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He asserts that my " observations* are not confirmed by other authorities."<br />

This is not quite true, for I see them approved of on all sides, and I am confi-<br />

dent Dr. Lindsay's authority will not suffice to invalidate them.<br />

The colouring efi'eets produced by chloride of limef are generally very evi-<br />

dent ; but the reagent must necessarily be of good quality, and has to be renewed<br />

when enfeebled by exposiu*e. In some lichens, however, in several TJm-<br />

bilicarice for instance, the erythriuic reaction is typically weak ; in which case<br />

this weakness is itself characteristic.<br />

The other newly proposed agent, hydrate of potash {hydras Tcalicus or kali<br />

causticum) ,Yik.ev;ise frequently offers but faint reactions, especially in Cladoniei,<br />

but it is not less indisijensable in the discrimination of their species. The re-<br />

actions of lecanoric acid (yellow and red) are, generally speaking, very clear (in<br />

Parmeliei, Lecanorei, etc.) ; those of chrysophanic acid are still more so.<br />

The instrument I use for applying the reagents is a goosequill sharpened into<br />

a point ; with this I touch but a very small extent either of the cortical layer<br />

(or the apothecia) or of the medulla, observing at the same time the efiects of<br />

the application through a magnifier. My researches have proved that these<br />

means often afford the best, the surest, and the easiest way of recognizing a<br />

great number of Lichens. To Dr. Lindsay, then, who is of an opposite opinion,<br />

it only remains for me to apply what I have elsewhere written in an analogous<br />

case : " Eos, qui erroribus sunt dediti, nuUa castigatio acrior attingere potest<br />

quam si errores suos conservant et in falsis computationibus permanent."<br />

I am, etc.<br />

Faris, June, 1869. W. Nyiandee, M.D.<br />


The Trustees of the British Museum have established an additional assistant-<br />

ship in the Botanical Department, and we congratulate them on the appointment<br />

of so able and promising a botanist as Dr. Henry Ti-imen to the new<br />

office. He entered on his duties early in May last.<br />

Dr. Seemann returned to England on the 12th of last month, after an absence<br />

of several months in Central America and the Isthmus of Panama.<br />

The ' Gardeners' Chronicle ' is authorized to contradict the report that it<br />

* They are entirely independent of those of the Rev. W. A. Leighton, who<br />

has made a series of applications of my discovery to Cladoniei.<br />

t This is the powder of Tennant and Knox (in Latin hypochloris calcicus,<br />

oxymurias calcius, or calx oxymuriatica), in no way " hypochlorite of calcium^'<br />

as written by Dr. Lindsay, who has made use of a pharmaceutical preparation<br />

of doubtful value. Nor are tincture of iodine and its aqueous solution identical<br />

as regards their reactions. Dr. Lindsay is consequently wrong in saying, " I<br />

am not aware of any advantage tliis solution" (the aqueous one with the addition<br />

of iodide of potassium) " possesses over our officmal tincture of iodine,<br />

diluted with water to such extent that the liquid has only a pale sherry colour."

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