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Tab. 34. A. sanguineus, Bull. Some red-topped Rnssida or " Ked<br />

Stmpl-gilled Agaric," as the benighted English are said to call it.<br />

Tab. <strong>25</strong>. Russula emetlca. Russula is here elevated to its proper<br />

place, it is however ignored in Tab. 24, and in all the plates of Riissidre<br />

following the next Tab.<br />

Tab. 26. R. furcatn, Pers. Dr, Valenti-Serini is right for once;<br />

he was determined that the gills of his figures should bear out the spe-<br />

cific name.<br />

Tab. 27. Agaricusfoetens, De Cand. We have never seen the common<br />

Russula anything like this figure, where it is sliown suow-white<br />

and of great size like Lactarius vellereus, Pr.<br />

Tab. 28. Fig. 1. A. acrls, De Cand. The pileus of Lactarius acris,<br />

Fr., is intense umber, here it is snow-white j the sienna-coloured milk is<br />

also shown white.—Fig. 2. A. controversies, P. Totally unlike Lacta-<br />

rius controversiis. P., the white gills are shown full-burnt sienna, and<br />

the pileus is shown perfectly white.<br />

Tab. 29. Fig. 1. A. necator, Bull. A caricature of Lactarius<br />

torminosus, F.—Fig. 3. A. pgrogalus, Bull. Bad representation of<br />

Lactarius pyrogalus, Fr.—Fig. 4. A. theiogalus, liw\\.=. Lactarius theio-<br />

galus (?).—Fig. 5. A. azonites, Bull. Marked with strong zones (!).<br />

Tab. 30. A, deliciosus, P. Highly amusing representations of this<br />

fine Lactarius.<br />

Tab. 31. A. iirens, P. As much uidike Marasmius urem, Fr., as<br />

the other species are uidike their originals (stem spotted with crimson-<br />

lake!).<br />

Tab. 32. Fungus aureus cgathlformis (?).<br />

Tab. 33. Figs. 1, 2, 3. Agaricus eburneus, Bull. Poor representa-<br />

tions of Hygrophori (?).<br />

Tab. 34. A. tuhcoformis (?).<br />

Tab. 35. A. olearius (?,). Exactly the same with Tab. 32.<br />

Tab. 36. A. uliuarius, feull. Bad figure.<br />

Tab. 37. A. stypticus, DC. Totally unlike Panus stypticus, Fr.<br />

Tab. 38. " Prataioli sospetti." Varieties of Agaricus cavipestris, L.<br />

— It is very amusing to observe that Dr. Valenti-Serini^ is ^uite unaware<br />

of the scientific name of the species shown in seven figures on<br />

this plate ; the descriptions of the figures are trivial in the extreme.<br />

Tab. 39. Agaricus Jicoides, Bull. An absurd representation of Hy-<br />

grophorus pratensis, Fr., or " lleddish Flied Agaric," as we are said<br />

to call it.

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