. Part 2. By Mr. Wm. Bell. IV. On the form of the Archetypal Leaf.<br />

By Dr. Josejih Bidlar. The author believed that the orbicular form of leaf was<br />

the archetypal one, the divisions of its veins representing the divisions in the<br />

calyx, corolla, and the otliefe whorls of the flowers. Professors Balfour and<br />

Dickson doubted the correctness of Dr. Bullar's theory. V. Notice of the<br />

Occurrence of Rhamnus Frangnla in Ross-shire. By Dr. F. Buchanan White.<br />

VI. Report on the Open-Air Vegetation at the Royal Botanic Garden. By<br />

Ml*. M'Nab. VII. Miscellanous Communications. 1. Dr. Buchanan White<br />

presented specimens oi Funaria l[/f/eriiica, whicli he had collected in Septem-<br />

ber, 1868, growing on rocks on Tor Achilty, Ross-shire. This is the first time<br />

tiiat this moss has been detected in Scotland. 2. Professor Dickson made<br />

some remarks regarding the indurated structure of the albumen in the seed of<br />

Convailaria majalis, preparations of which he exhibited under the microscope.<br />


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